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2013 Healthy Brides Challenge - "Get Right for the Isle"


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Oh boy! I'm actually starting my routine next week, but Lord knows I need to get back into shape. Being an extreme sports athlete my whole life, having even a LITTLE cellulite is absolutely killing me. And darnit if I'm not going to look toned and hot for our wedding in August of 2013! ;)

Name:     _Halsey___________________

Age:        _____21_______________

Height:    ______5'6______________


  _"Current"_ __"Goal"__
Weight 150  None....just toned!
Bust: 39.5" I really want to keep this the same..haha
Waist: 32 30
Hips: 38 Those aren't changing...I'm hitting bone at this point
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  • 3 weeks later...



We need to BUMP this post back and keep it active, including myself.... 


For me I have been working out like crazy... mostly during my lunch hour at work... and only spinning. I just started INSANTIY.. I initially started before but stopped cause I felt I needed to lose some weight first cause it's a lot of jumping. Eventually with motivation from my FI I decided to just do it and I'm almost done with week .. so wish me luck! 


Please keep me posted and updated on your weight. I'm going to post the spreadsheet tomorrow. I know it's kinda late but I will still post it and you can always post your weight later on next week. 


Sorry I have been lacking on the post... continue to stay motivated and hope to hear from some of you..



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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally Posted by Shay4966 View Post


Hello and welcome - 


A 2013 get right for the isle challenge smile72.gif.


If you are interested in taking this challenge just simply reply to this post with "quotations" and fill in the information. I will be making a excel spreadsheet with the individuals who wish to participate. I will also be updating, and posting it monthly to the thread with any new change in your status. The start date for this challenge is March 15th.  Updates will be every two weeks from March 15th, on top of status updates there will be picture postings each month (optional).


Please make sure you check with your doctor when starting any new diet/exercises, and always keep it healthy.  msnwink.gif


Name:     ___Laurie B___________

Age:        ____28__________

Height:    _____5'0______________


  _"Current"_ __"Goal"__
Weight 150             130
Waist: 34  
Hips: 43  




Should you come across something that you have tried or currently trying and works, please share with the rest. 


If there is something that I am missing please let me know..


Have fun and Good luck !! cheer2.gif



Whoo!!  I am getting married in NOV, so this is a hardcore diet for me!!  I'm going on an extremely strict diet, low cal, low fat, and working out 3x/week.   I had been working out with a trainer since Feb and while it helped me tone up, I did not lose even 1 pound.  Also I'm adding Vitamins B6 and B12, potassium and a multivitamin which is what DR Bernstein gives you in hopes to lose quicker!   I'm hoping to lose 10 lb's every three weeks..I know that's not recommended but I kinda have to because I need to get my dress fitting is in September!  I have 2 months to get down and then maintain until Dec.  

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Originally Posted by DwBride2Be View Post



Whoo!!  I am getting married in NOV, so this is a hardcore diet for me!!  I'm going on an extremely strict diet, low cal, low fat, and working out 3x/week.   I had been working out with a trainer since Feb and while it helped me tone up, I did not lose even 1 pound.  Also I'm adding Vitamins B6 and B12, potassium and a multivitamin which is what DR Bernstein gives you in hopes to lose quicker!   I'm hoping to lose 10 lb's every three weeks..I know that's not recommended but I kinda have to because I need to get my dress fitting is in September!  I have 2 months to get down and then maintain until Dec.  

Umm..ok yes, this is MY wedding and I still got the date wrong! It's actually in DEC...I have no idea where NOV came from!  LOL.


Maybe I need some more food for my brain!

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Originally Posted by Shay4966 View Post


Hello and welcome - 


A 2013 get right for the isle challenge smile72.gif.


If you are interested in taking this challenge just simply reply to this post with "quotations" and fill in the information. I will be making a excel spreadsheet with the individuals who wish to participate. I will also be updating, and posting it monthly to the thread with any new change in your status. The start date for this challenge is March 15th.  Updates will be every two weeks from March 15th, on top of status updates there will be picture postings each month (optional).


Please make sure you check with your doctor when starting any new diet/exercises, and always keep it healthy.  msnwink.gif


Name:     ____________________

Age:        ____________________

Height:    ____________________


  _"Current"_ __"Goal"__




Should you come across something that you have tried or currently trying and works, please share with the rest. 


If there is something that I am missing please let me know..


Have fun and Good luck !! cheer2.gif


















i'd love to join, i'll  do my measurements tonight, how often do we do a "weigh in"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ladies, I'm feeling the need to check in with you guys?


How is everyone making out?


Since my last post (2 weeks ago) I've come down 8.6 lb's!!!  I'm really noticing the difference in my tummy which is awesome because that's always been my problem area.


Good luck ladies, keep me posted on your progress and don't give up!!

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Well, I have not really lost weight, though some inches maybe, because I have been hearing compliments about it lots lately. Which is good, of course!

FI bought me a townie bike that I have had my eye on for a few summers now. So I have been riding my bike EVERYWHERE... And there are a few hills around here too!

So that, with watching my food and drinking lots of water, has been my focus. I would like the scale to mirror what people are saying though...

Especially since I have BD pics scheduled in about a week! And I am nowhere close to where I wanted to be at that time. Yikes!

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