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I just got back from the DR.  I will be writing up a full review of the Iberostar Grand and my experiences later this week but I wanted to warn everyone who plan to marry or visit the DR...


Do NOT let your birth certificate or passport out of your sight. 


Our WC and judge said that it is customary to leave your original birth certificates with them - that is NOT true.  I insisted that we keep the originals and that they can look at them and make copies - they agreed.  Long story short, the WC fessed up late on our wedding night that she forgot and that the judge took them home with him.  After much calling, demanding (we never get nasty nor yell), crying in the lobby, we got nowhere.  We called the American Embassy and they confirmed that the judge does not need the birth certificates and that he essentially stole them.  They recommended that we hire a local attorney (you can't call the local cops on the judge, right?).  The Embassy said that it is not an uncommon problem because the birth certificates are used to get DR people into the United States.  We made it clear to our WC that we weren't going to leave the country without the documents.  We packed up for our regular departure time but was ready to extend our stay.  However, the documents magically appeared exactly the same minute as our shuttle.  WOW. 


Now, a lot of other things made sense.  I will be coming back with a lot more details and follow-up.







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Funny that you mention that .. I just got back from the Dominican Consulate ( the one located in Montreal) and they gave me back our birth certificates with the proper authentications ... however, we were told by the clerk that once in the Dominican after the wedding , the hotel / judge will keep our birth certificates as proof to put with the wedding license etc...... and that we would need to to get new ones from the Quebec Government on our return. Now are you saying that this is not necessary for our marriage to be legal????

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That seems crazy that you would need to get NEW birth certificates when you get home and leave yournoriginal in another country...... This makes me suspicious

Funny that you mention that .. I just got back from the Dominican Consulate ( the one located in Montreal) and they gave me back our birth certificates with the proper authentications ... however, we were told by the clerk that once in the Dominican after the wedding , the hotel / judge will keep our birth certificates as proof to put with the wedding license etc...... and that we would need to to get new ones from the Quebec Government on our return. Now are you saying that this is not necessary for our marriage to be legal????

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This is absolutely a scam!  Who told you this?


They do no need your original birth certificates!  Do not hand them over. 


If the judge insists on seeing your originals, make sure YOU are holding them and do not let them go for a second.  If they insist that they won't marry you without the birth certificates, then make sure to get the judge's name and report it here or to the consulate. After going through this, I would also advise that you get legally married at home instead.  I realized that if I ever need to get a certificated copy of the marriage license, it would most likely be another nightmare.  Also, I think I uncovered this scam because I have a birth certificate from another country and it is not replaceable so I made a big stink about it which I am sure they weren't expecting. 



Originally Posted by MichCraw View Post

Funny that you mention that .. I just got back from the Dominican Consulate ( the one located in Montreal) and they gave me back our birth certificates with the proper authentications ... however, we were told by the clerk that once in the Dominican after the wedding , the hotel / judge will keep our birth certificates as proof to put with the wedding license etc...... and that we would need to to get new ones from the Quebec Government on our return. Now are you saying that this is not necessary for our marriage to be legal????


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