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walking down the aisle with???

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Well, my situation is a little more unique than other, because neither of our parents will be attending our wedding.


This destination wedding is purely for ourselves, because our parents are in Asia, and we will be hosting another wedding there for them and their friends. So this wedding is just us and our close friends.


I was discussing with my bridesmaids on this, and it seems I have 3 options:


1. walk down by myself

2. walk down with a friend

3. walk down with my FI (never thought of this until they brought it up)


What do you guys think? Thanks

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I would say the two of you walk down together. it's for you as you've said, and together you are walking the aisle symbolically. 


I also think it'd be just fine to walk by yourself and meet him at the front (wherever the front may be!). 


You can save the escort down the aisle for your Asia ceremony (and that also adds something unique to it)

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Go with your gut as to what you want to do. For me, I am choosing to walk myself down the aisle. I considered having my fiancee meet me at the end of the aisle and then us walking down together, but I am really looking forward to walking down the aisle towards him and having that "while everyone else is looking at her, she'll be looking at you" moment.


Good luck with your decision!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My parent wont be able to attend our destination too, and I will be walking myself down the aisle.  I've had many friends offer to do that job, but I told them its something I feel I should do on my own,my dad is quite upset he can't be there, but he is sick and I would hate to give that special job to someone else.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think it's a great idea to walk yourself down the aisle. Especially at a destination wedding. Anyone have any tips on how to tell my Dad though... I fear he's going to be heartbroken even though we're not really close, but I am his only daughter.
I originally wanted my brother to walk with me, but I feel like walking myself will hopefully help keep the tears back.


Anyone out there who has told their Dad that they're walking solo?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kristinalilly, I am in a similar situation. I have chosen to walk alone and am super happy about it! Our wedding is not going to be super traditional anyway ( I will have a man of honor instead of a maid of honor, etc), so if anybody asks, I will just say we decided to stray from tradition for many things. 

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That will be a tough one. I do think that if you want to walk alone then you should do it. But yeah, your dad will probably be a little sad, but maybe he will understand?

Originally Posted by kristinalilly View Post

I think it's a great idea to walk yourself down the aisle. Especially at a destination wedding. Anyone have any tips on how to tell my Dad though... I fear he's going to be heartbroken even though we're not really close, but I am his only daughter.
I originally wanted my brother to walk with me, but I feel like walking myself will hopefully help keep the tears back.


Anyone out there who has told their Dad that they're walking solo?


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