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Wedding week schedule

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I'm trying to make the days prior to the wedding go as smoothly as possible. What does your wedding week schedule look like?


What do you all have planned for the days prior to the wedding and when are you doing things like hair trials, OOT bag assembly and stags? How much time are you leaving for hair/make-up before the ceremony? 



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Originally Posted by JBean View Post

I'm trying to make the days prior to the wedding go as smoothly as possible. What does your wedding week schedule look like?


What do you all have planned for the days prior to the wedding and when are you doing things like hair trials, OOT bag assembly and stags? How much time are you leaving for hair/make-up before the ceremony? 



My cousin had her destination wedding the year before mine and I saw how stressed out she was because she left everything for the last minute.  She didn't get to enjoy any time with the family because she was always off running errands.  So, I learned from her experience and was absolutely determined to get as much out of the way as soon as I got there so that I could try to relax the rest of the week.  

That's my big advice to you - get as much as you can out of the way early.  I was the most relaxed bride the 4 days leading up to my wedding and spent a TON of quality time with my guests. 


As a side note - I did a site visit a few months before where I did food tastings and hair & make up trials so that helped out a lot because I didn't have to do it the week of.


Here's what my week looked like...hope this helps:)


Sunday (arrival day) - I arrived at the resort around 1pm and went to the local market to buy some local items that were still missing for the welcome bags (i.e. mini tequilla bottles). I started assembling all the welcome bags right after and was done that evening.  I brought them down to the front desk.  I had already made arrangements from home to have them distribute the bags to guests as they checked in.  Then I moved on to assembling the favors which we worked on thru the night. 


Monday - I went to do some food tastings that I hadn't been able to during my site visit a few months before.  I went through the final schedule of events with my WC.  I paid off any balance that was due.  I had my dress and the groom's tux steamed to smooth out the wrinkles it encountered during travel.  Took all the favors, cake topper, guest book, flip flops (which would be handed out to guests during the reception) and aisle runner to my wedding coordinator.   Went for a walk thru of the venue for the welcome cocktail reception. 


Tuesday -  All the errands were pretty much done so my future hubby and I just enjoyed some alone, down time before everyone arrived. We hung out by the pool, went sight seeing, had a nice romantic dinner.


Wednesday - All of my guests (55 people) had already arrived on Wednesday.  We had a welcome cocktail reception that evening around 5pm.  It was a great way to have everyone mingle and get to know each other.  By the end of the night EVERYONE was one bigg happy family and loving each other.  The welcome cocktail was probably one of the best things I could have done.  It was a good way to break the ice.


Thursday - Relaxed all day by the pool and beach with all our guests.  In the late afternoon I went to get a massage and my nails done. That evening we had a short rehearsal at the chapel (about 15 minutes) and then had an awesome rehearsal dinner on the beach which turned into a really fun beach party. 


Friday (WEDDING DAY:)-  I woke up around 8am, had a good breakfast and took a shower.  My hair & make up guys came over at 10am and were done by 12pm.  My photographer came over at 12:30 for pictures with me, my mom and the bridal party.  At 2:30 I started to head over to the chapel for the ceremony.  The ceremony started at 3pm and ended at 4.  From 4 -5pm my hubby and I took pictures.  The Reception started at 5:30 and ended at 11pm. 

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Thanks so much for posting your schedule.  I have been trying to figure out how I was going to get all of those last minute things done.  You made me feel more relaxed about this and I am also trying to get as much done before I leave for the resort that way I will be able to share fun times with friends and famiy. 

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Thanks for the advice on the welcome cocktails.  I've been debating what I want to do (or not do, on account of our budget) to welcome guests.  Thinking about it, it would definitely help loosen everyone up to get tipsy with guests they don't know.  We're not having a lot of guests, but those who are coming will be from various areas of the country.  Even those in the wedding party are mostly unacquainted, but we're planning to rent penthouses for them to share while they're there.  It's the kind of thing that could go beautifully, or turn into a huge disaster.  I want everyone to get along, obviously.


I'm also struggling with how much I'll have to do once we're done there and how in the world I'll have time to relax.  I do not want to be a stressed out bride; I turn into a very demanding, unforgiving person when that happens, so I need a Bridezilla prevention plan in place ahead of time! 

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Thanks for the advice on the welcome cocktails.  I've been debating what I want to do (or not do, on account of our budget) to welcome guests.  Thinking about it, it would definitely help loosen everyone up to get tipsy with guests they don't know.  We're not having a lot of guests, but those who are coming will be from various areas of the country.  Even those in the wedding party are mostly unacquainted, but we're planning to rent penthouses for them to share while they're there.  It's the kind of thing that could go beautifully, or turn into a huge disaster.  I want everyone to get along, obviously.


I'm also struggling with how much I'll have to do once we're done there and how in the world I'll have time to relax.  I do not want to be a stressed out bride; I turn into a very demanding, unforgiving person when that happens, so I need a Bridezilla prevention plan in place ahead of time! 

I negotiated the welcome cocktails for free for getting such a big group to book at the resort. That's something I always tell brides to do. We sometimes don't even realize how much bargaining power we have with these resorts. If you haven't already booked and signed your contract I would definetly ask. Especially if you're staying at an all inclusive. My resort wasnt an AI and I was still able to get a two hour free welcome cocktail reception. At an all inclusive it should be even easier because the drinks are already free and all they need to provide is the venue. It can be a closed off section by the pool or something like that.
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Originally Posted by simba1234 View Post


I negotiated the welcome cocktails for free for getting such a big group to book at the resort. That's something I always tell brides to do. We sometimes don't even realize how much bargaining power we have with these resorts. If you haven't already booked and signed your contract I would definetly ask. Especially if you're staying at an all inclusive. My resort wasnt an AI and I was still able to get a two hour free welcome cocktail reception. At an all inclusive it should be even easier because the drinks are already free and all they need to provide is the venue. It can be a closed off section by the pool or something like that.


Good to know.  We haven't booked yet, but are looking at a non-AI.  Our guest list is small, around 20 people, but perhaps we can still negotiate.  The worst anyone can say is no. 


Wedding is March 2013, so we have plenty of time to plan.  Most of the decisions, we keep going back and forth on, because it's not crunch time.  I'm sure as things progress, we'll go with what we feel and then be happy with our choices.  I just want our guests to have a great time, too. 

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