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Show me your wedding hair!

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Thanks for sharing this! This is how I want my hair to look!


Originally Posted by jmastr05 View Post

I haven't received my profesisonal pictures yet, so this is the best hair shot that I have (pretty good I think). Since many stylists aren't very experienced with curly hair, I was nervous. but I am really happy with the result.




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My one tid bit of advice about hair is to think about what side will be showing more. My hair flowers was on the left, but during the ceremony, my right side was facing everyone, including the photographer. So the flower isn't in that many pictures. =P


I have thick hair as well, and, I must admit that I was hot. But I have had some nightmare up-dos. I had my hair done like in the picture once before, and I knew it worked for my curly hair. So I stuck with the sure thing.

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No problem. I didn't think of it either, and (apparently) neither did the WC or hairdresser. I just noticed when I was looking at the pictures that our guests took. It's a minor detail, but why  not have it the way you want if you can?!


Originally Posted by Cdunn514 View Post

thanks for the advice on the flower, i would have never even thought about that


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I hope we get some really great pics on this thread. I cant wait to see what everyone has been doing.


 My problem is i want too much. (shocking, lol) I told FI i wasnt wearing a veil and he didnt like that too much, so i got one. Thing is i wanted a flower in my hair and to borrow my sisters hairpiece from her wedding. Can you wear a veil and still incorporate flowers?



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