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November 2012 Brides?


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Hey Allie,


Well im happy to here that its not that bad.  I have a friend thats mom just went to hell and back with heres and was hospitalized so im a little freaked!!!


Really I am so disappointed with the CC packages!!  I was so excited for them and then boo ( but i was looking at all the amazing stuff he has done so maybe i was expecting more)  The old packages have the fireworks as well ( i think its a palace thing)  and are so nice and simplistic!  I can just never see me getting married with a notical or peakock theme!  the pure is very pretty but it is really close to the diamond package they had before and other then the design everything offered is the  same for 1/2 the price. so i have said that i will stick with the Diamond package. 


We will be fling out of vancouver and Edmonton for 7 days.  i new it would be getting up around $1800 but i was not expecting over.  It is more expencive flying from up north.  But i have been looking at the new prices for OCT next year and they are all high!  like if I was going to go to AZUL it would be around $1700 and when i had looked at OCT 11 ( not even last minute) i could do it for $1500 easy!  Needles to say i will be having a chat with my travel agent today along with a nother agentcy that specalizes in DW ( Blue Petal ) they charge you extra for there services but if it means my guests will pay lest thats cool with me.  And they handle everything I wont have to worry about a thing!  Which is weird for me because i am such a planner, but i think because its my wedding i am totaly to invested in it and every little thing is making me crazy!



Hope you have a great gallblader free day pinkie.gif

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hey Nikki - how did the conversations go with your TA and the alternate? Have you been able to get the price where you wanted it?? 

We've nixed going to Mexico in January at this point - prices are still more than we want to spend for a short trip. Ah well, I was looking forward to the warm sunny beach while it's cold here. 


We've got about 2 more weeks before we can price out resorts. The wait is torture!!! 


In other news, I made the first version of my necklace. I will have to shorten it a bit, and will probably take it apart to add some bling to it (right now it is just pearls and the broach). I am probably going to wait until my dress comes in before I remake it. Will do a bracelet & earrings to match the final design. not a great quality pic... but you can get the idea. 


have you decided on your invites? are you sending out STDs? 



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WOW you made that???  Its really beautiful i love the colors!!!  I cant wait to see it finished if it looks that great allready!!!


yes i am going to do save the dates with invitations to follow but i am now thinking that my wedding planning is just going to go on hold until after Christmas and maybe even untill i get my gallblader out cry.gif .  So since this whole thing i am not going to get to go on vacay over christmas holidays since they are saying the wait time is like 2 months to get the surgery.


The travel agent said that the grou quotes wont change and they are higher because they are making sure there is enough room for everyone.  so i just dont know what to think, on one hand im like maybe i should stick to my TA and on another im thinking paying a wedding expert with VIP conections might be the better idea.  Plus they know all about the contracts and all that kind of stuff and really $500 isnt that much to pay if it takes away the head ache - - -


I am also waiting to see prices and air lines come on line i was told that they scedual 330 days out but i dont know when they get posted....  tick tock!


O and this whole 2 months to wait is now messing with my dress shopping trip!  I finally get engaged and get to plan my wedding and instead of being so happy i am dealling with pain and surgery... GAY!!!


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yeah Nikki - raw deal with the surgery. and having to wait 2 months really stinks! canadian health care... I say go ahead and get your dress shopping planned, if there's anyway to do that. 


with the TA - do you trust the one you're working with? what do you think the $500 will get you for the "specialist" that your current TA can't/doesn't do? I've had similar thoughts myself - I'm working with a TA who is a friend of mine (and a great TA too!), but she doesn't specifically have DW experience - she'll do or ask anything I want her to, but there's still legwork required on my part. that said, she also knows me and my craziness, and is willing to deal with it lol I trust her not to flake out on me. 


I found the broach on etsy and the colors were just perfect. the pearls are a little off in color, but I think I'll pretend not to notice. and the photo isn't the best lighting (it was at night and another friend wanted to see how it was coming along). but I love how it's coming along! we'll see if I still love it when the dress comes in.


today the airfare is out through Nov 3, 2012. I checked! we have 8 more days before our return date will open up and we can get "real" prices. 

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How are you?  I am so in limbo-- my finance dad says that he is not coming to the wedding whether we have it in canada or destination because his ex wife (mom) will be there !!! So gay.  And know his sister is saying that she doesnt what to give her kids the shots to tavels. so other then his mom it will be like all my family and friends and i just dont feel like thats a wedding with only one side of a family... 


My cousin is at Azul right now!!! So jelous.



I am also counting the days untill i can see flights


OOO and i called my Dr and talked to the receptionist and she says that i should be able to get in early JAN !!!! Yay!

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oh Nikki, that's a tough situation. 


my opinion is that if he is choosing not to be there (regardless of where it's held), that's on him. if he can't be a grown up and celebrate his son's marriage, then it's probably better that he isn't there. it still sucks.


canadians have to get shots to go to Mexico?? there's nothing special we have to do (aside from passports). 


my sister doesn't want to travel with her kids, so I'm 95% sure she won't go even if we pick a family friendly resort. my FI's friends probably aren't going - so we aren't planning on having a wedding party. his family is about 50/50 on who is going to go. 


We've talked about it several times. I asked him if we had the wedding somewhere else (in the states) if he thinks his friends would go. His reply was "we can't plan our wedding around other people." I liked that perspective, and am going with it. I know that at the end of it, we'll be married, no matter who is there (or who isn't). and we'll have an amazing time with those that do make the trip and join us. 


January is good - right around the corner!! i'm hoping it'll be easy for you, quick recovery and no big deal. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Allie


I Had posted a couple of days ago but i guess it didnt go threw.  So i have my appointment with my DR set for the 3of Jan and its at that appointment that i will get my surgry time!  hOPE ITS soon!!!


So i was looking around this site and found the another great location in PV.  i am looking in to the cost as back up!! 


Any way just wanted to say Merry Christmas!!!



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Merry Christmas to you Nikki! I hope the appt goes well for you and you get your surgery scheduled quickly. 


We've got some preliminary pricing from a few resorts. I'm working with my sister to get her to decide if she's going to go (and bring her 3 kiddos), or if she's out. If she's going, we'll pick a family resort (Dreams Riviera Cancun or one of the Azuls), if she isn't then we're going to pick El Dorado Royale. Am hoping to have the decision from her in the next few days so we can choose our resort & date! 



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I was visiting with my cousin and she just got back from AS and she said that the food was way to foodie for her, her kids and husband.  Likeshesaidthere was nothing the kids would eat and they are not picky kids.  She said that she couldnt even find fries, or chicken fingers --  we just thought it was strange considering there a kids resort!


Good luck with al the planing !!  I hope you get the resort you want . 


I am now looking at a PV location off resort martoca.com.  Check it out!!    Let me know what u think.  I would have my ceremony on the lawn in front of the pool


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that's a really cool venue Nikki!! 


my friend's sister did a DW to Cabo, got married at a restaurant there for something different. they loved it! 


it's definitely something to consider - an offsite venue. no worries about the speedo photo bomb.... 


not even chicken nuggets? oh my... we will have to consider that if the kiddos go (though that doesn't look likely at all). 


how was your Christmas?? 

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