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DIY: Will you be my...(groomsmen/bridesmaid) my first DIY :D

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Hey so to ask my fiances friends to be his groomsmen we actually took an idea off of this website. We made personalized beers. We made 10beers(two for each). It cost us $30, $20 for beer and $10 for label paper(from walmart, one page was one big label.



To start we took a picture of a label from Alexander Keith's Beer, we copied into paint and used the paint option to colour over all of the writing. we then saved and copied the picture into a word document and used word art to write Taggart's Groomsmen and then their names, we also copied a picture of the Cuban flag(where we are getting married) and placed it over the flag on the original picture. after we both checked it out we printed it on the label paper and then cut it out. We took the old labels off. And after that it was just sticking them onto the bottles. He is having them all over tomorrow and I cant wait till he gives them the beers.(time=1hr)




For the bridesmaids i bought little boxes from Micheals($3 each) and sanded them, I then painted them in my wedding colours and painted the tops white.(two coats if anyone cares :) ) I then varnished them(3 Coats). At micheals I also found little already painted wooden decals($0.80each), I also varnished those. And then just glued them on. For the bracelets I found sterling silver bracelets at micheals(normally $9.99 but they were on sale for $5.99each) And little starfish charms($2.79each. they also had sand dollars, flipflops,suns like 70 different kinds). For these all I did was open the jump ring on the charm, placed it on the middle of the bracelet and closed it. All together it cost $39(for three sets). (time=1.5hrs, but over three days because each layer of paint/varnish dried for 3hrs, the bracelets took 10mins).


Sorry about the pictures they are just from my phone.IMG-20110903-00009.jpgIMG-20110903-00010.jpg

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