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What do we know about Braco Beach Resort in Trelawny, Jamaica?

Ang McD

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So recently the Braco Beach Resort and Spa just came available through Sunwing.  Has anyone been there in the last few weeks?  Does anyone know if they do weddings and what the wedding packages look like?  Any info would be good info. Thanks.

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Hi, I am also looking at getting married Braco Beach Resort in Feb 2013. I emailed the resort myself about a month ago and weeks later got a response saying that they do not do weddings. However, Last week my travel thought she would call herself, just to double check and was given a contact for the resorts wedding corridor. She was told that in fact, they actually do host weddings. She was provided with an email address and name and told to email the wedding corridor.  We have yet to hear back from the coordinator and this was about 10 days ago. My travel agent was calling back again this week to find out why she hast heard anything back from the contact she was given.

I really like this resort but am hesitant now that I've already experienced such difficulty getting info and correct answers in any sort of a timely manner.  If anyone has had any positive feedback or additional info in Braco beach please pass along as I haven't yet given up hope !!!


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I have booked my wedding at Braco Beach for Feb 14 2013.  We initially had some trouble getting emails back - but my fantastic travel agent didn't give up and now just calls them directly.  They have sent me a basic version of their wedding packages since when I asked for one originally they were still in the process of putting it together.  I don't know too much about the resort, but the pictures are beautiful and I have only heard/read good things about it.  My fiance and I are really excited to go.

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Hi Ang, I also ending up booking with Braco, Feb 13th 2013 !  Guess I will see you there !  They were slow at first but Im guessing that was due to the change over.  I've now been in touch with Jennifer their wedding corridor and she seems great !

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That's great!  Have you found out anything interesting yet?  Do you know if they have more than one wedding per day?  I feel like I'm going into this a bit blind right now, but there's still lots of time to find out info and plan.  Will you have many guests?



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Hi again, not much info so far.  The coordinator sent me the wedding packages they offer but I didn't really find those too helpful.. more so just seemed like something that was thrown together just so they had something to send out. Anyway, either way like you said lots of time to sort things through.  I hope they don't do more then 1 wedding a day but I didn't think to ask since I figured not too many wedding would be hosted there. Maybe I was wrong.

What day are you flying out on ? I see your also from Ontario ?  Funny enough, we might actually be on the same flight out lol

As of right now we are just sending out the invitations so the number of guests its still up in the air for us, how about you ?

My only concern really is the beach, I hear that water shoes are a must do to sea urchants but Im hoping this isn't the case.  Also, Im not sure where exactly they set up for the ceremony since it seems that the resort is so close to the beach and I'm hoping for more of an intimate feeling.  I think we are going into it a little blind since there really isnt much info found prior to Sunwing owning it in regards to weddings. Actually Im not sure if they even did wedding before.

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