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First dance surprises

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I got an email from my little sister yesterday entitled "must see." It was a link to you tube, and when I clicked on it I found something like 30 videos of brides and grooms surprising their guests with funny/crazy first dances. My personal favorite was the Jackson/Michael Jackson, as well as the British couple who reinacted the final scene from Dirty Dancingsmile159.gif


I showed it to FI and begged him to do this with me - how funny would that be! I should also tell you that we are totally that couple that dances at every single wedding... and when I say "dance" I mean DANCE! We twist and shout, we do the robot, and yes, we have even "jumped" invisible ropesmile120.gifsmile120.gif


Check it my favorites:


YouTube - Wedding first dance w/ surprise Jack Johnson Michael Jackson


YouTube - Dirty Dancing UK - Julia and James First Dance



I just watched them again... my new goal in life is to talk Steve into this!smile159.gif

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OMG I love that idea! Those videos were totally hilarious! I forwarded them on to Andy. He has no dance skills whatsover....so I may be out of luck; I however grew up dropping it like it's hot to Prince and MJ so I'd be shakin my money maker by myself........smile29.gif I would love to see one of our BDW gals pull this off! Go for it!

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