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Help with sand ceremony

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So, I ordered the vase and its 10 inch's with a 3 in dia opening. and now my problem.... HOW am I going to get this home with out spilling the sand or mixing the sand all up? We will have 5 colors of sand. The 1 base color then our 4 ind. colors. Any ideas ladieshuh.gif

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The only advice I could give you is to stuff the rest of the vase (either with paper or a towl) and then tape the top so that nothing moves. You will have to keep the vase in your carry on bag...


I was planning on having the same amount of color (white sand at the bottom + 4 other colors) and then once we come back home, I would just put all the same in a Ziplock bag. yes, the sand won't be place back the same way but I don't think that I will have the vase as a decoration in my house...I will probably just leave it by the caddles on top of the bath. For me, the most important thing will be the actual sand ceremony with my girls + pictures of all of us doing it... not keeping the sand the exact way it is during the ceremony.

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Originally Posted by Jerzzygirl View Post
So, I ordered the vase and its 10 inch's with a 3 in dia opening. and now my problem.... HOW am I going to get this home with out spilling the sand or mixing the sand all up? We will have 5 colors of sand. The 1 base color then our 4 ind. colors. Any ideas ladieshuh.gif
Can you take the sand out and put in bags until you get back home and then refill with your hunny when you get home? Or you could make it special and refill it on a special occasion (like an anniversary). If you want to keep it the way it is you would have to do what Annie suggested above, stuff something in there and carry it on the plane.
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Originally Posted by carlymcmullen View Post
I think what Annie said is perfect. You can stuff it with something, then cork it or tape it, whatever. I hadn't considered this problem, we are doing the sand ceremony also.
If you haven't bought your vase yet. I was looking into the sand ceremony as well. They have ones with a cork or a lid so it will make transporting it home alot easier if you go with one of those. I just googled Sand Ceremony and tons of different options came up.
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Here's what my vessel looks like:


Click the image to open in full size.


Here's what I did:


-The day after the wedding, we got extra beach sand and filled the vessel almost to the top (within about 3 inches)


-Then, I packed paper towel in until it reached the top. I mean packed HARD!


-I bought saran wrap at the Mega store in Cabo (or you could bring it with you) and put about 5 layers of it over the top, extending down the sides and taped around the sides with packing tape. I put a rubber band around the neck to hold it tight.


-I carried it on as my carryon on the way home. I did lie and say that all the sand came from the US, because they were trying to tell me that if it was Cabo sand I couldn't bring it home! They ran some tests on it when we went through security, but in the end let me pass.

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No, they weren't a set. I AGONIZED over my sand ceremony vessels, and literally found them about a week before we left. I didn't want one of the sets you could buy online, nothing seemed right.


Anyway, we got the center vessel at TJ Maxx- they actually had several vases, pitches, carafes etc that would have worked- we liked this one best. Then we got the small vessels at Target. They are actually candle holders.

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Just keep your eyes open...that's what we did. Actually, the night we bought these we were on a mission. But, over the several months leading up to it, we had seen these pieces separately, but never put two and two together. You'll find the right thing eventually.

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