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Wedding expenses

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I agree, when you're having a destination wedding and parents are already paying for their air and accommodation I budgeted myself to pay for the whole thing ourselves. Then everything that is contributed is a great surprise and you don't end up having a more extravagant wedding than you independently would just because it's on someone else's dollar.


We lucked out and my Mom has offered to pay for the wedding package and my dress, while my boyfriend's parents pitched in and are paying for a base room for us and my Dad has given us money towards our honeymoon. All of that has really afforded us some financial freedom leading up to the wedding which has been great.

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We are paying for the wedding ourselves too!  Although my mother has very sweetly offered to pay for my dress — I'm still deciding whether or not I'll take her up on that. 


And just to give you some perspective about the tradition of the bride's family paying: in a lot of Asian cultures (we're Chinese) it's actually traditional for the groom's family to pay for the entire wedding.  So I think a lot of wedding traditions are pretty arbitrary.  Do whatever makes you, your fiancé, and your families happy. :)

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+1... there's no rule book. Do whatever will be comfortable for the two of you.

Originally Posted by KCDawn View Post

I agree...weddings are traditionally un-traditional!  Really, I think all of those rules have pretty much gone out the window anyway.  You just do what works for you.  As of now, my fiance and I are pretty much paying for everything ourselves but we're both in our 30's.  My parents have done enough for me already.  They did pay for my dress and my shoes though, which was great! 


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We are paying for everything ourselves. I wish someone is helping us. I'm still scared about spending this much money. We are having our house built now as well. So we will hardly have any savings when everything is done. But this is our future so every penny is worth it, And like others have mentioned. We don't have to worry about doing things other people's way.

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My parents gave me a certain amount of money, and we will pay for anything that will go over that.  We are paying for the photographer and anything else my mother does not agree with me for, lol.  My fiance's parents have not given us any money yet, we are looking into buying a house soon and I have a feeling they will be giving us some money for that. 



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My mom has paid for my dress & veil, the dj and our flowers..the rest is up to us..his parents can barely afford to attend so unfortunately we will not be seeing any contributions from them. Why does it seem like as soon one gets engaged everyone then buys a house?? We are in that situation as well!!

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My dad is giving us a "few bucks" to help.  Then we are covering everything else!  FI's parents are helping with little things like helping print boarding passes, OOT bags items, etc.  Its nice to have any help at all, but we are feeling the expenses FAST !!!

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Hello Ladies.


I hope this helps 



A modern take on who pays for what at a wedding:


After announcing their engagement, the bride and groom sit down and estimate what theyâ€ll spend on the wedding, probably after finding a reception site and making general decisions about theme, style, time of day etc. They then approach their parents and after describing what theyâ€ve decided on so far, say gently, “We were wondering if you would be able to pitch in for any of the costs.†The parents may look at the budget and say, “Weâ€d like to pay for the reception food and the flowers†for example. They may also offer a set amount theyâ€ll contribute. If their parents say they canâ€t afford to contribute, or only offer a small amount, the bride and groom say, “Thank you for considering,†and perhaps have to revise their budget or find creative ways to pay for the wedding. 


if you have anymore questions feel free to ask and i will be happy to answer.


Happy Planning




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