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Tell me I'm nuts for wanting this!

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Wow, that paper really is pretty.... but I personally don't think it's worth it. I found some paper I fell in love with for $4.50 a sheet, same size, and every sheet made 2 invites. It was WAY too much money. They turned out beautifully, but the time and money invested wasn't worth it IMO. People just look at them once anyways (sorry to be harsh!)

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lol.. thanks again.. okay, I won't used them to make the entire pocketfold.. you've all talked me out of it.. maybe just the bellyband, hehe!


Sarah, I orded the sample of the brown metalic paper too! I'm so excited! I can FINALLY move on to my next project - invites! (well, untill we book the church that is, lol!)

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Originally Posted by carlymcmullen View Post
Amy - I was looking for paper for myself and came across this flocked - Paper Source. The colors aren't turquoise, but but I thought if you had other colors in your theme, it might work. They are a little cheaper.
Click the image to open in full size. Click the image to open in full size. Click the image to open in full size.

Although, I still think Bridget's idea above to use this paper for a bad around the invites is a great one!
ooo thanks... I missed this earlier.. taking a look now!
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It sure is nice, but holy cow! I guess it just depends on where you want to use your money most. I know invites were super important to some girls, not so important to others.


I'm keeping costs down as much as possible for that kind of stuff for us, and spending extra for the reception, OOT bags and other things.


But if invites are a priority, then I say go for it!

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