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Manda123 !! What a great surprise so happy for you , even better that the boutique was in on it! I will definately post some pics during my planning thread!

Originally Posted by Manda123 View Post

Glad your fitting went well! Can't wait to see pics when you do your planning thread!

Mine went well too - only need to have the dress hemmed, otherwise I don't need any alternations! That's gonna save some money :)

I felt like they were super rushed at Sinders and I didn't know what was going on. THe lady who was fitting me said that they were really busy so we were going to have to speed up. I was thinking of saying, sheesh I just dropped hundered of dollars on this dress, don't I deserve some time, but I bit my tongue. It turned out that my bridesmaids threw me a SURPRISE bridal shower yesterday and the bridal salon was in on it the whole time - even since the time I booked the appointment apparently! It was a great day!


Very nice outfit.. even better price wise.. love a grea deal

Originally Posted by janette34 View Post

Just had to post my welcome dinner outfit.  Dress was purchased from Modnique for $35 and shoes from Beyond the Rack for $9.99.

welcome dress 2.JPG


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OMG... eek.gif   $3500!!! And I thought mine was bad for $944.... (chair rental, chair covers, chair sashes, 6 vases filled with water and orchids submerged) - THAT's it.... I ended up sourcing stuff out myself for chair covers and sashes at a fraction of the cost and am using a local florist to rent the 6 vases and get 6 orchids WAY cheaper than my resort offered (saving us nearly $490 USD)... I was appalled since we were also already renting out a restaurant for $1800 for a private reception... they didn't even having "options" for decor, just a decorated archway and table - take it or leave it... that disappointed me since it's part of our wedding package (included) but clearly only if you really aren't picky or won't care that it will clash with your colours and theme (which in my case it totally did)


I sourced most of my stuff out from : http://www.save-on-crafts.com they only ship to US though, so you have to either use an outside shipper to get it to you (some listed on their website) or send it to someone you know and have them send it to you. elefant.gif



Originally Posted by celticgirl View Post

woooo hooooo, now I have a place to chit chat AND a place to OOT ahaha. thanksss tori! OH guess what, I got my wedding ring designed! YAY! Its a channel band, the two outer rows are white diamonds, and the inner row is black diamond... I am VERY excited to see the final product when it is made, I will take a picture for you! Everyone at the store was amazed with what I had designed, they had never seen/thought of using black diamonds in a wedding ring! Hopefully it turns out well... I cant believe I am putting together all the pieces now... my next task is to figure out some decor... My resort wants 3500 for decorations.... EEEEEEK thats more than our flights combined, or our dinner AND open bar combined... I dont understand, since most of the stuff can be reusable... oh well.. I am considering getting most of it myself, but then there is the question of wether or not I will have time to decorate, or if I can even get it down there... hmmmm are you ladies doing anything yourself for decor, or just biting the bullet and paying? My ceremony is fully decorated, but not my reception!


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so i know we all cant participate in this but just in case you know someone getting married in sept, oct or nov:


"Four Weddings" is coming to the GTA/SOuthern Ontario region. Right now, Four Weddings is specifically looking for September, October and November weddings. Weddings should take place in the GTA or Southwestern Ontario area.

Casting is going on now! Interested brides can email [email protected]
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I am so confused on what to do about a photographer. I know i have probably brought this up before but i just dont know what to do..... i have a guy that did our engagement pics and said if we pay his way ($1566), he will pay his wifes and do the pics for free. he is just starting out and some of his pics are beauitful but some are corny... he just started a website www.kingstonphoto.ca. i dont know if i should bring him or try to find someone in jamaica.


ahhh what do i do ladies?!? pictures are so important to me and this is such a big choice. any advice would be helpful

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The only thing that made we sort of wish we were getting married here!!!! How fun would it be to do a four weddings episode!! I would jsut love seeing other peoples visions come to life!!!

Originally Posted by Krysta lee ann View Post

so i know we all cant participate in this but just in case you know someone getting married in sept, oct or nov:


"Four Weddings" is coming to the GTA/SOuthern Ontario region. Right now, Four Weddings is specifically looking for September, October and November weddings. Weddings should take place in the GTA or Southwestern Ontario area.

Casting is going on now! Interested brides can email [email protected]


Alright, so I took a look at his website and here is my two cents.  You have to look past an "amateur-ish" website and focus on the images, his photos and editing seem AWESOME.  Yes, some pictures are more posed but you never know, maybe that bride wanted that look.  You can see he has an eye for details and I am sure if you shared your "inspiration picture file" (I am sure I am not the only one who has other photography images saved to show my photog what I like) he will totally get your style and be willing to work with it.  


What did you think of your engagement pictures?  Would $1500 be for a week vacation?  He will be paying for his wife but is she also a photographer/assistant?  Would you then be getting 2 photogs for the price of one?  If this is for a week will he be photographing all week long?  Maybe you can negotiate he do a rehearsal or welcome dinner as well as a few hours here and there during the trip of the group outside of the wedding day.  I personally think this is the largest benefit of bringing a photographer with you, you can get images from the ENTIRE week of you and your guests which make for great memories for everyone.  This may not be the case but definitely something I would be discussing with him.  $1500 is a great price for an aspiring photographer who has the right vision.  Everyone has to start somewhere and you could be the lucky bride to get in on the ground floor.


A friend of mine is getting married next summer and she just booked her photographer, an aspiring part-time photographer who has done a ton of shoots here and there but due to a full-time job does not have the time to market herself the same way a FT photog would.  They did an engagement shoot to see what they thought before booking.  She had over 400 images for them to choose from on a website that they could download print etc from.  They were ALL edited and FANTASTIC! For their engagement session it was $200 all in!  She is able to work within their wedding budget and they know they will have SO many images to choose from and they like her style.  This is just a great example of finding someone who is GREAT and their prices have yet to be inflated.  Take advantage of it if you can as long as you are comfortable with their work!


I am kicking myself for not booking our friends photog (she is actually a friend of mine's sister) based on the fact she didnt have a lot of work to look at.  We are very excited about our photographer but due to her experience and body of work we are paying the price for it.


Go with your gut, but my opinion is his work looks great!


(maybe a little more than 2 cents...oops!)



Originally Posted by Krysta lee ann View Post

I am so confused on what to do about a photographer. I know i have probably brought this up before but i just dont know what to do..... i have a guy that did our engagement pics and said if we pay his way ($1566), he will pay his wifes and do the pics for free. he is just starting out and some of his pics are beauitful but some are corny... he just started a website www.kingstonphoto.ca. i dont know if i should bring him or try to find someone in jamaica.


ahhh what do i do ladies?!? pictures are so important to me and this is such a big choice. any advice would be helpful


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