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Just in case these questions occurred to anyone else, here are a few things skygirl asked me:


To answer your questions, personally, I'd get there at least three to four days before the wedding. Even if you're doing a symbolic one like we did. To get legally married in DR you'd need to get documents translated and meet with a Dominican judge that will only speak spanish. Cristina or Mercy will act as translator for you. Pastor York doesn't do any legal religious weddings - as far as I know. He books up quickly, so you should send him your info and get your date and time sealed. 

Were your flowers reall?or reall touch?
My flowers and bridesmaids flowers were real. All of them because I hate fake flowers. But they are expensive. Actually, if you use flowers that grow in DR than it's fine but if they have to be exported than they're wicked expensive. My flowers were plain white and they spray painted (or something like that) the inside purple which looked AMAZING!!! 
Before i forget, could ur guests use Secrets resort property?
Nope. You cannot use Secrets. They have security all around and you cannot get on unless you're staying there. They do, however, supply a way to go to the Dreams resorts. You just have to request it at reception. We stayed at Secrets two nights and in all honesty, there's only one restaurant there. Everyone eats at Now. It would have been nice to check out Dreams though. But know that Secrets is beautiful. It's quiet and calm. We had a room with access to the swim up pool. Loved it and would recommend it! They are right next door to each other. Like cross a small walkway close. I didn't realize how close they'd be until I was staying there. 
How was the food in general in the resort?
The food was incredibly good! No complaints. Some of the restaurants service takes patience because english isn't there first language. But you're on vacation so relax and go with the flow. I watched a few people getting angry at the wait times which makes no sense. If the resort is full, it's going to take a while. And sometimes they have reservations that they have to wait for before they can release the seats. I'd say use the butler (when you're upgraded to preferred you get one) and have him make reservations for you. It's harder the larger the group you want. But can be done. Typically I'd have people eat where they wanted and meet up at the Moments lobby bar. Far easier than trying to eat dinner together every night. 
How was DjMannia english?did he do some talking, annoncing?
We didn't use DJ Mannia's MC service. I had friends work it and they were the ones who directed people. Cheaper and worked wonderfully. 
I didnt know u used pastor york..i thought u did symbolic ceremony.
Pastor Ricks english is perfect! In the ceremony there were 2 readings to be done and I had friends do that instead which was a nice change. Having been to Sarah's ceremony, Pastor Rick knows these cermonies like the back of his hand and sales through except when he has to say your names; then he pauses to read it off cards. He does a lot of these ceremony's and it is all the same words he uses. You'll have to find ways to make yours a bit different. I also had a bff sing three songs - one for the family to walk down the aisle, one for me & my dad and then the song when it was all done. Such a special touch.
Was the video on youtube the one done by a video guy from the resort from the package? since you had bluelagoon, do u think u could have asked WC that u dont want the resort photographer from the package doing ur pic, and instead have him maybe come to a reception and do some informal pic?
If you don't use something in the package - it cannot be swapped out for anything else. I didn't want a video but figured using the one in the package would be fine. And it was. But if you want to change when they take the pics I think that should be ok. That didn't occur to me. I don't see why they couldn't have her be there for the same amount of time allotted for the ceremony (45 minutes). I would have gone with that but then, like I said, I wouldn't have the range of pics that I have. Blue Lagoon took wide range shots where the Now photogs took more close-up portraits. And now I have loads of family members smiling faces. Friends & families pics are coming in (fb is crazy) and they have loads of shots of the reception. But remember, you're only going to get 24pictures from the Now photographers. It was hard for us to choose because she actually took 90. And with every extra picture costing $15 dollars, the price adds up quickly. 
Here are a few other things that have just reentered my mind:
They're removing Castaways as an option for receptions. So you brides should double check if it was suggested as an option in your paperwork. Why, Cristina explained to me that March the have a mere 15 weddings but in April they have 60+. They cannot keep closing Castaways and having one less restaurant option for guests. I could have used it because it was given to me as an option from long before but going forward it won't be. If you were offered it, find your paperwork.
2nd, we had fire dancers at our reception. They were amazing. But two nights before, the resort had a massive show on the beach where fire dancers had performed. Luckily, a small number of guests were already there - some saw it others hadn't. But it kind of took the wind out of my sails. My dad was a bit annoyed at the idea of paying for something that the guests had already seen. Because you pay for your wedding when you first meet with the WC and go through it all. You're unaware of what events the resort has planned. Be aware of this. You may book the fire dancers and the night before your wedding they perform for the resort. 
The fountain is currently closed. They are repairing it. And though I don't think any one is having there wedding there in the next couple of weeks, you should definitely check with WCs and the resort when they plan on reopening. They went through the process of covering the whole thing while they work on something. 
Lastly, and this was a bit of annoyance for me. You may not be the only wedding that day at Now. Because my date seemed significant 02.20.2012, there were two other weddings at Now and once at Secrets making for four weddings. I kept crossing paths with other brides which bothered me a bit. Cristina was COMPLETELY focused on me and my FIs day but to keep crossing paths with other brides was still a bit annoying. Made me wish I had booked Jellyfish again. And hearing that they're going to have a stupid amount of weddings in April, it should be noted. 
Ok, any more questions...ask away! 


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Val!! Thank you so much for posting such a detailed review.  I have my ceremony planned for the fountain AND it's in April!  We have castaways reserved so hopefully they will honor that.  YIKES - what if there is another wedding beside us! My FI would lose it.


Also I just did another count today and we have 44 adults and 13 kids!! That puts us a few over the plated dinner and that is REALLY important to me. Do you think they will work with that or maybe do a buffet for the kids only?


OMG now I'm really stressed hearing how busy it will be!!

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I don't think they'd do a separate buffet but that'll be all up to the kitchen staff. I find it hard to think that they won't be able to work with your group.


As for if they'll be other weddings, I'm thinking when she said they're having 60+ in April that there will be other weddings on your day. They have three spots at Now - 11am, 1pm & 4pm and only 1 at Secrets. It does suck seeing two other brides walking by you on YOUR wedding day but you block it out and move on. In the end, they were passing figures. I cannot even tell you where they were having their events because we had the fountian and quiet pool on lockdown - lol! I know one had gotten married on the beach at 1pm, because I saw the set up. Then nothing. Until I passed by her taking pictures on the property with her small group. They might have had ten guests to my nearly 60. Cristina had told me that Sarah and I were the largest wedding groups that week. It's a small thing really, just mentally prepare yourself. Oh, the calendar on the Now Larimar site may show whether there are any other weddings on your day. 


I have to say, I'm happy I did the buffet. It was far more options. And Cristina really went above and beyond for us. We had two seafoods, chicken, beef and roasted goat (which is a very caribbean thing). Ask Sarah about the plated dinners but I believe you chose one entree for everyone. That wouldn't have worked for me. 


The last comment is the cake. That was the only let down. Ours seemed lopsided. And wasn't really the design I wanted but what could we do...we only saw it when we got to the wedding. Luckily, our cake toppers were so f-ing cute, it didn't matter. We had the frosting be cream rather than fondant. Go with fondant. It'll be more sturdy that way. 


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Originally Posted by Alana LM View Post

Val!! Thank you so much for posting such a detailed review.  I have my ceremony planned for the fountain AND it's in April!  We have castaways reserved so hopefully they will honor that.  YIKES - what if there is another wedding beside us! My FI would lose it.


Also I just did another count today and we have 44 adults and 13 kids!! That puts us a few over the plated dinner and that is REALLY important to me. Do you think they will work with that or maybe do a buffet for the kids only?


OMG now I'm really stressed hearing how busy it will be!!


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VAV!  Thank you soooo much for taking the time to write such a wonderfully detailed review.  Your wedding looked and sounded fantastic!  I esspecially loved the way your reception was set up around the quiet pool.  I think yours is the first I've seen set up at that location.  Did you find it windy at night, or was it pretty good?  And how was the buffet as far as neatness, and service?  Did they have attendants keeping an eye/serving the food, or how did it all work?  I am currently torn between buffet or plated!

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Thanks Mandy!! The hubby and I chose it because we hadn't seen any other pics using it as a reception before either. And we LOVED IT!!! It wasn't windy at all because you're surrounded (at a distance) by the buildings. Of course, we couldn't use our floating lanterns because it was far too windy at the beach. So happy we didn't keep the reception there. 


I'm really happy we did the buffet. There were attendants at the carving stations (we had too - one fish the other meat) but you put your own food on the plates. There were little signs telling everyone what each platter was. There were probably about another five people making sure drinks were full and plates were cleared. The funny thing was that some people, staying at the resort, simply thought it was an buffet and tried to line up with plates. Poor Cristina had to run up and scoot them away. We all had a good laugh! 

Originally Posted by mandycross View Post

VAV!  Thank you soooo much for taking the time to write such a wonderfully detailed review.  Your wedding looked and sounded fantastic!  I esspecially loved the way your reception was set up around the quiet pool.  I think yours is the first I've seen set up at that location.  Did you find it windy at night, or was it pretty good?  And how was the buffet as far as neatness, and service?  Did they have attendants keeping an eye/serving the food, or how did it all work?  I am currently torn between buffet or plated!


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Too funny :)  Do you have any more photos of the reception area that you'd be willing to share?  Did you have a dance floor area or anything set up?  How about lighting once the sun went down? Were the resort lights enough or did you have to have extra lighting brought in?

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Hi Alana & Canadian love :) I also live in Ajax.... I will be getting married at the Now on May 24th and I am totally nervous. Cristina is my wedding coordinator, so far she seems to be on top of things. I will be having the ceremony on the beach, we will be paying for a cocktail hour, dinner at capers and the reception at castaway. Maybe it's just me but I find as I go along that a lot of expenses are popping up like table cloths $25 each...the one that is bothering me the most is alcohol $18 per person per hour? Aren't we at an all inclusive? What are u ladies doing about that? I also had an issue with the prices of the center pieces so I will be shipping down my own....the wanted $250 per for what I was looking for. I was considering changing my dinner to poolside, just haven't made my mind up yet but it sounds great! So glad I found this wed site and to her that others are just as nervous as me... I going to search for post from people who actually got married there already. Can't wait to hear back.

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Wow...been awhile since I've been on here and it is nice to see that I'm not the only one with some panic! Thanks Vav and Sarah for all the info you provided us! So helpful! :) I'm trying to take your advice and not stress about things and hope that everything just falls into place! With only 6 weeks to go and so much still up in the air I'm finding it hard to just relax about everything. My biggest issue is not having a time or our ceremony yet!! UGH!! I'm hoping I will get this information soon!! I want to book for hair and make up etc, but kind of hard when I don't know what time we are getting married at! :( Also still trying to decide on a location for our cocktail hour and reception. Was planning on the beach, but after hearing about the wind issues, I think we are going to have to choose another location. Alana have you recieved a time yet for your ceremony?? Mercy said they are still waiting to hear back from the judge, but I'm starting to get a bit impatient!!

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Mandy: yes, luckily a really close friend of mine took some great pics of the reception area. I'll post those. If you do the quiet pool reception, you actually don't need a dance floor. We had one because we thought we were doing the beach and then forgot to take it off our package when we changed. The pic of me and my dancing is on a white dance floor that fit 40 people on it. The lighting was perfect because we had tea lights all over the table, plus the pool is lit and Cristina put candles around the pool and in the pool (I had a lot of tealight holders which I brought at the dollarstore based in Canada). Also, there are things they just use - the pic with the swans in the heart were used - free. The runner beside the dance floor is the runner used at the wedding and then was brought to the reception free. The runner on the table and the little signs with people's names on it I did and packed those in one of our six cases - lol! Hope those pics are helpful!


Asha: Not sure if you'll want to change venus that much (and unless Cristina has said 100% you can, not sure if you can). We were told that it's one location for ceremony and that they, traditionally, like to have cocktail hour at the same place then move the reception to another location. And that they're doing there best to stop using the restaurants (unless you're not closing it down but sharing it with the guests). We had the ceremony at the fountain, cocktail hour moved to the balcony of the main buffet (where the trio played) and then there was an hour break (where ladies got to do outfit changes) but met back up at Moments and we all walked to the Quiet Pool. If she said, make sure you get it all in writing. April they're having 60+ weddings so things may changed after that madness. As for shipping, be careful. Customs takes a long time. We packed six cases and took ALL our decor with us because I was too afraid things may get lost or broken. I  had two large vases and 4 boxes of lit branches and I carried those items on the plane with me. Got to talk to Eric Clapton about them (he was on our flight and I had to say excuse me so that the attendants could put them into the closets because they didn't fit into the overhead). 


SunWedding: I don't know why you don't have your ceremony time. I had that fixed when I got my confirmation. You are the only one I'll say this to - PRESS THEM UNTIL YOU GET AN ANSWER!! Once again - they're going to have 60+ weddings in your month and you want to have what your vision is. So tell them what time you expect your wedding to be. Email them, call them and then email and call AM resorts. Everything else will fall into place but that is incredibly important. 


If any of you have other questions that can't be found in all the lengthy posts I've written, write me at [email protected]. Other than that, have wonderful weddings!!!


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