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Beach themed centerpiece

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We actually are not having flowers. I do not want to pack down fake ones, and we are not paying the prices to have the hotel cover it. Our package includes one centrepiece for the head table; if we decide to go with a long table, it will go in the centre, otherwise it is with us.


We picked up some sea glass and shells and will be scattering them down the centre, probably with tealights or something (thinking dollar store battery ones, then they can just stay there like disposable ones.)


Very simple, but the goal is to not pack tons down there, save money, and enjoy the natural beauty. :)

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i'm ALL about the beachy theme too...sans flowers because at my locale, flowers can be quite costly..


initially, i thought about doing something like this..


shell centerpiece.jpg



but then i thought, how would i get bowls like that down to jamaica so i came up with other ideas that might work and are 'luggage friendly'...including the use of shells, candles, luminaries and lanterns...


mock tablescape I.jpg


mock tablescape II.jpg




good luck with your search for the perfect centerpieces!!!


until next time, HAPPY PLANNING!!!



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R You know I heart you! Wonderful idea! I had that picture in my inspiration folder for years!


I also like the idea of the sea glass scattered down the table. I thought about sand, but thought big mess around food and I thought about brown sugar (fake sand) but still too messy. The ideas I have are of things I don't think i'll find and transport for a budget. The place we've chosen has different table sizes and types with some cool features.


Here is is: (See the candleabra attached to the table?)



I just want to add some shells, coral, sea creatures, and sea glass to it. Oh and free and colorful bougainvillea . Here's some pictures I like:




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hello, ladies...


for those of you still looking for inspiration..i posted a few sneak pics of my reception table in my planning thread.


while the WC didn't put everything on the table as i planned...the pics that my sister took on my iPhone are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!  so i know if EVERYTHING would've been on there..i would've been even more happy..but..the table still looked pretty fab!





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