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Majestic Colonial March 2013

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Hi, I'm new to this site, just looking for ideas and info as I start the planning of my wedding. I just booked my wedding March 26, 2013. Any other March brides at the Majestic Colonial?

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Hello :)  I'm getting married at the Colonial January 23, 2013..  Welcome to the forum!  If you are looking for Ideas there is a group on facebook that is VERY informative :)  I would suggest booking your venue asap if you are having a reception..  ( wetbar/parrot bar/beach, ect )  They book up really fast!  And photographer if you havent already..  :)  Ive been planning for almost the last 6 months lol so if you have any spacific questions I may be able to help :) 

Happy Planning!! 

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Hello Ladies!!


I am booked for April 18th 2013 at the Majestic Colonial. I am just wondering if you guys are doing a symbolic or civil ceremony? And what are you doing for your dinner and reception? And how did you come to that decision?

Hope to hear back from you guys soon!!

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We are doing the symbolic ceremony on the beach. For dinner we are just going to the steakhouse for the included dinner and I'm not sure about a reception after because I'm not sure how many people we will have coming. It seems crazy to spend a couple grand on a 2 hour party for 20 people, but we'll see. How about you?

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Hi, ladies...I am new to the site as well. I am also getting married at the majestic excellence

June 19, 2013 in a civil ceremony at the beach. super excited!!!

I read a review earlier about a bad experience. I am terrified now...

my theme is the boarding passes as STD and passport as formal invitations. I have done lots of research and haven't found anything cheap. Do any of you know of a website where is less than $2.00, I found Esty, but they are charging 2.75 p/STD plus i guess $25.00, just to take my order.

can any of you offer ideas?

Thank you in advance!!


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I made "boarding pass invitations"  I didnt think I could do it in a million years!  BUT they turned out awesome, I for numerous complements on them and saved alot of money :)  There are forums on here that have a link to a template to make them, you should check it out, you may surprise yourself :)  If I can make them, anyone can!  LOL


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