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Just needed to vent....


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OK, I've been on here since february and have seen everyone go through various frustrations along the road. We're down to 2 months and I thought we were doing pretty well - the only person that was giving me a slight headache was my 6 year old niece who didn't like the type of outfit I wanted her to wear. Until now...


I have a bridesman - he's one of my bestest friends from high school and I love him like a brother. But right now, I want to throttle him (and my father too, but that's the second story.) We're ordering Made to Measure suits for the male members of the wedding party. I sent "Xavier" a form with illustrations indicating all the measurements I need to have for me to order his suit. It's pretty clear cut. Anyone with a tape measure can follow the illustrations and write down the measurements. TWO weeks later, after 3 reminder emails, I finally get 1/2 the measurements. Hmm... No sweetie, we can't make a suit with only 1/2 the measurements. He apologized for the delay and reminded me that he hates clothes shopping. There's no shopping involved! All he had to do was get measured!!! Oh, and if it was too much hassle to get measured, I also gave him the option of giving me a suit size since the tailors can do that too. He's getting a made to measure suit for nothing (yup we're paying for it), AND a trip to Mexico! All I'm asking for are some measurements. Does that seem like too much?


Then there's my dad. I asked for his list of guests and addresses. I sent him a proof of the invitation before getting it printed. I asked him for his opinion on using his "Dr." title in the invitation since my DH just got his Ph.D. and is very proud of that fact. Now I'm communicating with him about the announcements which, since we're printing them ourselves, we can do in vietnamese for him (he originally wanted the invitations in vietnamese/english; I ended up doing them in french/english b/c we were sending them to the US/France/Canada). NOW he tells me that people are upset because we didn't use *their* "Dr." titles. Apparently he's gotten a few calls already (the invitations were mailed monday.) I'm sure he's blaming it on me (haha, my daughter didn't know any better...) WTF? How in the heck was I supposed to know who has a Ph.D. and who doesn't? But since we used the titles in the invitations, apparently we were supposed to put them in the addresses. The list he gave me only had Mr. & Mrs. even for my uncle who is actually a doctor (we did put Doctor on his invite.) rant.gif Aaaargh. I'm just aggravated.


On the bright side, I just accepted a job offer (which means my year long vacation is over.)



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people will always find something to complain about, I remember one of my cousins calling me saying there were some people upset because I didn't send an invite to someone (which I specifically asked this particular person for the cousin's address and they never got it to me)!!! I really think that you have to take a step back and not let this affect you. Just enjoy the last few months of planning and worry about you and your soon to be hubby being there.

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So sorry you have to deal with this! People can be so self-absorbed and not realize that you are doing a lot to make sure they have a great time celebrating your day. Very incosiderate that your bridesman is being a flake! And the title thing is ridiculous... as an MD, I wouldn't be offended if a wedding invite didn't include that.


Don't let these things get you down. As Christine said, people will always find something to complain about. The important thing is that you are getting married... the rest will fall into place. grouphug.gif

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Originally Posted by JaimeLynne View Post
Your bridesman (that's totally cute btw) needs to get with it! Seriously, it sounds like you guys are doing a lot for him - sheesh!

As for the Dr. titles, that just seems silly to me. Geez people, get over it.

Yay for you accepting a job offer! What will you be doing?
My bridesman actually wanted to be called "Master of Honor" since I have a matron of honor. I told that was too D&D. And yes, he's being a total flake about this! It takes several weeks to get the suits in so hopefully he'll get me those measurements in time.

As far as the Dr. titles go... Yes, silly... My Dr. friends wouldn't be upset.

New Job: Drug Dealer (the legal kind.) Maybe I need to send adderall to my bridesman so he can get with it, and valium to the rest of the folks so they can chill out. But then I'd lose the job AND my license.

And on another bright side: my DH didn't make fun of me for being on the forum and actually starting a new thread.

Thanks gals. It's nice to have my frustrations validated.

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Your bridesman is your best friend and like abrother, so I'm assuming you have a frank, honest relationship with him. Just tell him straight out "Listen, I need the f'ing measurements. You're getting a free trip and a free suit, it's not that hard. Either do it or don't be the bridesman.


The whole Dr. title thing is laughable. People need to get over themselves. I wouldn't even give it a second thought.

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Originally Posted by robindepaula View Post
Congrats on the job, Vi!! I guess you finally got your CV done even with me enticing you to add more photos to your website . . .elefant.gif
Yes, no thanks to you.. you photo slut! j/k I mean that in the most loving way. Do you have *your* outfit yet? wink.gif

Your bridesman is your best friend and like abrother, so I'm assuming you have a frank, honest relationship with him. Just tell him straight out "Listen, I need the f'ing measurements. You're getting a free trip and a free suit, it's not that hard. Either do it or don't be the bridesman.
I would.. but I can't get him on the freaking phone! I probably wouldn't cuss at him but I would give him a real guilt trip. I actually didn't give him much of a choice about being a bridesman. cheesy.gif So I really do not want him to NOT be a bridesman.

Anybody in Seattle with a tape measure want to go down to Half Price Books on Belmont to measure him? He's working this weekend. wink.gif

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