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Air and Hotel Packages

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I am confirmed for the Suites on April 13, 2013. The airfare and hotel rates have not been published yet for 2013 so we have not paid for our air and hotel package. I started planning my wedding several months ago. I selected the suites and I checked random dates and the price for air and hotel packages varied between $1000 to $1100 per person. Now I am checking random dates for 2012 and the prices are outrageous anywhere from $1400 to $1600 to person. Did something change that I am not aware of? I really wanted to send out my save the dates, however I am certain if I should do so, because if the rates are that expensive when its time for us to book I wont be able to do the suites...what do you all think????

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I would suggest that you contact a few travel agents. You can lock in a discounted group rate for the hotel, but the airfare will always fluctuate. There are several travel agents that specialize in destination weddings who can help you figure out what's best for your needs and budget.

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What's included in the prices you both listed (number of days? Airfare?). It's hard to compare without that info. I have group rates through a travel for both the Suites and the Grand. For the Suites the cost is $528 pp for 3 nights plus $160 each additional night. This includes all taxes and roundtrip airport transfers. But airfare is separate and obviously varies. I've been checking out airfare for my guests and it will run between $200 to $700 depending on the part of the country they're flying from (I have guests coming from all over, including a friend from Sweden). But I contacted at least 10 travel agents before I settled on this rate (some agents were much higher).

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Also, I found out that rates will vary greatly from week to week. We tried to book the last week of June originally, but we found out the rate at the Suites would be $200 per night instead of $160! So we switched to early June. You have a lot time. I would contact some travel agents now and see what kind of rates they can give and when those promotions will end. If you don't like the rate, then wait and ask again 2-3 months later. I locked in my group rates 9 months in advance (I would have preferred to do it at 12 months but my fiancé didn't officially give me my ring until September and I refused to start planning any earlier). But this month I've seen some really great promotions for my dates at the Iberostar that are lower than the rates I reserved!

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A big factor in pricing is timing, and where you are coming from.  In Canada for example, because universities/colleges start to get out in at the end of April when they finish exams, prices start to increase with the influx of travellers.  Obviously, airfaire will vary depending on what State/Province/Country you live in.  However, a good indication of the 2013 price is to look at the comparable 2012 price for the same date.  While no guarantee, is should take into account all the random date increases (long weekends, spring break etc). 


I went to the Suites in April two years ago from Toronto, it cost approximately $1700.00 for one week and is similar to the price my group is paying for our wedding week (we leave in 6 days eek). 


I know the summer months can be cheaper because it is the "off season", but otherwise what you saw for 2012 is pretty consistant. 


That said, it is possible to get a deal.  It just takes time and a lot of patience to find the best rate, and be flexibe on dates. 

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Thanks everyone. I will check with a few travel agents and I guess I won't know anything for sure until the 2013 rates are actually published. I have been stalking this site for a few months, and I have my entire wedding planned in my mind from all the research I did on this site. I am so stuck on Iberostar but if the rates exceed 1000 to 1100 per person I definitely have to start over and chose another resort. SAD FACE......

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