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Hi Ladies,


I'm interested in putting together a sexy book for my FI as a wedding gift.


Glamour Shots Studios does boudoir photos now? I remember back in the day they did big hair and fuzzy photos.


They are currently doing a Valentines Boudoir special and I'm curious of how it will  go....http://www.glamourshots.com/bookonline.asp?promocode=IS39S1112&referer=msn


Has anyone tried them out for this? How did it go?











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I'm not familiar with that vendor, but I did do boudoir photos for my husband and I'm so glad I did.  I hate getting my picture taken and am rarely in photographs b/c of my uncanny ability to hide, so the fact that I did sexy photos for him blew him away!  I def think you should do them, whether it's with this vendor or not.

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I remember them from way back when!! I haven't seen them in malls in forever. I wish they had one around here!


I did some BD pics awhile back and just got my book in the mail. I love it so much, but I wish I could do another shoot now that I know what to expect. My confidence level would be even higher. Carly is right - you should totally do it, no matter who you choose to go with!

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