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Gift for FI - incorporate mother who passed away

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Hey Everyone,


My FI and I are getting married this December in Jamaica. I'm trying to think of a gift that I can get him for the wedding day that will also symbolize as a way his mother is with us that day as she passed away when he was 5. His brother received from his wife on their wedding day a necklace locket with a picture of him and his mother. I wanted something personal like this but not the same. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm open to all! Thanks!

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I am trying to think of ideas for something like this myself. My FI's mother passed away 2.5 years ago (just before I met him). I don't want something too emotional, as I don't want to upset him before the wedding, but would like some sort of nice little touch.


I'm also thinking of incorporating her into the ceremony somehow. I was thinking of reserving a chair in the front row (next to the aisle) and having the FI place a single flower on the chair when he walks in. It would be a silent gesture that would mean something to him, and I thought it sounded sweet....


I think he may also do a dance with my mom since we can't really do a mother/son dance...


I feel so blessed to have both of my parents attending our wedding, but my heart goes out to my FI as I know that it's not going to be an easy day, since her presence will be missed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Both my mother and my FI's mother is no longer alive, so what I plan on doing is adding a picture charm of both mothers to my bouquet.  In addition to this, I plan to take a garment of my mother's and cut out a heart from it, and have it sewn inside my wedding dress.  This will allow me to have a part of her with me when I wed.  

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These are such nice ideas :) A few other things I've planned are to have a memorial candle or picture frame at the ceremony in their memory. One client of mine is taking a white lei of flowers and placing it in the ocean during the ceremony as a moment of remembrance for her mother. I've also had the empty chair at the ceremony with a single flower placed on it. Subtle but tasteful. One client of mine had a parent that passed away who looooved the Beatles, so they walked down the aisle to "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" which was super meaningful to them and their brothers. Such a nice way to remember those who can't be with you!

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