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Excellence Riviera Cancun Brides?

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Originally Posted by Mayerlis View Post


I also had to remind them to not charge me! They got back to me within a week.

My ceremony is at 3pm so I made my appointment for 10am. They scheduled 2 people at a time so I believe the last person who will be getting their hair done is at 12:30.  That should give us time for pictures and just relax before the ceremony. 


Do any of you ladies know how the alcohol works for the reception? I'm having my reception in Barcelona and I was wondering if they have a bar set up or how that works.

My ceremony is at 2pm and they scheduled me in at 9am, so we have similar timelines (two people scheduled at a time). My only concern was for the girls going after me at 10:30am. It says hair takes 2 hrs and make up 1hr so that feels like it's cutting it close. But maybe it doesn't actually take 2 hrs to do their hair?


Good question about the bar set up. I also want to figure out if they'd be able to do a few signature drinks for us.

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Originally Posted by Mayerlis View Post


I also had to remind them to not charge me! They got back to me within a week.

My ceremony is at 3pm so I made my appointment for 10am. They scheduled 2 people at a time so I believe the last person who will be getting their hair done is at 12:30.  That should give us time for pictures and just relax before the ceremony. 


Do any of you ladies know how the alcohol works for the reception? I'm having my reception in Barcelona and I was wondering if they have a bar set up or how that works.

My ceremony is at 2pm and they scheduled me in at 9am, so we have similar timelines (two people scheduled at a time). My only concern was for the girls going after me at 10:30am. It says hair takes 2 hrs and make up 1hr so that feels like it's cutting it close. But maybe it doesn't actually take 2 hrs to do their hair?


Good question about the bar set up. I also want to figure out if they'd be able to do a few signature drinks for us.

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Originally Posted by ampanda52 View Post


My wedding is at 5 and they have us set for hair and MU at noon and 1 (2 at a time for each time), so that all sounds about right. 

Oh, well maybe it doesn't take 2 hours for hair? That's good! Okay, I will stop worrying about it now, thanks ladies!

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Originally Posted by ampanda52 View Post


My wedding is at 5 and they have us set for hair and MU at noon and 1 (2 at a time for each time), so that all sounds about right. 

Oh, well maybe it doesn't take 2 hours for hair? That's good! Okay, I will stop worrying about it now, thanks ladies!

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HI Ladies! I hope everyone's planning is going well. Songs- I still have to figure that out too. I like Sea of Love, by Cat Power, but my FI thought it was depressing, lol. I don't, but it is pretty slow. There is a beach version of Cannon D with steel drums that's kinda cute. A few Bob Marley songs are contenders. Vitamin String Quartet does some fun instrumental versions of popular wedding songs also. I'd be curious what other people are doing as well. I think we're going to bring our Ipad and a Bose speaker and use that for our sound system. 


Regarding dinner/reception- are you ladies doing rounds or one big long table? I have about 24 guests- Gloria recommended rounds, but I do like the way one big table looks and it seems that it would be easier to decorate (less centerpieces). 


I'm also curious about the bar/dinner. I know they set one up for the cocktail reception, but not sure about dinner. 

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Hey Ladies,


I finally tried out the Med-E-Tate wipes!  It actually worked really really well!  My bachelorette party was Saturday night and I used one that morning.  I am the type of person that always sweats when dancing; we danced the night away and I didn't sweat one drop! The only thing I will say, is that it was extremely drying on my skin.  It made my skin feel extremely tight...so I just layered on a lot of moisturizer after, and then make up on top and then it was good to go.  It didn't effect the way I looked at all.  You couldn't tell I had done anything different.  I will definitely use it the day of the wedding.  It didn't cause me any breakouts either.  My best friend also used one that night, and didn't sweat at all on the face either - which never happens.  So they are extremely excited to use it for the wedding also.  


I am having the most difficult time with song selection also!  The two I'm having the hardest time with, are the song that is played when I walk down the aisle, and the first dance song.  We aren't one of those couples that has "a song".  So it's hard for me to find something that we can really connect with.  


I cannot believe my wedding is now only 3 weeks and 3 days from now!!!  I feel like it has flown by, and there are still so many things I have left to do!


I have lost 25 lbs to date though, so I'm pretty excited about that! :)  I had my first dress fitting last Friday, and felt so amazing!  It was the first time I got to see everything on all at once (dress with accessories, shoes, etc.)  I almost cried at how beautiful/perfect I felt.  I really can't wait to walk down the aisle and see his face! :)

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Jessica - Congrats on the weight loss, your beautiful dress fitting and on your soon to be wedding! 3 weeks - that's so close! Good to know about the Med-E-tate wipes! I'd never heard of them before but I love to dance and apparently love to sweat so this would be perfect for me. Where did you get them?


We have a similar song selection problem in that we've never had a song for us as a couple. Add to that our differing tastes in music and it's a tough one. I think I might pick out 5-10 songs that I like and play them for him and see what he likes. I'm looking at Ray Lamontagne 'You are the Best Thing', Amos Lee 'Sweet Pea', Bright Eyes 'First Day of my Life', Cat Power 'Sea of Love', among many others. 


My fiance will pick his music to walk to with his groomsmen. THAT should be interesting! I'm guessing 90s rap? As for the processional, I think I might have my bridesmaids walk to Sigur Ros' 'Hoppipolla'. I find it so beautiful and emotional - too emotional for my entrance though as I would probably ugly cry down the aisle.


Trisha - We also have 24 people and we're conflicted on whether to have one large, long table which gives that nice feeling of a family dinner, which I love, or to have rounds. We'll probably end up with rounds because we also have 4 vendors who are eating with us as well, so that's 28 people.


I don't know about the bar at dinner. I remember a past bride who showed photos of her reception at the lobster house and she pointed out an area where the bar was set up. 

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