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November 2012 Brides?


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Thanks ladies!!


MissNikki- I am very excited about being at Palace Resorts for my wedding! I have never been there before, but my fiance has and he really enjoyed it.  Yes, it is a little more pricey, but they do offer the resort credits which allows people to do things they probably wouldn't normally have done otherwise, or would have paid out of pocket for.  You should never be settling, I understand you need to have something reasonable for your family to be able to afford, but in the end it is YOUR wedding and not theirs! Maybe if the wedding is cheaper at the resort you want and not the one you have settled on, then you can apply the difference towards people's rooms that cannot afford the higher priced resorts..just a thought! :)

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Hi Kelly! welcome to the group. 


tell me more about the DIY invites. I love DIY!! 

Originally Posted by kellykanester View Post

Hey everyone, Our wedding will be on November 28th, 2012 at dreams Cancun. We got the resort picked, our wedding date reserved and are working on our diy passport invitations. Getting very excited !


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Dear Scorpio Love: 


The legal ceremony it is easier than everyone think , the wedding coordinator handle everything  ; he-she will request a meeting with you and  your 4 witnesses upon arrival (the 6 of you should be there with your passports and tourist card), the tourist card is gotten at the airport .

Then  during the meeting you all will sign the marriage request papers and  also  coordinator  will make you an appointment to do blood test($250 usd paid in cash in Now Sapphire othe resorts change the fee).


You should  take  50 usd for the judge in the wedding day!


NOTE: You must be there at least 4 days before the wedding






IF the bride  is divorced they will need divorce decree  and birth certificate (translation can be done with the coordinator) .

IF any  bride or groom are Mexican , they will need an special permission from migration office and state.

IF both Mexican requirements are easy : Birth certificate, IFE Id , State permission.



Please let me know if  you have specific  questions about that.




Originally Posted by ScorpioLove12 View Post

Hey Ladies!

I'm planning to be a August 2012 Bride at the Now Sapphire in the Riviera. 

Me and my Fi are really both excited about the whole "destination" part of the wedding but becoming super discouraged at all the rules that Mexico has in place to lace their pockets.

Are you planning to have legal ceromonies?  All of the requirements surrounding how many days we have to be there BEFORE the wedding, and the blood test and the translation of documents is a bit much.

When reading reviews on different sites, no one seems to talk about this part of it.


We're also starting to feel like the Now Sapphire has a bit more $requirements$ than other resorts that do not seem to be built into the wedding packages they offer. 


Can anyone offer any feedback or comparisons for the resorts you are planning to use?




Oh and Allie... Great Dress!  Congrats!





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I got married in the DR in June of 2011. I know how hard it is to try to look your best for your wedding day.I don't know how to post this without it saying or looking like a scam, lol. But I wish I had known about this before my wedding and it really does work. I'm a stay at home wife and this is what I do on the side. If you want to tighten, tone and lose inches for your big day, check out my Ultimate Body applicator wrap and some really other great products that promote healthy living! http://www.skinnyin45.com/

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I'm now 100% convinced that there is no way we'd do the legal ceremony in Mexico.  I had my blood drawn today for my biometric screening, and while the guy did a great job (didn't hurt, and even though I'm a HUGE weenie, it's one of the few times I didn't cry when they did it), I have a huge bruise. not to mention a huge red blotch from the latex bandaid they put on. that would look like crap for the wedding! not to mention the whole be there 4 business days before hand... that just doesn't work for us. 


I pick up my dress on Tuesday and I can't wait!!! 

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We have decided that we are going to  get married here bonfire we go!!  We are going to get our certificate on our 4 yr anniversary!! Fun!! So that will be August 15 so it will be fun to keep it a secret lol



Shan0487  --  thank for the saying I shouldn't settle!!  I am now have been back out resort shopping... And I a thinking now sapphire or dreams Cancun ... I like the looking out over the ocean idea that dreams have but im wondering if I will love it once im there ..


Allie-- I can't believe your dress is in already!!!  I haven't even found be yet lol.


Anyone else have a dress yet?


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Glad to hear Miss Nikki!!! Always remember it's YOUR wedding day. 


I had to keep telling myself that when my mom tries to put her opinion in on things- we were not seeing eye to eye when it came to my photographer, but in the end, I'm going to get what I want! :)


I have my dress!!! I went over MLK weekend, just planning on browsing and getting ideas and not getting my dress for months, but I ended up finding the perfect dress and bought it the next day! I love it so much and I can't wait for it to come in in April! :)

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hey ladies!

We are also going to get "married" in Canada before we go to Mexico. I call it Siging of the papers! lol I think for us anyways it's just easier to do this before hand because you can by pass the requirements..no blood work...no waiting 4 BUISNESS days...no x rays, well in my case we are having our symbolic ceremony in a church down down Puerta Vallarta. and the father from Mexico wants my Fiance and I to have the cirtificate of completion for the marriage course and a writting letter stating permission for the father in Mexico to "marry" us under the eyes of god from our church in Canada!! And Yes Miss Nikki I have my dress I Bought it in November and will be ready soon...Dont rush it...just make sure you know what style you love..mermaid...trumpet...ball gown..anything..have funn with it...only comes once...:)

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