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2013 Healthy Brides Challenge - "Get Right for the Isle"


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So how's everyone doing so far?  I had a stagette to go to on Saturday night, and I must admit fell off the boat a LITTLE bit (IE drinks were had), but I have full intentions of being completley booze free until mid April when we head to Vegas for the wedding I am in!  I want to look good for the pool!  I've been pushing harder on the weights lately.  My FI has gotten a lot more on board with my efforts and makes it to the gym with me about half the time, which is great.  I think I'll be bold enough to post my "before" photos for the start of April. Should give me good motivation to push hard until our April 18th departure!! Good luck this week ladies, work hard!

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I have been doing good I guess. I'm was expecting to be losing weight at a faster rate but realized that it takes time. Good think I have til next year. I have been working out but my FI have been pushing me. We went to Liberty State Park to run and I couldn't run for very long, my daughter was trying to hold my hand and run with me but it was not happening. So I have to start running daily, before I got pregnant I was running 4 miles daily. 


My engagement party is Saturday and I was hoping to have lost some more weight but nope only like another pound. I'm not worried because I bought me a friend called spanx who will be by my side (literally) the entire night.


To help with the drinking calorie intake, I suggest red wine.. two glasses and your good :) white wine will make you want more. When I was dieting before, I would always drank red wine more specific "Shiraz" I had no regrets with my diet but I got a couple of hangovers.


Throwing some motivation your way... smile72.gif the aisle walk.... :)  good luck!!! have fun in vegas  


Originally Posted by sgreen99 View Post

So how's everyone doing so far?  I had a stagette to go to on Saturday night, and I must admit fell off the boat a LITTLE bit (IE drinks were had), but I have full intentions of being completley booze free until mid April when we head to Vegas for the wedding I am in!  I want to look good for the pool!  I've been pushing harder on the weights lately.  My FI has gotten a lot more on board with my efforts and makes it to the gym with me about half the time, which is great.  I think I'll be bold enough to post my "before" photos for the start of April. Should give me good motivation to push hard until our April 18th departure!! Good luck this week ladies, work hard!


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Hi Ladies


I haven't been doing so well, I had lost 9  pounds but I got sick and I gained a few back from not working out but I am still 5 pounds lighter which makes me happy..  I found out that I need surgery but I don't know when that will happen so I will do my best to watch calories and try some light workouts for now. 



I am grateful that I still have over a year to lose weight before my wedding because once I get the surgery my doctor I won't be able to lift for almost 3 months so that I heal properly.  I am feeling pretty bummed since I was seeing results and was really proud of myself, at least I have time after to try harder.

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I think that is one of the best parts is we still have time... I'm sorry you have to have surgery, hope it goes well and good luck. I'm sure you will reach your goals!

Originally Posted by ANGELA2013 View Post

Hi Ladies


I haven't been doing so well, I had lost 9  pounds but I got sick and I gained a few back from not working out but I am still 5 pounds lighter which makes me happy..  I found out that I need surgery but I don't know when that will happen so I will do my best to watch calories and try some light workouts for now. 



I am grateful that I still have over a year to lose weight before my wedding because once I get the surgery my doctor I won't be able to lift for almost 3 months so that I heal properly.  I am feeling pretty bummed since I was seeing results and was really proud of myself, at least I have time after to try harder.


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Okay, I had every intention of starting at the beginning, and then I couldn't get to my computer, so I am making sure to post first thing this morning!

Hope I am doing this right...


I am not sure so much on some of my goal measurements... I mostly just want to see the inches go down! And hopefully by quite a bit.


Originally Posted by Shay4966 View Post



Please make sure you check with your doctor when starting any new diet/exercises, and always keep it healthy.  msnwink.gif


Name:     _____Krysta_______________

Age:        __________27__________

Height:    _________5'2"___________


  _"Current"_ __"Goal"__
Weight 160 130 (or less!)
Bust: 40 38
Waist: 39.5 29
Hips: 43 39






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I love this thread!!  Good luck to everyone!!  This is really encouraging for me.  My fiance and I started a "diet" about three weeks ago, which we are calling our Save the Date diet since we sent our Save the Dates at the same time.  My FI has lost 10 lbs - only 17 lbs more to go and I GAINED 1.5 lbs - only 12.5 lbs more to loss :(  Goodness.  I know my issue is food.  My fiance always stocks up our cupboards with cookies, chips, and other junk and I have no will power.  We work out hardcore so it has to be the food.  I just don't know how to say no.  After reading this forum, I am going to try to step away from the peanut butter and chips and cookies and eat better.  I also want to see the weight loss like you ladies.  Thanks for encouraging me (with your forum)!

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I'm sorry ladies, I was suppose to post the the updates on Friday but I ran out the office early. I had my engagement party on Saturday so I was pretty busy all day. Going through the post I didn't see anyone post any updates for the 3/29 weigh in. I have been sick for some days, I was sucking it up at the party (which was a mistake) cause now I'm full blown sick. I did not get sick the entire winter so I guess it's my time, good thing is I lose weight when I'm sick. 


Anyway ladies stay focus, active, and aim for your goals. Please remember to post your weigh in on 4/12/12. I have updated the sheet with the newcomers. 

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