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Barefoot sandals, wedges, flip flops?????

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My wedding is a year away (8.31.12) but I am already stressing!


I am getting married at Sunset Jamaica Grande and I initially wanted to get married on the beach and when that was set in stone, I had decided to wear barefoot sandals. My two sisters are my MOH and MatronOH. I was going to get the barefoot sandals, earrings, and necklace as part of their gifts.


I read a few places that the beach area at SJG was not that good of a site and someone suggested the gazebo to have the wedding. There are few pros to that and I can work that (area is mostly decorated by surrounding foliage and it would be minimal decorations to make it look nice)......(I was worried that they wouldn't be able to decorate the arch on the beach to my satisfaction).


I have decided to have the wedding at the gazebo and take pictures on the beach.....Here is my dilemma. I sooooo wanted to wear barefoot sandals and I really wanted my sisters to have and wear them as well. The question is: Would it look crazy to wear the barefoot sandals for the wedding at the gazebo? Or should we go with decorated flip flops and I still give them the sandals to wear for the pictures? (I am thinking that if they don't already have them on, it may be too much of a hassle to have them to go and put them on just for the pictures)


Any suggestions?


Thanks in advance ladies!

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The number one thing to remember is that this is your day! If you are in love with the idea of barefoot sandals for you and your sisters, then that is what you should wear. The purpose of a destination wedding is to have a laid back feel to your day, so why not just do it your way?! :)

Besides you are still going to be in a beach setting, taking beach pictures. I don't think it will look silly at all to wear barefoot sandals on the grass, who doesn't like cool blades of grass between their toes anyways?


Do what makes you happy!

& good luck with the planning.



Blue Petal Destination Weddings

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I had to wanted to wear barefoot sandals but we are getting married in a gazebo so decided against them.  We will all be wearing flip flops.  I had considered doing barefood sandals for pictures but thought it might be to much of a hassle to try to put them on and what not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

JayKay, that's my dilemma exactly. Didn't want the hassle of having to change footwear. I may go with the flip flop/sandal option as well and I will just have to find some really cute ones for myself and my sisters. I suppose since I was so fixated on having something on our feet while taking pictures in the sand, I may buy them anklets along with the rest of their wedding jewelry.

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You are absolutely right! This is my day and darn it, it's not supposed to be this stressful. I am off to find cute sandals or flipnflops for everyone and I think I will get some beautiful barefoot sandals for myself (in my wedding colors) for my photos and I will get my sisters anklets as part of their wedding jewelry (along with earrings and necklaces). Thanks for your input.

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  • 9 months later...

Hi Mrstobe & Everyone,


Well that sounds like a lot of fun and a good idea and if you want some nice flip flops for your bridesmaids or for your guests I really recommend PARTYFLOPS I had some custom made for my wedding and I loved them and I´ve been telling people to try them out, its real nice and your guests end up really impressed.


Hope your wedding goes as you plan, and I'm sure you´ll be fine with what ever you choose, all you got to remember is to be real happy on that special day.

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