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1st Wedding Dream (nightmare)


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OMG! I just had my first wedding dream - or nightmare... Our wedding is supposed to be on the beach, but for some reason they shipped us to this house that kind of looked like a gingerbread house, and the wedding was inside. When we got there, it was mass chaos, and I actually had to walk down the aisle 3 times. The mariachi band was high school kids - my little brothers friends - all dressed in street clothes... And we all sat at a big "board room" table for the wedding - where everybody talked the entire time..... I woke up before the I got see what the judge was like. Just remember too that the photographer never showed up.


It's funny now, but 10 minutes ago, my heart was pounding like crazy it seemed so real.

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ROFL, My first wedding dream was about Juan, he forgot to take the lense of the camera and I had no wedding pictures.. LOL.. I think I had the dream because I'm so excited that he's doing our pictures that I'm affraid with my luck, something will go wrong.. lol

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lol too funny Stephanie. Isn't that scary what your brain can come up with? I actually had my first wedding nightmare Wednesday night. I dreamed that when my guests and I got to Cabo, we couldn't get to Dreams becauset here was a hurricane and the roads were flooded over, so we ended up at a resort that wasn't on the beach and was in terrible condition. Then, we had budgeted for 30 people and we ended up with more than 150, so there was no place for people to sleep, no food for everyone and none of my vendors knew where to find me since I wasn't at Dreams so I had no pictures. My dress had been shipped ahead of time (!) and was no where to be found.


I woke up in a panic!

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You guys make me laugh!! I had just one so far, right after we got engaged. I had a dream that we were in this small hot room and these randoms girls were trying to help me get into this cheap RED dress! And when i began to walk down the aisle I started crying because I didn't know anyone at the wedding!
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  • 3 months later...
Originally Posted by TOESNTHESND View Post
You guys make me laugh!! I had just one so far, right after we got engaged. I had a dream that we were in this small hot room and these randoms girls were trying to help me get into this cheap RED dress! And when i began to walk down the aisle I started crying because I didn't know anyone at the wedding!
OMG I had a dream about a red dress too - I had ordered my dream dress and had it sent for alterations and when it came back it was RED and a size 4, not a size 9 (haha like I could even fit into a 9!!) and they had hemmed it up to my knees...and it was a day before we were leaving for Mexico....it was so bad it woke me up!
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Thats funny that you dreamed about a red dress too. Which is really weird I read this right now, cause I had another nightmare last night! Last night was bad, I was getting my hair done the day of the wedding and someone had cut my hair to have bangs! But really short ones, it looked like a boy hair cut in front and long everywhere else! It was terrible! Then i tried to take it down and fix it but my boy bangs just kept sticking up and I was like what stop the music, I am not ready!

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oh honey you're going to need to start drinking heavily if you're 7mths away and already having so many nightmares lol


just joking...totally normal....even FH had nightmares!


i don't have so many nightmares now, more just regular dumb dreams...nothing bad happens in them, they're just about the wedding

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