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No one has booked! :(


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Hi ladies....


Just wanted to give my 2 cents about this topic....I have just finished writing out the envelopes for our save the dates...We sent an electronic STD with all the travel info and I had not planned on sending "official" invites until people booked.  Well My honey and I decided to order very basic STD & matching invitations from vistaprint.  I could not wrap my mind around spending 100's on an invite that #1. people will throw away & #2. people wont respond too.  The STD will go out tomorrow and I am sending the invitations in about 2 or 3 weeks.  I have given an RVSP date of March 1...just to get an idea....but chances are...people will book after that date...I agree with everyone's comments on how frustrating it is to wait.... Only my parents have booked so far (along with us and my daughter of course). 


At the end of the day ladies, its about us and our soon to be husbands.  I'm sure people will respond in their own time. 


WoooooooooSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ladies!cheesy.gif



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I think I got y'all beat on the timing. my STDs went out 13 months in advance, and the invites were mailed 9 months in advance.


I thought it would be best to give people the maximum amount of time to plan for the wedding -- instead of getting married within nine months of the engagement, we'll have ended up waiting 1.75 yrs = TOO. LONG. but we had two couples (including the best man) decide to go to Europe instead. the others (who I believed could have saved money in order to attend) did nothing. and (it feels like) everyone else just forgot. GRR!!!


apologies for the vent, but I really appreciate your understanding. although I hate for anyone else to be going through this, the camaraderie definitely helps.





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I totally get you there. We've been engaged since '08 and we've been planning a wedding in Mexico for 2 years. Somehow people are still procrastinating and complaining. My own sisters can't save in 2 years to come, so i get the irritation that people "can't afford it" but make blatant decisions that convey that they can, in fact, afford it. I'm excited, but I'll be happy when this is all over lol

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AGREED. : ) thanks, echraide. : )


Originally Posted by echraide View Post

I totally get you there. We've been engaged since '08 and we've been planning a wedding in Mexico for 2 years. Somehow people are still procrastinating and complaining. My own sisters can't save in 2 years to come, so i get the irritation that people "can't afford it" but make blatant decisions that convey that they can, in fact, afford it. I'm excited, but I'll be happy when this is all over lol


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  • 2 weeks later...

Same here. me and my FI have been engaged for 1 1/2 yrs and since the moment we got engaged in Cancun, We told everyone as soon as we got back its going to be in Cancun!! Here i am 6 months before and everyone has an excuse  and then its funny cuz before my std's went out people were asking so whens the wedding and all the details and oh i cant wait to go and these are the same people who received the std and have decided not to go, mind you i had my MOH call today a few of them to see wuz up since its 6 months away and 90% of the ones she called said there not going, it would have been nice to have let me know since i did ask for RSVP Jan 1st just to get a rough idea .. soo frustrated..i need to shots.gif ..


makes me want to just elope. cuz everyone i just going to complain and complain and complain..im supposed to me excited and happy about my wedding yet im not and it really saddens me...i know people say all that matters is you and your FI, but is it all worth it? i might as well just elope and save that money towards a house.. this is crazy!!!!!!!! any thought?????

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I guess it just depends on how much you're spending. even if I eloped, I'd want a honeymoon, so there's half the cost of our wedding already (e.g. me + FI flights, hotel, activities for 10 days).


although inflated, Mexico wedding costs are sooooo much less than those in the US. one of my reasons for having a destination wedding was not being able to find a reception venue for less than $7500 (PLUS photography, flowers - ARGH!!). for us, another $5K wouldn't have made much difference in our house downpayment (I mean it WOULD, but not critically), so I don't feel like it's bad to put it towards an intimate wedding, even though my original intention was 25 people. now, I'm happy that I'm saving so much, and I've even been able to plan a reception outside our resort (at Wicky's) to make it really, really special for my close family. : ) I never would have been able to do that with 25 people.


on the flip side, I have a friend who hosted a small wedding locally. she was married at a free chapel and then took a small group (~15 people max) to dinner at a nice restaurant in town. I imagine she spent about the same as I will in Mexico.


at the end, the only thing that's important is what YOU want. if you're really, truly fed up with the destination wedding thing and just want to elope, go for it! I had some friends do that, and they took a wonderful honeymoon to Barcelona. I think it's important to have your time with your FI and the memories, but I wouldn't NOT do something you want because other people are being irritating. I'd suggest sitting down with your FI and figuring out what you both really want and then pursuing that without reservation. the house is definitely important, but I don't know that I'd give up a small wedding for it. if I REALLY had to pick either/or, it would probably be the house because it's there every day, not just one. I think I'd still try to do SOMETHING, though - even if it was only $1K and the free chapel with cake and champagne afterwards.


good luck with your decision. please let us know how it turns out.



Originally Posted by Labebita911 View Post

Same here. me and my FI have been engaged for 1 1/2 yrs and since the moment we got engaged in Cancun, We told everyone as soon as we got back its going to be in Cancun!! Here i am 6 months before and everyone has an excuse  and then its funny cuz before my std's went out people were asking so whens the wedding and all the details and oh i cant wait to go and these are the same people who received the std and have decided not to go, mind you i had my MOH call today a few of them to see wuz up since its 6 months away and 90% of the ones she called said there not going, it would have been nice to have let me know since i did ask for RSVP Jan 1st just to get a rough idea .. soo frustrated..i need to shots.gif ..


makes me want to just elope. cuz everyone i just going to complain and complain and complain..im supposed to me excited and happy about my wedding yet im not and it really saddens me...i know people say all that matters is you and your FI, but is it all worth it? i might as well just elope and save that money towards a house.. this is crazy!!!!!!!! any thought?????


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Thanks for your comment... and your right.. if this is what i truly want it should matter about "irritating people" at the end a DW is soo much cheaper and more stress free than a wedding in he USA and this is why i chose this also.. plus my dream is a beach wedding.. :o) I was just really having a hard time last night.. I spoke to my grandmother :o) and she made me see that as long as the immediate family is there. thats what important.. so im going to just chill and whoever makes it makes it.. my whole thing was the courtesy issues, be upfront and let me know.. that really bothered me..  but o well.. i kind of expected that reaction..

Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

I guess it just depends on how much you're spending. even if I eloped, I'd want a honeymoon, so there's half the cost of our wedding already (e.g. me + FI flights, hotel, activities for 10 days).


although inflated, Mexico wedding costs are sooooo much less than those in the US. one of my reasons for having a destination wedding was not being able to find a reception venue for less than $7500 (PLUS photography, flowers - ARGH!!). for us, another $5K wouldn't have made much difference in our house downpayment (I mean it WOULD, but not critically), so I don't feel like it's bad to put it towards an intimate wedding, even though my original intention was 25 people. now, I'm happy that I'm saving so much, and I've even been able to plan a reception outside our resort (at Wicky's) to make it really, really special for my close family. : ) I never would have been able to do that with 25 people.


on the flip side, I have a friend who hosted a small wedding locally. she was married at a free chapel and then took a small group (~15 people max) to dinner at a nice restaurant in town. I imagine she spent about the same as I will in Mexico.


at the end, the only thing that's important is what YOU want. if you're really, truly fed up with the destination wedding thing and just want to elope, go for it! I had some friends do that, and they took a wonderful honeymoon to Barcelona. I think it's important to have your time with your FI and the memories, but I wouldn't NOT do something you want because other people are being irritating. I'd suggest sitting down with your FI and figuring out what you both really want and then pursuing that without reservation. the house is definitely important, but I don't know that I'd give up a small wedding for it. if I REALLY had to pick either/or, it would probably be the house because it's there every day, not just one. I think I'd still try to do SOMETHING, though - even if it was only $1K and the free chapel with cake and champagne afterwards.


good luck with your decision. please let us know how it turns out.





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Thanks for your comment... and your right.. if this is what i truly want it should matter about "irritating people" at the end a DW is soo much cheaper and more stress free than a wedding in he USA and this is why i chose this also.. plus my dream is a beach wedding.. :o) I was just really having a hard time last night.. I spoke to my grandmother :o) and she made me see that as long as the immediate family is there. thats what important.. so im going to just chill and whoever makes it makes it.. my whole thing was the courtesy issues, be upfront and let me know.. that really bothered me..  but o well.. i kind of expected that reaction..

Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

I guess it just depends on how much you're spending. even if I eloped, I'd want a honeymoon, so there's half the cost of our wedding already (e.g. me + FI flights, hotel, activities for 10 days).


although inflated, Mexico wedding costs are sooooo much less than those in the US. one of my reasons for having a destination wedding was not being able to find a reception venue for less than $7500 (PLUS photography, flowers - ARGH!!). for us, another $5K wouldn't have made much difference in our house downpayment (I mean it WOULD, but not critically), so I don't feel like it's bad to put it towards an intimate wedding, even though my original intention was 25 people. now, I'm happy that I'm saving so much, and I've even been able to plan a reception outside our resort (at Wicky's) to make it really, really special for my close family. : ) I never would have been able to do that with 25 people.


on the flip side, I have a friend who hosted a small wedding locally. she was married at a free chapel and then took a small group (~15 people max) to dinner at a nice restaurant in town. I imagine she spent about the same as I will in Mexico.


at the end, the only thing that's important is what YOU want. if you're really, truly fed up with the destination wedding thing and just want to elope, go for it! I had some friends do that, and they took a wonderful honeymoon to Barcelona. I think it's important to have your time with your FI and the memories, but I wouldn't NOT do something you want because other people are being irritating. I'd suggest sitting down with your FI and figuring out what you both really want and then pursuing that without reservation. the house is definitely important, but I don't know that I'd give up a small wedding for it. if I REALLY had to pick either/or, it would probably be the house because it's there every day, not just one. I think I'd still try to do SOMETHING, though - even if it was only $1K and the free chapel with cake and champagne afterwards.


good luck with your decision. please let us know how it turns out.





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Thanks for your comment... and your right.. if this is what i truly want it should matter about "irritating people" at the end a DW is soo much cheaper and more stress free than a wedding in he USA and this is why i chose this also.. plus my dream is a beach wedding.. :o) I was just really having a hard time last night.. I spoke to my grandmother :o) and she made me see that as long as the immediate family is there. thats what important.. so im going to just chill and whoever makes it makes it.. my whole thing was the courtesy issues, be upfront and let me know.. that really bothered me..  but o well.. i kind of expected that reaction..

Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

I guess it just depends on how much you're spending. even if I eloped, I'd want a honeymoon, so there's half the cost of our wedding already (e.g. me + FI flights, hotel, activities for 10 days).


although inflated, Mexico wedding costs are sooooo much less than those in the US. one of my reasons for having a destination wedding was not being able to find a reception venue for less than $7500 (PLUS photography, flowers - ARGH!!). for us, another $5K wouldn't have made much difference in our house downpayment (I mean it WOULD, but not critically), so I don't feel like it's bad to put it towards an intimate wedding, even though my original intention was 25 people. now, I'm happy that I'm saving so much, and I've even been able to plan a reception outside our resort (at Wicky's) to make it really, really special for my close family. : ) I never would have been able to do that with 25 people.


on the flip side, I have a friend who hosted a small wedding locally. she was married at a free chapel and then took a small group (~15 people max) to dinner at a nice restaurant in town. I imagine she spent about the same as I will in Mexico.


at the end, the only thing that's important is what YOU want. if you're really, truly fed up with the destination wedding thing and just want to elope, go for it! I had some friends do that, and they took a wonderful honeymoon to Barcelona. I think it's important to have your time with your FI and the memories, but I wouldn't NOT do something you want because other people are being irritating. I'd suggest sitting down with your FI and figuring out what you both really want and then pursuing that without reservation. the house is definitely important, but I don't know that I'd give up a small wedding for it. if I REALLY had to pick either/or, it would probably be the house because it's there every day, not just one. I think I'd still try to do SOMETHING, though - even if it was only $1K and the free chapel with cake and champagne afterwards.


good luck with your decision. please let us know how it turns out.





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Thanks for your comment... and your right.. if this is what i truly want it should matter about "irritating people" at the end a DW is soo much cheaper and more stress free than a wedding in he USA and this is why i chose this also.. plus my dream is a beach wedding.. :o) I was just really having a hard time last night.. I spoke to my grandmother :o) and she made me see that as long as the immediate family is there. thats what important.. so im going to just chill and whoever makes it makes it.. my whole thing was the courtesy issues, be upfront and let me know.. that really bothered me..  but o well.. i kind of expected that reaction..

Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

I guess it just depends on how much you're spending. even if I eloped, I'd want a honeymoon, so there's half the cost of our wedding already (e.g. me + FI flights, hotel, activities for 10 days).


although inflated, Mexico wedding costs are sooooo much less than those in the US. one of my reasons for having a destination wedding was not being able to find a reception venue for less than $7500 (PLUS photography, flowers - ARGH!!). for us, another $5K wouldn't have made much difference in our house downpayment (I mean it WOULD, but not critically), so I don't feel like it's bad to put it towards an intimate wedding, even though my original intention was 25 people. now, I'm happy that I'm saving so much, and I've even been able to plan a reception outside our resort (at Wicky's) to make it really, really special for my close family. : ) I never would have been able to do that with 25 people.


on the flip side, I have a friend who hosted a small wedding locally. she was married at a free chapel and then took a small group (~15 people max) to dinner at a nice restaurant in town. I imagine she spent about the same as I will in Mexico.


at the end, the only thing that's important is what YOU want. if you're really, truly fed up with the destination wedding thing and just want to elope, go for it! I had some friends do that, and they took a wonderful honeymoon to Barcelona. I think it's important to have your time with your FI and the memories, but I wouldn't NOT do something you want because other people are being irritating. I'd suggest sitting down with your FI and figuring out what you both really want and then pursuing that without reservation. the house is definitely important, but I don't know that I'd give up a small wedding for it. if I REALLY had to pick either/or, it would probably be the house because it's there every day, not just one. I think I'd still try to do SOMETHING, though - even if it was only $1K and the free chapel with cake and champagne afterwards.


good luck with your decision. please let us know how it turns out.





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