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Is two AHR's out of hand??


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I need some help with this one,we are from opposite sides of the country, so we thought a DW would make it easier for our families to meet.  If we had a wedding in one of these places we wouldn't have a chance to really allow our families to spend time and get to know one another.  So we concluded we should go to Cuba for a DW, now, all of a sudden my FI has started talking about an AHR in my province and another one in his province! OMG!   


Personally I think this is a bit too much, and we should just go to Cuba, get married and forget about it!    But my Fiance really wants all three things, has anyone else done this?


If I do have an AHR... or two, it has to be backyard party, very casual,  just to share our video with our guests.


Another question I had is if anyone has had a Potluck style AHR??  That is what he suggested for his family, and I just can't wrap my head around people bringing their own food to our reception?  Any feedback or advice?


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I can see why you feel that having 2 AHRs may be a bit much. There are already so many wedding-related parties: engagement party, shower, bachelorette party, rehearsal dinner, DW, AHR... It's a lot to plan and a lot to spend! On the other hand, family is one of the most important part of anyone's life. I can totally relate to wanting to share this experience with all your family on both sides.


Here's a suggestion based on my experience: Have your shower in the province where you live, and have it double as an AHR. My AHR was my bridal shower (we called it a "wedding" shower to make it less girly). We invited everyone (women, men, kids) and had a party in my mom's backyard. I wouldn't exactly have called it a "reception," because there was no dancing, but it was exactly what I wanted. Everyone was able to hang out and mingle. What we did have was a really good catered buffet, satellite radio music, a bar with my brother's friend as the bar tender, and tents in case it rained. (I decided to skip the games and gift opening because they would have taken a long time with 90 people!) What I liked about it was that we killed 2 birds with 1 stone and didn't need to plan an additional party.


Then you can have a more standard AHR on the other side of the country after the DW. This way there will be an event in each province. And if you are having a bridal shower anyway, you'll just need to plan a bigger shower and 1 AHR instead of a shower and 2 AHRs.

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  • 1 month later...

I will also be having 2 AHR's one for our family and friends here in Moncton and another one for my family in PEI Canada as my grandparents are to old to travel off the island and I really want my grandparents to see me in my wedding dress. The bonus of this is I paid 1000$ for my dress which will be used 3 times lol not just once :D

Both of the AHR's will be potluck with a laptop and projection screen :)

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Thanks JMastr05, I like the idea you had about having one at my house, catered, but casual, and then another on PEI when we're back.   I might do both after though, so people can see the photo's and stuff.


Charity Dawn, I think I would do the slideshow too...that's one of my favorite parts of weddings!!


Still lots to think about!!

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I think 2 AHR's are ok, if they're going to be casual events why not? I also think there's nothing wrong with a potluck party, have a slideshow of your wedding pics and some great food and snacks ! If you would have only one AHR, what province would you pick to have it in? Would some people be offended? I say if you can afford to have 2 casual ones then do that !

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  • 5 months later...

Im actually considering this as I am from Wisconsin and FI is from Houston. I know for a fact that I do have family who will not be able to travel to the Dominican Republic but are willing to drive from their homes for an AHR in Houston or WI. Not to mention there are various reasons why people cant attend the DW that has nothing to do with money (date conflict, no passport, other plans, fear of flying over large bodies of water, late stags of pregnancy, traveling to another country with children under 6 month) and I still would like them to be apart of our celebration. Slideshow and video will be nice, a simple menu and everyine is included

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Im actually considering this as I am from Wisconsin and FI is from Houston. I know for a fact that I do have family who will not be able to travel to the Dominican Republic but are willing to drive from their homes for an AHR in Houston or WI. Not to mention there are various reasons why people cant attend the DW that has nothing to do with money (date conflict, no passport, other plans, fear of flying over large bodies of water, late stags of pregnancy, traveling to another country with children under 6 month) and I still would like them to be apart of our celebration. Slideshow and video will be nice, a simple menu and everyine is included

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