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Hi Aimee,


I searched "heart island" on the canstockphoto.com website. There is a fee to download their pictures, but I knew I wanted a few images for our wedding items so I didn't mind paying. I think it was around $25 to order about 10 pictures. I can email you the photo if you would like, just send me your email address in a private message.

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I've read posts saying that people weren't getting very good response when doing a pre-RSVP, so that had me a little concerned. I sent just over 60 save the dates out, and have gotten 17 RSVP cards back so far. People still have time to respond (we asked for returns by April 14) so I am hoping we'll still have more coming in. There are still about 20 couples out there that I have no clue on their thoughts about going (mostly my FI family and friends). Even if we get a response from half the people, that would be good for me!

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I agree with the ladies above, great call on sending Pre-STD's!! I have been wondering if I should do the same, and now I see how to word it properly. I want guests to know it's only a tentative response until later when invites are sent out- so thanks for the help rockon.gif


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