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Best Friend/ Maid of Honor drama

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This weekend my BFF/MOH came down. She seemed very disinterested in anything about my wedding. She also kept saying out of all my friends I really thought I would have been the first person married. She was VERY selfish the entire weekend. I thought it was just me but our others friends were afraid to say anything. I really want to talk to her about but I really dont know what to say. Please help we've been friends forever. I called to my FI and he was so confused to why she's acting like that. Normally she the sweetest person you will ever meet

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I think you should definitely call/email her and ask her what is going on.  If she is your BFF, then it is best to get things out in the open.  But I would phrase it in a way to say that you noticed she wasn't acting like herself and you were wondering if there is something going on in her life or if it has something to do with your wedding.


Originally Posted by beachbride312 View Post

This weekend my BFF/MOH came down. She seemed very disinterested in anything about my wedding. She also kept saying out of all my friends I really thought I would have been the first person married. She was VERY selfish the entire weekend. I thought it was just me but our others friends were afraid to say anything. I really want to talk to her about but I really dont know what to say. Please help we've been friends forever. I called to my FI and he was so confused to why she's acting like that. Normally she the sweetest person you will ever meet


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I've had a really hard time too with a couple of my girlfriends.  They make me feel like I'm asking for their first born by inviting them to the wedding.  It really sucks...


You think your best friends would be overjoyed to help you celebrate, but sadly it's not always the case.


I keep reminding myself that as long as my FI is there, that's all that matters.  Same days it's easier than others... 

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Its a really tough position to be in because you dont want to say anything to upset her but if you dont say anything then nothing will change and she wont know how you are feeling.  I guess you could try to talk with her, maybe there is something personally going on with her to make her act this way! I hope things get sorted out!

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I am sorry this is happening!  I would definitely "gently" ask her if there is something else going on and if everything is alright in her world.  What I am finding already, is that the friends I thought would be excited for me could care less and don't even ask me anything and we end up talking about their problems, or they are avoiding me all together....It's so weird!  I am also pretty much one of the last ones to get married out of all my friends, so you would think they would understand my excitement!  So I am glad for this forum and all the ladies, you all can relate in some way!

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it sounds to me like she may be a bit jealous... she probably sees how happy you are and that you're going down this road and shes most likely just anxious to be going down that road herself... I think this is a pretty common ocurrance especially if you're an "older" bride (whatever that age may be for you and your group). I luckily haven't had these issues but a lot of my friends have. I would just try not to focus on it... just giver her time/space. So sorry this is happening though.

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