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My wedding is driving me slowly mad


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I got engaged one Christmas day and i promised myself I would stay calm relaxed, and enjoy being engaged for a bit before i started serious planning. Well those good intentions flew out of the window almost immediately, casual browsing turned into obsessive internet searches! I decided on a date (April 6 2013) and an area...cancun/playa del carmen


And after that ive made no progress whatsoever! and im starting to get overwhelmed and stressed, despite having over a year before my planned wedding date!


Here are some of my pet peeves:


ive emailed more than one hotel wedding planner with questions....and received a generic information pack with no answers whatsoever (for example some websites only display 2012 prices...and i need to know how much they will  change)


'All inclusive' wedding packages that to me dont really seem all that all inclusive. Like 'heres the package, of course flowers, decorations, music, entertainment and food and X Y Z are not included'. I just want to see one price! Or if they could invent a cost calculator, instead of telling me the price for 20 people and extra prices for extra people  and extra services- i would love to just type in numbers and what i want and have the price just automatically flash up. My maths skills are apparently incredibly poor even with a calculator


How am i supposed to know if my guests will stay at the resort or not?! one hotel wants 80% guests to stay there and i dont know if they will or not! am i supposed to pay for guest passes if they don't, who knows?¬


and there are just so many different different hotel options, im overwhelmed!! My fiance is saying things like "its your special day, do whatever you want that makes you happy providing we can pay for it" which is sweet, but im pretty sure its secret man language for "i dont want to help with the arrangements, they dont interest me. just tell me where to turn up"


Final bit of the vent (actually i do feel less stressed already!) is that apparently entire extended family of Mexican fiance had to be included. They seem to think 80-100 is a really small wedding when i had imagined something much more intimate (well to be fair, we live in North Mexico,Monterrey where people regularly have upwards of 250-300 people so it is small comparitively). i can just imagine those numbers going up as well!


would this all be simpler with a seperate wedding planner?


Oh lord im beginning to think it would be easier to get married in England hahaha


And now im calmer


jess x

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It can definitely get overwhelming because there is so much to consider.  For me it would have been too stressful to pick a resort that required x amount of guests to stay there so I couldn't do that.  The good thing is that you have an area narrowed down.  


I say start scouring reviews and seeing what brides here have to say about their communication with specific resorts.  Try not to get to stressed out about it because it will all work out.  Happy planning!


Cancun/Riviera Maya Wedding Forum | Cancun/Riviera Maya Wedding Resort Reviews

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I hear you on the cost calculator! being a financial planner i thought i was good at math up until i started planning my wedding! and the response time back from resorts you would have thought i was sending a letter on a owl and had to wait for it to get there and them send me one back (the owl still would have been faster if you ask me). i think i googled till i looked at every resort and price and still felt like i was getting no where!


Have you thought of a villa maybe? because they are often personally owned or not dealing with so many guests ect. their responses back to where


a) a lot fast

B) more informative

c) not general

d) where able to give me a quote for what i wanted!


I seriously e-mail i want this this and this, with this many guests and this date and by the next morning i had a response with total costs and saying "yes we will be able to accomidate that for you, but we couldnt do this for you"


but good luck with your wedding! 80-100 guests is going to mean a very very big glass of wine through out your wedding planning proccess.

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