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OOT bags - When to give them to your guests?

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Hello Everyone,


My fiance and I were discussing when we were going to give our OOT bags to our guests. We are thinking we are going to have 30 to 40 people attending our wedding. To give you an idea, we wanted to get beach bags per family/couple/single person with a towel per person and a bath bomb per bag and a personal note from us. Simple.


The question we have is


Did you give your OOT bags a few days before you left to your destination?




My idea was to bring them with us at the airport and before everyone checks in with their luggage, hand it to them. Did you do that?




Did you pack it all (not too keen on this one coz I don't want to pack a lot of stuff) and give to them once you were at the destination?


I would love to hear what you all did or are planning to do as I'm not quite sure myself!


Thanks everyone.

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Hi Mizpriya.....


Well at first my idea was to hand them out a few days before we depart. Since everyone will be in Florida before departure, simply because I didn't want to carry it all to Dominican Republic.  Yet my mom didn't agree.  She says they are OOT bags, made for Out of Town guest - themed towards our destination, it would be a nice gift to give to everyone once we arrive in Dominican Republic.  So my first hours at the resort, I will be reassembling bags and then handing them out that evening.


Hope that helps!

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We are also giving ours out when we get there. I would hate to have gone to all this trouble putting the bags together and for our guests to not even bring them with them on the trip! It is a lot to pack everything but we've already put so much time and effort into the bags that I just don't think it would have the same effect if we gave them out a few days before!

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Its a little different for me because we only have six bags to give out. I feel they should be given at the destination though. Its such a nice little, hopefully unexpected, gift for your guests upon arrival. I packed everything in its own suitcase for my dad to take down with him. He is going a day earlier and offered to help me out. Because you have the towels and stuff maybe you could pack those in a duffle bag that is easily collapsible. That way you don't have a bunch of extra suitcases once you hand everything out.  Best of luck to you!!!

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Thanks ladies. See I am thinking the same as you danielle jan2012. I was telling my fiance that if we give it a few days before, people might not bring it with them and what would be the point in that. And as everyone mentioned, it's a nice little something to give our guests. I was thinking to carry it with us to the airport and give it to our guests before they board. Hopefully we won't have too much stuff that we could carry it in a duffle bag or some sort, or have our parents carry it with them.


Can you tell we are a bit confused!? lol blink.gif

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I have an additional dilemma. We are arriving at the Resort on Wednesday with about a third of our guests, and the other two thirds are arriving Thursday and Friday. I am really hoping that somehow the resort concierge or staff or our event coordinator can help us out and help get the bags to the people's rooms? I may also figure out when everyone's flight arrives so that I can be there when they check in, welcome them, and hand them each their OOT bags....ugh I don't know!!! Maybe I need to put some more thought into this. Any suggestions??

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It's a lot to think about! We're doing a little welcome portfolio with t he welcome note, schedule of events crossword book etc. We are going to give that to everyone at the airport and they can carry it on the plane and read through everything, then our welcome bags will be given out that evening at our welcome dinner. I don't want to give everyone their bags at the airport because it would be too much of a hassle for them to have to pack them back up, and we have little bottles that we wouldn't be able to bring as a carry on. Hope this info helps!!!

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So true! OMG! I have too much to think about now worried2.gif

Originally Posted by daniellejan2012 View Post

It's a lot to think about! We're doing a little welcome portfolio with t he welcome note, schedule of events crossword book etc. We are going to give that to everyone at the airport and they can carry it on the plane and read through everything, then our welcome bags will be given out that evening at our welcome dinner. I don't want to give everyone their bags at the airport because it would be too much of a hassle for them to have to pack them back up, and we have little bottles that we wouldn't be able to bring as a carry on. Hope this info helps!!!


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