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Paloma Blanca 4006

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Hey everybody!  I've been searching for a while for the perfect wedding dress.  My mom was supposed to make my dress, but times are tough and I don't want her to feel over extended for what will be a joyous, relaxing day.  She knows how much I love the Palano Blanca 4006 dress with the cute as can be pockets and planned to make me a replica.  The fabric is more expensive than I thought, so I'm trying to find "hopefully my" dress for between $600-$800.... that would still be cheaper than the fabric.  If anyone has this dress for sale, please respond or email me at ssmalanga@gmail.com.  My wedding is in May so keep the responses coming!  I'm 5'6" and wear a size 6... but will take up to a size 12.  Thanks in advance, brides!

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