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When to send out STDs and Invitations?

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I want to give my guests plenty of notice of out destination wedding, and give them time to prepare/save money, etc. How soon should I send out my STDs and Invitations. Do you have to include a specific date on the STDs (we haven't booked yet)?

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I would say yes, wait for a date to be booked before you send out your STD otherwise, well, they don't have a date to save.  You don't need to provide a ton more details on the STD but at least a date and "preferred" travel dates.  you would also want to include a suggested hotel or two.  the idea of the STD is for your guests to not only save the date but ideally book their travel arrangements.  you can't do with w/o a date.


if you wanted to send something now, just announcing your engagement you could do that - send an engagement announcement and maybe even mention your plans to get hitched abroad.

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Definitely wait until you have a date booked. I have read in articles that proper etiquette is to send out the save the dates for a destination wedding at least 6-8 months in advance. You have to remember that many people will be booking their yearly vacations around your wedding- so the more notice, the better!

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 I agree - definitely have a date for the wedding picked as well as estimated dates of travel. As for any further information, we didn't have any travel information when we sent our save the dates (sent approximately 16 months in advance of the wedding) but we had put together a wedding website and had it noted on there that the travel and resort info would follow. I think then it at least gives people an idea of where you're going and when, and if they want to come they can plan their yearly vacation accordingly. Also, keep in mind that a lot of people have to have their annual vacation in at the beginning of each year.


Also something to note, that formal invitations will follow. If you are planning to do them, of course!


Hope that helps; have fun setting a date!!

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I would wait until you have a date set. Just start spreading the word that you plan on having a destination wedding and maybe the season so people have an idea. 


I think you should send the STDs at the very least 6 months in advance and the invites at the 3 month range. A lot of people prepare a wedding website so they can add info to that may not be on the invite for travel info. You can include the website on your STD. Or you could also send a pre-travel brochure with your invites or just before. Good luck!

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I plan on choosing my date for next January in the next few weeks. Once I do that, then I plan on sending out the STD by mid February. My question though, when do you send out the invitations then? Is there even a need for STD or should I just send out the invitations instead??

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My wedding date is March 16, 2012.  I sent out my STD one year in advance...so I sent them last March. 


My STD's included:

The date

The resort name

My website

My travel agent's info


My formal invites are at the printers now and I am planning on sending them out with my AHR invites at the same time by the end of next week. 


Hope this helps!

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That is a good idea for the STD. I will get started on mine now then.


As for the formal invites, you are sending those out only 2 months ahead of time? I guess that makes sense. Then you do not have to send them to the people you already know are not going...I like that.


Originally Posted by AmyG View Post

My wedding date is March 16, 2012.  I sent out my STD one year in advance...so I sent them last March. 


My STD's included:

The date

The resort name

My website

My travel agent's info


My formal invites are at the printers now and I am planning on sending them out with my AHR invites at the same time by the end of next week. 


Hope this helps!


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