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Our "Will You Be My Bridesmaid" Gifts

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Hi Ladies,


This is my first Tread so bear with me.  I absolutely love this site.  More than words can say.  Some of my ideas originated from here too, however, I'm sorry I can't remember just who but I'd like to say THANK YOU!


The gifts to my bridesmaids were sent out 8/4/11.   The whole process was just so much fun. 


Okay let's start with the pictures shall we :)



These are the packaged addressed and all ready to send.  Sorry about the stinky iPhone photos but my camera was dead.




Each had this card on the top of the gift:



(Front)  I scrapbooked each girls name in the box at the bottom of the "invite"  I created and printed the invites on Vista Print (which happens to be pretty much my best new friend aready!





As you can see on the front, each girl was suppose to stop at each line of the poem and open a gift cooresponding with what line they were on.  Below are the gifts:





Gift No. 1: Went with line No. 1: "You are so sweet" (a box of chocolates)  Cost around $2 at Walmart




Gift No. 2 Went with Line 2: "and charming" (a starfish charm necklace)  Necklace was bought on eBay for just around $3.00 I forgot the seller but if you typle in starfish necklace you'll see a ton of them.


Gift No. 3 When with Line 3: "I'm so very thankful for you" (a box of thank you cards which I unfortunately don't have a picure of)


Gift No. 4 Went with Line 4: "Please say I DO!"  (which was a ring pop, again I'm sorry I don't have a pic)


As I already said it was so much fun to send these out.  They all arrived on their doorstops the very next day and only cost about $50 in shipping.  Well worth it in my opinion.  One bridesmaid called me crying (granted she JUST had a baby and was very emotional)  My fiance's sister wrote me to sweetest note saying how excited she was and how she says "Heck Yes" to all of the "Conditions"  that she'd even "Lye in mud so I didn't get my dress dirty on my wedding day"  So cute!  I can't say enough how fun it was to ask them in a special way.  It's so nice doing a destination wedding because so many of the large details are decided for you and you have so much extra time to spend doing simple things that in my opinion make a big difference :)


Hope you enjoy!


Congratulations to all you future brides out there.  This is such an exciting time!






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This is so true! I could not agree more!

Originally Posted by ellie0717 View Post

 It's so nice doing a destination wedding because so many of the large details are decided for you and you have so much extra time to spend doing simple things that in my opinion make a big difference :)








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Originally Posted by sunshine2413 View Post


Wow you wedding is going to be amazing! After I just saw the custom beer and now this, you two have really thought about this and they are very meaningful gift! I love it all... can't wait to see what is to come! Happy Planning



Aww Thank you so much!


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  • 1 month later...

oh my goodness!  that is so wonderful!  I'm so glad I was able to inspire you.  It seriosly is such an honor!!!  Your gifts are absoluetly adorable and I love the font you used.  I hope that your bridemaids love them.  thank you so much for sharing yours with me.  It makes my heart smile! :D

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