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Officiant Cancelled!


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Dear Ms. Court Commissioner,


I answered your phone call today, expecting to hear a confirmation of our appointment.  Instead, you tell me that you are now unavailable to perform our ceremony!  It's 3 weeks from today.  Are you kidding me?!  I'm legally getting married on 11-11-11...do you think other people are going to want to be married on that date too?  Probably more people than on the 10th or the 12th?  I figured that would quickly become a busy date, that's why I set my date with you in JANUARY!!!!!  You have to be out of town now?  You had no other weddings that day?  And I really appreciate you asking me if I could switch days?!  mad2.gif   NO, I picked the 11th for a reason!  And NO, I can't change the time to accomodate you, because our airline cancelled our flight and now we need to catch a different flight, after our scheduled ceremony with you!  So, thank you for telling me that you will "have to beg someone to do it for us and get back to me with a name and location".  That was heartfelt and warming.


Well, Ms. Commissioner....I left you a message, now 5 days after we spoke, and I still haven't heard from you.  Have you found someone else to perform our ceremony?  I need to apply for our marriage license and have limited time to do it.  A response would be appreciated.  wtf.gif


Ms. Commissioner, another 2 days have passed, and I no longer can wait to give you the opportunity to be a responsible and honest human being.  You should be ashamed of yourself.  A week has passed since you first called and I refuse to leave my destiny in your hands.  I have left messages for others, to see if they can perform our ceremony-you obviously weren't meant to be the one to do it!  Thank you for giving me a four day window to replace you- it has reminded me how resilient and determined I am.  Rest assured, you have not ruined my day or my wedding.  But, if I have something to say about your professionalism, you can count on me leaving my opinion of you, with your boss!


Make it a great day!




Blessed Bride ;)

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So, Friday I get a call from another commissioner who has 6 other weddings that day, but can squeeze us in at 7:45am!  Oh my gosh, how am I supposed to get my witnesses there, who have an hour and a half drive?!  But what choice do I have?  I'll take it!

Originally Posted by dominiqueamber View Post

Wait what happened?! Did you find someone to do the wedding?!


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