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Iberostar Rose Hall Beach

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papoue-- I reserved the wedding date over email LONG before we booked our trip. We wanted to wait until flight schedules and prices came in before booking the trip and also wanted to have a rough estimate of people who were coming first, but in order to send out invitations we had to chose a wedding date. We picked January 20th, so knew that our trip would have to be within the surrounding 7 days, so that gave guests a rough estimate of when we were going so they could decide if its a time of year that worked for them.


There is no fee or anything if you need to cancel or change your wedding date, but I think its a good idea to get one booked in. It's not likely a hurry for November 2013, but there's nothing to lose really. 




Laura-- in my opinion, if I were doing the bonfire as a welcome event on the Friday then I would not have music. I don't really want to encourage everyone to party too hard the night before the wedding. I dont know how many guests you have, but if its a smaller number then you could even just bring your own portable speaker to have something in the background. You could also ask the resort if they rent out music equipment without having to hire a DJ. 


If I was doing it on the wedding night (Saturday), then I would definitely have music as I want it to be a celebration. 


I believe I've heard that the fire dancer does have his own music, but that he only performs for about 20 minutes, so I wouldn't rely on him for music for the whole bonfire. 



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Thanks for your opinion Jreist. Very good point- I don't want people to party too hard Friday night (including myself!). And good point about bringing my own sound stuff. I have an ipod BOSE speaker that prob would work just fine. I am leaning towards doing it the night of the wedding, but will play it by ear for now. Thanks!

Originally Posted by jreist View Post

papoue-- I reserved the wedding date over email LONG before we booked our trip. We wanted to wait until flight schedules and prices came in before booking the trip and also wanted to have a rough estimate of people who were coming first, but in order to send out invitations we had to chose a wedding date. We picked January 20th, so knew that our trip would have to be within the surrounding 7 days, so that gave guests a rough estimate of when we were going so they could decide if its a time of year that worked for them.


There is no fee or anything if you need to cancel or change your wedding date, but I think its a good idea to get one booked in. It's not likely a hurry for November 2013, but there's nothing to lose really. 




Laura-- in my opinion, if I were doing the bonfire as a welcome event on the Friday then I would not have music. I don't really want to encourage everyone to party too hard the night before the wedding. I dont know how many guests you have, but if its a smaller number then you could even just bring your own portable speaker to have something in the background. You could also ask the resort if they rent out music equipment without having to hire a DJ. 


If I was doing it on the wedding night (Saturday), then I would definitely have music as I want it to be a celebration. 


I believe I've heard that the fire dancer does have his own music, but that he only performs for about 20 minutes, so I wouldn't rely on him for music for the whole bonfire. 



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Originally Posted by jreist View Post


papoue-- I reserved the wedding date over email LONG before we booked our trip. We wanted to wait until flight schedules and prices came in before booking the trip and also wanted to have a rough estimate of people who were coming first, but in order to send out invitations we had to chose a wedding date. We picked January 20th, so knew that our trip would have to be within the surrounding 7 days, so that gave guests a rough estimate of when we were going so they could decide if its a time of year that worked for them.


There is no fee or anything if you need to cancel or change your wedding date, but I think its a good idea to get one booked in. It's not likely a hurry for November 2013, but there's nothing to lose really. 




Laura-- in my opinion, if I were doing the bonfire as a welcome event on the Friday then I would not have music. I don't really want to encourage everyone to party too hard the night before the wedding. I dont know how many guests you have, but if its a smaller number then you could even just bring your own portable speaker to have something in the background. You could also ask the resort if they rent out music equipment without having to hire a DJ. 


If I was doing it on the wedding night (Saturday), then I would definitely have music as I want it to be a celebration. 


I believe I've heard that the fire dancer does have his own music, but that he only performs for about 20 minutes, so I wouldn't rely on him for music for the whole bonfire. 




Thanks for the informations!  Just received the wedding request form from the wc...so i'll do the same as you did! ;-)

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Here is my info on the Bonfire from my wedding Details email. I can send it to you if you give me your email address.




Bonfire : To add an extra special touch to your wedding events, you can also choose a good old fashion JamaicanBonfire on the beach under  the stars. This is inclusive of the bar, and bonfire as well as set up for 15 persons. For additional guests, the applicable charges for the  open bar will apply. You can also add entertainmentto your package; a steel drum band, a mento Band, drummers, fire eaters, or a  limbo show.  The price is 250usd per hour
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Oh hell, I'll post it here:



Thank you for choosing our property for your wedding. Please see the below information that will help you in  making decisions as well as ideas. Congratulations!!!!!!  Wedding  Locations   We offer three different wedding locations from which you can choose:   * Gazebo - Located at the pier of the hotel, this location is  perfect for  a private  rather small and intimate  ceremony. We seat a maximum of 12 persons in the gazebo    *Beach-  Located close to the  Steakhouse Restaurant.  This  location is for  those who dream of  getting married on a  sunny  Caribbean  beach.   * Terrace  â€”  Located close to the Lobby area, Ideal  for big  wedding  groups or a more private kind of ceremony, still with  the Caribbean Sea as a  background.       Music Included in the package, is a PA system complement with a microphone, DJ and music for the duration of the  ceremony. We provide a selection of two different  wedding marches, Cannon in D, a s w e l l a s  i n s t r u m e n t a l s . Y o u a l s o h a v e t h e o p t i o n o f t a k i n g your own  favorite ones with you.   
Y o u c a n a l s o c h o o s e t o p e r s o n a l i z e y o u r w ed d i n g b y  s e l e c t i n g 
o n e o f o u r m u s i c i a n s , a t a n e x t r a c o s t . A very popular option with 
previous couples has been the Steel  Pans band or the traditional 
Jamaican Mento Band. This is typical island music  really cheerful and entertaining.  If  you are interested in 
any other kinds of live music please let us know and we will try finding them for  you.
    Time  of  the  Wedding Ceremony   During Summer  time (March though September), we suggest having th e  ceremony around 5 : 0 0 or 5:30 pm. because the heat  of  the day has  passed yet you still have enough light to take  quality  photos after t h e  ceremony. At winter time (October though March), 4:00 pm or 4:30pm it is  a  better time  since  the sun goes down earlier      Flowers   Included in the wedding package are two different kinds of bouquets:    Tropical Flowers : tropical flowers are Ginger Lilies (pink or  red), Anthuriums, that co me in red, pink, peach  or a  whitish color, Heliconias,  and  orchids  in  different colors depending  on the season.    Roses:  you can chose a classic bouquet  with red or white roses. We work  with an outside Flower Shop called “Tai  Floraâ€.  They have a  great variety  of  flowers  available.You can reach out to them directly at  www.taiflora.comor Jodi at [email protected].        Wedding  Cake   You can choose your wedding cake during the weddingmeeting in the hotel. Our  standard c a k e comes  in  two different shapes: square or  round, both covered in  a  white frosting and decorated w i t h fresh  flowers, matchingt h e bridal b o u q u e t .    Regarding the flavors, you can choose between vanilla, chocolate,or strawberry  cheesecake. Other options could be available at an extra charge. You can choose to have  the cake after the ceremony, or during dinner.     
Wedding  Dinner   What we offer with your wedding package is dinner in one of our three a la carte restaurants. This dinner is  not in private and is recommended for groups that are less than 40 persons. If your group is less than25 persons, you  are able to order directly from the menu. However for g r o u p s larger than 25 persons you will have to choose  a set  menu for your group, this means the same entrée for all  your guests.  If  you have any guest with specific dietary  restrictions or requirements, (vegetarians, a l l e r g i c perso ns, etc) we can discuss  a second choice for those persons  or any other exceptional case that  you might have. This dinner is only for 1.30hours.     
Cajun R e s t a u r a n t “ Jambalaya† (air-conditioned,  Non Smoking) seating time for non private receptions are  6:30pm and 8:30pm.    Buffet of appetizers:  you will have  a choice  of salads and  w ar m appetizers i n c l u d in g tropical coconut shrimp, fried  squid, gumbo  and  special vegetarian sauté selections. Soup:1. Lobsterbisque flavored with pernod 2.  Baton Rouge Onion cream soup Entrée: 1. IberostarJambalaya  (Rice, sausage, chicken,  shrimp and mussels) 2.  Blackened Grouper Fillet (Popular in New Orleans grilled  with Cajun spices and served with grilled  pineapple) 3. Special beef Cut (Flank steak served with Cajun flavored vegetables) Buffet of desserts
*  Japanese Restaurant “Samurai†( air-conditioned, long  pants mandatory for gentlemen, Non  Smoking). Limited to 36 persons.  Seating: 6:30 or 8:30pm  Appetizers: Mix sushi tray and tempura vegetables. Soup:  (Optional, choice between Misoshiru or  Sumashi) Entrée:  â€œMIXED  TEPPANYAKI†– Chicken, beef and shrimps  prepared in your sight  by  the griddle served with  “Yakimeshi Yasay† (fried rice with chopped vegetables and eggs). Buffet of desserts  
 Steakhouse Restaurant “Uncle Tonyâ€s†( open  air located by the beach-Bermuda shorts allowed) As appetizers you will find  a delicatessen buffet with a variety of  smoked meat or fish, seafood cocktails and  a variety of salads.  Seating time for non private receptions 7pm to 8:30  pm.  Entrée: 1. Tenderloin 2.  Grilled Chicken Supreme with smoky sauce 3.  Grilled Salmon steak Desserts 1. Apple pie 2. Chocolate Brownie       
Table Decoration   The table decoration for the wedding dinner is standard. The main table is decorated with a floral centerpiece. If  you want to bring  some extra decorations to decorate the tables e.g. candles, sea shells, just married glitters, gift  bags and so on, no problem at all, bring it along  and  we can help you set it on the restaurant!     Private  Events  Private Dinner   If you have 40 or more persons in your group and would like to have a private dinner, we offer the useof either the Steak House  or Cajun Restaurant. The rental of this location is$800 and is inclusive of dinner, white linen, and a bar of wines, beers, juices  and sodas. This reception is for three hours 7:00pm-10:00pm and you can personalize with your décor, set up, and reception  order. You can use either round tables or rectangular tables seating up to 10 guests.    For the private dinner, a set menu is used for the respective restaurant, and you are required to forward the entrée selection for  each of your guest two weeks prior to your arrival.You can also add the open bar for 7usd per person per hour for the national  bar or 10usd per person per hour for the international bar.    Should you opt for the private dinner, it is recommended that you use a seating chart and table cards for convenience of seating    
Cocktail Party   You can choose to have a private c o c k t a i l party before your wedding as a welcome soi rée or after your wedding  ceremony. You can opt to have it on the beach, by the pool bar. T h i s is also the perfect occasion to have  a  live band  entertaining your guests (For groups of 15 people or more-see extra services list for  pricing). For the cocktails you can  chose form one of our three appetizer menus, as well as the international or national bar.     
Disco   You can choose to have a private party for your group after your dinner, in our Mango Walk Disco. This is recommended  for groups of 30 or more adults, and is inclusive of a national open bar and DJ for two hours; 8:30pm-10:30pm. Should  you have additional persons in your group, the applicable per person open bar  charges will apply.    The price is $350 for two hours  As a note the disco is adults only, but for the duration of the private event  children will be allowed. At 10:30pm they will be asked to leave but the adults  will be allowed to continue the party once the disco opens.   
Bonfire    To add an extra special touch to your wedding events, you can also choose a good old fashion JamaicanBonfire on the beach under  the stars. This is inclusive of the bar, and bonfire as well as set up for 15 persons. For additional guests, the applicable charges for the  open bar will apply. You can also add entertainmentto your package; a steel drum band, a mento Band, drummers, fire eaters, or a  limbo show.    The price is 250usd per hour.       Entertainment You can have live music for the ceremony, cocktail partyor private dinner . Please contact you wedding  planner for a full list of vendors    A DJ can also be provided for the wedding reception, cocktails or bonfire for $150.00 per hour      Day~Night Passes   If you have guests that are not staying at Iberostar you would have to purchase  a  day pass for them (see extra  services information for prices).  Depending the time of the ceremony and the time that they would come to the  hotel, it will be the charge.      Gift bags for guests   If you are planning on sending gifts to the guests  staying at  the resort, we  suggest that you leave them at the Front  desk so they can deliver  it  upon check in.  If you would like the bags are sent to the guests†room, w e ask  for a  tip to the bellmen for the extra service. 
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