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Last Name Issue. Time to Confront it!


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Okay, so I have been avoiding this issue for a long time now because sometimes it is easier just not to think about it!


Fiance's last name (almost) rhymes with my first name. Seriously. My name is Jackie and his last name sounds close to that. AHHHHH. The good news is that my real name is Jacquelyn, and I think Jacquelyn actually sounds really good with his last name. However, NO ONE calls me by real first name.


My options are..


1. Take his last name, and just get used to the "rhyming" sound


2. Keep my last name and add on his name after it.


3. Or just start introducing myself as Jacquelyn, and hope people will start calling me that insteadhuh.gif


I really don't know what to do. I love my FI, and I am really proud to take his last name, I just don't know if I can live the rest of my life being teased about it.


Any advice is appreciated. Thank you girls!!!!!!

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Its so nice to meet you by that name, I never knew your name.

So I wound up changing my name and did it the traditional way by entirely dropping my name, which was not the plan but a last minute decision. It will take you a long time to get used to it. I still have a hard time introducing myself by my new name, a lot of students knew me by my old name and so its been a hard transition. For me hyphenating wasn't really an option since my maiden name is longer and it would have been just too much for me. However if I wasn't a teacher I would have hyphenated because I think that women have the right to keep their name.

If you really want to change your name though, it doesn't matter that they rhyme you will get used to it.

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Originally Posted by Christine View Post
Its so nice to meet you by that name, I never knew your name.
So I wound up changing my name and did it the traditional way by entirely dropping my name, which was not the plan but a last minute decision. It will take you a long time to get used to it. I still have a hard time introducing myself by my new name, a lot of students knew me by my old name and so its been a hard transition. For me hyphenating wasn't really an option since my maiden name is longer and it would have been just too much for me. However if I wasn't a teacher I would have hyphenated because I think that women have the right to keep their name.
If you really want to change your name though, it doesn't matter that they rhyme you will get used to it.
Thanks for the kind words, Christine. FI and I have dated for a loong time, and I have known this was coming...Hopefully, it is something that I will get used to one day!
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I agree with Christine- it's nice to know your real name Jackie!


With that said, Jacquelyn is one of my favorite names ever, so I'm all for trying to enforce your "real" name and taking your FI's last name. I think it's awful for people to make fun of the way your names sound. For some reason people think it's funny to do that sort of thing, but I'll never understand it. Personally, I like rhyming or alliterative names. I'm Sarah, and my last name is Spr****, so I now have an alliterative name and thought I wouldn't like it but have definitely grown used to it.


Either way, go with what you like the best. Don't worry about what other people think. If you want to be Jackie Mathey, then do it! If you want to keep your last name, you'd probably have to hyphenate it to get people to refer to you by both names, but they'd get used to it. My favorite pick is to go by Jackquelyn professionally and socially. If your close friends still informally call you Jackie, it's no biggie.


I think I rambled alot- sorry! hth

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I agree with Sarah, I'd take his last name and start calling yourself by your "real" first name.


Side note.. My old married name was Mooney.. I used to be Tammy Looney & Tammy Money.. Yeah people thought they were so funny and after the 15th million time it happened your like " ha....... ha ya I know"..

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I think you should take his name. Afterall, when people introduce themselves they usually use the long version of their names. It is very rare for someone to call you by your whole name anyway. How many time do you think someone will address you by Jackie Mathey? Not very often. Usually they call you by your first name or Mrs. Mathey. I say take his name and don't overthink the rest. Have fun with his name and embrase it.


Hope this advice helps...

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I have to say, it's not very often that you OUTLOUD say your whole name, and when you do, you can say "Jacquelyn Mathey." Most of the time, you say "Hi, I'm Jackie." Right?


I have had a new last name for 10 months now and I am still getting used to saying it. I am totally used to writing it, but the outloud, "I'm JANET LASTNAME" is so rare that it still seems weird to say.


Does that help at all?

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Originally Posted by sanchez0014 View Post
I think you should take his name. Afterall, when people introduce themselves they usually use the long version of their names. It is very rare for someone to call you by your whole name anyway. How many time do you think someone will address you by Jackie Mathey? Not very often. Usually they call you by your first name or Mrs. Mathey. I say take his name and don't overthink the rest. Have fun with his name and embrase it.

Hope this advice helps...
Uhhh, or I could have just said ditto this!
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