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My DIY Boarding Pass Invitations * Lots Of Pictures* :)

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There finally done!  :)  I won't sugar coat anything - Anyone that is thinking about making these..  They definately are a labour of love and ALOT of work!  I should have set up a bridesmaid sweatshop in my kitchen as Ive read so many people did LOL 

But I got them finished and thats what matters :)  Let me know what you think!  They hit the mailboxes next week :) 


First Off :  The Tools :)


prep 619.JPG


#2) The FRONT of the TICKET JACKET ( also shows the back of the mailing envelopes :) )

prep 633.JPG





prep 630.JPG


For some reason I cant keep posting pictures..  I will post the rest in comments :) 

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Pass # 1 -  Close up


prep 622.JPG



Pass #2  Close up





Pass #3



prep 623.JPG


Close up of the outside of the jacket


prep 638.JPG


Forgot to take a picture but my mailing labels have purple palm trees on them aswell..  AND the stamps have two bunnies kissing!  lol (  the stamps were just a coincidence as I bought a large roll and thats what I got BUT they are fitting for a wedding invitation  :)



Thats it for now!!  :)  What do you guys think? 

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