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Newbie, Moon Palace 2013

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I'm kinda confused with the whole wedding coordinator/planner etc. The person I have now is apparently the wedding coordinator and is helping us with the room block and such. So when i asked him recently for my actual wedding planner he said it would be Renee Garcia. However she hasn't gotten in touch with us yet for our June 20th wedding so I will be emailing her tonight actually about questions pertaining to the actual wedding day. -Vanessa

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dont worry about not much contact...i hadnt heard anything until at least 12 weeks before hand..and now im dealing wirh renee and shes great ....ive got a week before i leave and everything falls into place..just do alot of research and planning and have your questions ready ....dont stress :) xx

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally Posted by AmayaMeister2Be View Post


Hi ladies,

I was wondering if anyone's heard how reception as far as cell phone is down at the resort? We are flying our sitter in the day before the wedding and I want her to call/text when she lands so I can go meet her at airport. Just wondering if reception is good- I don't see why it wouldn't be but just asking.


the reception is good but would recommend you get the international package. Also, at the Palace resorts you can call out to the US for free just so you know.

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I am not sure if many of you may know but when you go to count the nights you do not count each individual person . That's what I thought. You count the room nights or couple. so if you have a couple staying for 5 nights you can comped 5 nights not 10 nights .. Also even though people come to your wedding and that's the only reason moon palace is getting their business they have to book through the resort under your group rates. I have a few people who used there own travel agent and I do not get comped for those s nights ! 

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Hi lauren, So do you know how many nights they are counting towards your free wedding events? Im in same boat as you as far as some of my guests choosing to book outside of room block, which is fine, but now my fiancé and I are stressing on the amount of money we will have to shell out- that we were hoping we wouldn't have to. We really wanted a private reception and doesn't look like we will be getting that for free :(

Hello,  I am not sure if many of you may know but when you go to count the nights you do not count each individual person . That's what I thought. You count the room nights or couple. so if you have a couple staying for 5 nights you can comped 5 nights not 10 nights .. Also even though people come to your wedding and that's the only reason moon palace is getting their business they have to book through the resort under your group rates. I have a few people who used there own travel agent and I do not get comped for those s nights ! 
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The same thing happened to me.  We actually calculated what it would cost us to pay for those guests to be in our room block (of course we were only paying the difference of what they paid with someone else and what they would pay through our block) vs. the cost of paying for a private reception.  It worked to our advantage because we were close enough to receiving the next tier of perks to get the free reception.


Something to think about doing if you are close as well.

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