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Hi Kim, 


I'm getting married this October and plan to have approx 30 guests. Where will your reception be? That's the most difficult decision for me. 


Thanks - Carrie

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We just got back from The Beloved Hotel. The reception we had was held at an area called Natural. We had 38 guest and it worked out very well. There is a bar that is part of the area so the hotel was able to just set-up the bar right there. There were waiters walking around taking drink orders or the guest could just go and get a drink themselves. It also had bathrooms right there so it was very convenient. It seemed about the right size for a wedding of 30 - 40.

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The hotel has several options for the reception. It maybe best if you deceide where you want to have the reception before. Some of the areas will depend on how many guest that you are having. We had our Welcome dinner on the Aroma Terrace. We had two long tables and about 38 people. The Aroma Terrace is one opition, also you can use the Isla Grill but that also depends of the size of the wedding

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What about a party of about 100? I'm thinking of having my reception on the beach, but was concerned how it might look (will it look too much like a BBQ, will there be enough light, will the tables be straight if they're on sand). Thoughts from those who've been to the Beloved are greatly appreciated :-)

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Hello everyone - I just came back from Cancun and visited The Beloved when I was there! Unfortunately I was not able to meet with Alejandro as he was out sick that day so I met with Nayeli. She took us on a tour of the property. It was beautiful!! Everything I was expecting and then some!!!! She gave me their updated wedding package information and price list and there's definitely some things that are different than the information Alejandro sent me initially (which I think was actually the Excellence prices). Now the sheets actually have The Beloved branding on them.. so if anyone is planning, you may want to check to make sure you have the most updated info. One thing I noticed is that they now allow sparklers and fireworks/pyrotechnics. Previously they didn't but she said they had to get a permit for them. They also have some different cake and music/entertainment options. 


I didn't get to do a tasting or anything like that unfortunately.. But I looooved the resort. I have no doubt that we made the right decision! 


To C Lombardi above - I asked about the reception location and Nayeli said that most people lately choose the big palapa right on the beach as opposed to the Isla Grill (which is more for 50+ ppl). Mainly because its right on the beach and you get the lovely view and ocean breeze. I took a look at it and its definitely big enough for 50 and under. Alejandro sent me some pics of it all decorated and they make it look really nice. 

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Originally Posted by BodaHermosa View Post


What about a party of about 100? I'm thinking of having my reception on the beach, but was concerned how it might look (will it look too much like a BBQ, will there be enough light, will the tables be straight if they're on sand). Thoughts from those who've been to the Beloved are greatly appreciated :-)


Hey BodaHermosa, keep in mind that if you do a reception on the beach, you'll have to rent lighting for that area. But I think having lights wrapped around the palm trees as well as cafe lights strung around the perimeter would look so romantic and cool. And maybe a lighted dance floor? Haha! Just some thoughts. It's like a blank canvas so you can bring in the details (but at an additional cost) that will make your reception unique!

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Hey Girls!

We are having our reception at the palapa on the beach for our 30 guests. Our cocktail hour will be on the terrace at Aroma restaurant. When we visited in September, Alejandro showed us the different areas because like others said, certain spots depend on the number of guests you have.


In terms of pricing, I would be interested in seeing the updated version. BKsweetheart, would you mind sending that to me so that I can look it over. I'm currently organizing prices right now and something you should all keep in mind is that they charge tax for EVERYTHING. So the original quotes I was given doesn't apply. I had to email Alejandro back for exact details.


Same thing regarding Planner 1, the company the Beloved uses for decorations. I'm currently negotiating with them now about prices and decor. The quotes they provide don't include the 11% tax they charge for each item, so keep that mind.


Sunlover2013, what was your experience with Planner 1 and the overall cost for your reception? Would love to hear some feedback right now!

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Hi Kim - Sure, I will send. Can you give me an e-mail address? I don't know how to attach through here. How much is the tax for The Beloved services?


Also - how did you go about starting communications with Planner 1? Did you just e-mail them and tell them you wanted some prices? Did you inquire about something specific? I am a little confused on this aspect. When I met with Nayeli, she told me that I could just contact them directly or talk to Alejandro and he could contact them.. All very confusing.  

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