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What is your Photography Budget?!

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Exactly!!! So much poorly done vignetting!


A few times, I found a photographer that I thought was "decent" and got super excited that I finally found one! Then I would do my digging and find whole albums full of subpar photos... photos that even my FI said "no way!" to, and he's FAR less critical than me. There is no way I'm spending 1-2.5K on snapshots just so the photographer can get lucky for 2-3 shots and call it a day.


There are 1 or 2 real photographers that do DR weddings, but their price range is much more expensive and we are struggling to figure out how to incorporate them. :( 

Originally Posted by LonaJ View Post

I completely agree with you! I am amateur photographer too so I tend to be a bit over critical too. But a lot of the work I've seen does have a snapshot feel or they have used HDR in post processing and pushed it to the max. I sometimes wish I wasn't studying photography so that I could be ignorant to what really is good work and save a couple thousand lol.



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I am currently frickin out about STDs (typing this makes me think of sexually transmitted diseases instead of save the dates hahahaha)- we don't have a theme or colors so I think I'm going with something simple from Vistaprint the FI wants them out ASAP to give people plenty of notice and we can reserve a block of rooms at the resort. 

Originally Posted by SS2012 View Post

dont worry DominicanLeila, the beginning stage is the hardest. it becomes a little scary, overwhelming and nerve racking lol but it all gets easier and A LOT more fun :) any questions please feel free to ask! 



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 After looking at so many other photographers I decided I had to have her. I just decided she was worth sacraficing somethings for....like do I really need a lighted dance floor or fresh flower centerpieces lol!


Originally Posted by inloveinkorea View Post

Exactly!!! So much poorly done vignetting!


A few times, I found a photographer that I thought was "decent" and got super excited that I finally found one! Then I would do my digging and find whole albums full of subpar photos... photos that even my FI said "no way!" to, and he's FAR less critical than me. There is no way I'm spending 1-2.5K on snapshots just so the photographer can get lucky for 2-3 shots and call it a day.


There are 1 or 2 real photographers that do DR weddings, but their price range is much more expensive and we are struggling to figure out how to incorporate them. :( 


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WOW! I just checked out her website and her photos ARE gorgeous! Thank you for sharing!


Originally Posted by LonaJ View Post

I decided to go with Katya Nova. After looking at so many other photographers I decided I had to have her. I just decided she was worth sacraficing somethings for....like do I really need a lighted dance floor or fresh flower centerpieces lol!




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I LOVE your spreadsheet! Super organized.  I had most of the same issues with not enough coverage and being out of my price range completely.  Also, my resort charges an extra $300 if you do not use their photographer.  SMH.  I am glad the resort photographer is a lot better than they were a year ago and I decided to go with them.  I hope Tropical Pictures doesn't steer me wrong.  lol

Originally Posted by SS2012 View Post

Haha thanks trivera5521 :) I am definitely particular, if not neurotic lol


I sent the spreadsheet to all three of you girls that asked for it! Let me know if you get, or have any problems with it! Good luck with your photographer decision, it is certainly a tough one! 


For anyone else out there wondering about Punta Cana area photographers feel free to PM me and I will gladly email you my spreadsheet. for those that can download here is my spreadsheet:









punta cana photographers.xlsx

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