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Carly - ya it basically means i am way more likely to need a c-section.  If you can believe it I've actually had people say "omg that would be awful!"  I'm like what????  Seems pretty trivial to me after all I've been through.  I just want a healthy baby, at whatever cost! 


We didn't find out the sex, although the suspense is killing us.  I have a feeling its a girl, but who knows!


Ann, good point about the early delivery.  Also with all the medical support now a days things are pretty likely to be ok, so thats what i think of!

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Hi ladies!

I've been stalking this thread for a few weeks now waiting to start my 2nd trimester,  and now that I am there I am so glad I can join this group!

We were married in the Riviera Maya in November and were lucky to get pregnant just 2 weeks later, with our first baby due in late August. We are over the moon! Told our parents Christmas morning and then had the super long wait up to just a few days ago before telling the rest of our family and friends, and now that everyone knows I can post on here, yay!


Pregnancy so far has been good. I've had no sickness at all, and no aversions to any food, in fact it's been the opposite, sometimes it feels there isn't enough food on this planet to satisfy my appetite, LOL! Only downsides so far is severe exhaustion (nothing prepared me for this!!) and pretty bad constipation. The mixture of tiredness and hormones has resulted in a few mini meltdowns, I couldn't even watch commercials without crying!


A few weeks back we found out I was a carrier of CF, something I never knew, and not having facts and information it was quite upsetting at the time. My husband immediately went for testing too and it was the longest week ever but thank God he came back negative, so worse case scenario our baby will be a CF carrier too, although maybe not.


We plan to find out at the end of March if we are having a boy or a girl, which will hopefully cut our arguments about names in half, LOL! I'll keep you posted!

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How exciting!  My fave part is knowing the gender and talking names (until I got pregnant that is!), so I can't wait for you guys to find out!


And I totally hear you about the exhaustion.  I knew that was a side effect, but man oh man, I had no idea the depth of it.  I have permanent circles under my eyes and always feel like I need a nap or a few extra hours sleep.  I hope it gets better for you soon!

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It seems no one knows exhaustion like a pregnant woman! I think it's God's way of preparing me for lack of sleep for at least the next 18 years :-)

Had dinner at my in-laws today, showed my sis in law 4 different scans of our baby and this was the response to all 4 pictures in order -

"Just looks like a UFO (scan 1), oh that's an elephant (scan 2), this one looks like a rat (scan 3), oh and that just looks like a curled up possom (scan 4)", and then she tosses the pictures aside.

All his family were laughing, thought this was the funniest thing they ever heard and I had to bite my tongue not to say anything and to hold back tears. When I got home I'm ashamed to admit I did have a cry, but my mind can't seem to figure out whether I should have been upset or whether it's just hormones?? Maybe it's just mama mode setting in and I got defensive of my baby, but I really think if this had been said in front of me about someone else I still would have found it rude and inappropriate.

Anyways, after dealing with in-laws for the day, and then a good old cry, I am all ready for a good nights sleep, LOL!


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Well I hope you get that good nights sleep tonight!  And don't even worry about how you reacted and if it was hormone related b/c it doesn't really matter, all that matters is that you did react that way.  Are you close with SIL?  I'm sure she meant no harm by it.  Shit, I can't read those scans most of the time either!  I would hope that I wouldn't be so careless in my comments, but I honestly can't say for sure that I haven't been.  So brush it off (like it seems like you have) and fugeddaboutit.

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Congrats Joanne!!!  Awwww don't worry about your reaction.  I honestly feel that no preg woman should ever be judged lol.  Our hormones are uncontrollable and its probably a combination of that and your momma instincts kicking in... which could be bad for me because i joked about my u/s pics and called it my baby ET or penguin.  Don't judge me hahaha!!!

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