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JayKay's Jamaica January 13, 2012 Wedding Planning Thread - Detailed!!

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Absolutely! That's a very good point. Thanks! 


Originally Posted by JayKay View Post

I believe it is resort specific.  Some people that were getting married at the same resort as us were told short form was okay, we were told we needed the long form with our fathers names on it.  I didn't have one either, so we ordered ours online.  We thought it was better to have them then to get all the way there and find out we couldn't be legally married.





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Jaykay – Do you by chance have a finished product of your finger print tree? Iâ€m working on something similar but I like the idea of putting names on it too.

Just curious if it would look too crowded with names? Any feedback on this? I would love to frame this as art in our home after. 



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I do have a picture of it all done and framed.  Here it is:



Originally Posted by Lauren Newsham View Post


Jaykay – Do you by chance have a finished product of your finger print tree? Iâ€m working on something similar but I like the idea of putting names on it too.

Just curious if it would look too crowded with names? Any feedback on this? I would love to frame this as art in our home after. 




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Go right ahead! I love our tree and its something we can display in our home forever that will have so much meaning for us. 


Originally Posted by Lauren Newsham View Post

That looks fabulous! What a great idea. I'm thinking of using this (if you don't mind of course!) 


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  • 4 weeks later...

I am so happy we did the finger print guestbook.  I have it framed in our house and love it more and more each day!


Originally Posted by MrsHamblett2012 View Post

Wow this is a great thread!! Thank you for all of the insights...I love love love the finger print picture thing!!


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  • 1 month later...

Hi! I need to get in touch with you! I just read through everything you posted, it's so detailed and perfect! 

I'm from Alberta too (Edmonton), and we are getting married at GBP in the beginning of December! I have so many questions!

We were offered the gazebo as a place for a dance following dinner, would you recommend this? Did you enjoy the disco as an alternative?

Where did you have your dinner? Was it semi private or did you rent out an entire restaurant? Were you still able to have speeches/a slideshow/etc? Was it strange having other diners nearby? Did you like the decor that the resort arranged for you?

I would LOVE to hear from you! Email is easiest for me; [email protected]

Hope to talk to you soon!


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