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were only having 15 total, as of right now. were getting married in jamaica, having a cocktail hr, then a reception. My thought was even though its a small group i didnt want not to have the whole wedding experience, so we have oppted to do the DJ..think of the pics you can have lol my advice is do what you want, if its a DJ/photographer/OOT bags/favors etc...then do it!


Im treating our wedding as if it were 100 ppl coming, i just dont want any regrets or should haves. I know im not much help but thought id tell you what we were doing. if you want anything let me know and CONGRATS

Originally Posted by kristinalilly View Post

Hey all new brides/brides to be. Seems like you guys have some great ideas and it's nice to get advice from other Canadians!
I'm getting married in Mexico next summer and am now starting to think about details. We're having a smaller wedding as people are traveling from Australia to attend. There are only 13 people plus my fiance and I and was wondering if anyone else has had a similar sized wedding and could offer me some tips.
We're planning on doing the cocktail hour and dinner reception, but it seems silly to get a dj for just 15 people. Any advice on balancing a small group, but still having it feel like a wedding would be appreciated!


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i have crazy sensitive teeth, but because im a coffe drinker and such...i use the strips all the time, what i did was for the first couple of times, i didnt keep them on as long as required. I just built my teeth up to it lol i wouldnt worry to much hun, your teeth will be a litle sensitive for the first couple of times... but its not that bad and in the end so nice!

Originally Posted by Allie2012 View Post

Hey JandG - wow I feel so bad for your BM, that must be so stressful for her but I am glad that you guys have managed to figure everything out!

Torilynn - I use crest white strips all the time. My teeth are a little sensitive, but my gums are SUPER sensitive. So when I put them on I just make sure that they are not too high up on the gums, and I have no issues with them. They honestly work so well, so I would highly recommend them :)


I am in Collingwood so the closest People's is in Barrie and we are actually going to check out wedding rings tonight! I can't wait to see what they have because until now I have never even thought about what I may do for a ring(s). My e-ring was custom made in London, ON but we don't plan to go that route for the wedding ring, so hopefully I can find something that kind of matches!



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We chose the Majestic Elegance in Punta Cana because we became engaged there love.gif

This, plus actually being able to experience the resort made our decision very easy. 


I just took a quick look at the package pricing on both resorts...and WOW...they have really jumped in price since we booked (back in June).  I hope they come down in price so you are able to go with your desired location.  But if not...your day will still be perfect, because you'll be with your man, family and friends...and thats all what matters when it comes down to it.  Keep us posted on how things go.





Originally Posted by ceciliag62 View Post

So when I joined this forum I decided to read through the whole thread. I'm proud to day I'm on page 94. Woohoo!! I'm getting there and I'm taking notes. Talk about informative.

I'm feeling very discouraged at the moment because I've fallen in love with a hotel that is out of our price range hissyfit.gif   I'm really in love with Majestic Colonial. But for our June wedding the best price I can find is $1365 and we're trying to stay as close as possible to $1200. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I win the lottery but I don't think it's going to happen. Time for a reality check. Don't you just hate those.


So....For all of you who have already picked your hotel. Which hotel did you pick and why?


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Middle will be your e-ring and others will be just wedding bands, Some brides find it useful to have it all soldered together, when they know they won't wear it separately. I would solder mine if I had curved band and I knew I would not wear it is on it is own without engagement ring, cause it would like funny. U know what I mean :D So yeah. Once it is soldered it will look like 3 separate rings, but they will be attached and wont spin and misalign... :D

Originally Posted by canadiangirl View Post

k so this is my blonde moment for the day lol plus im only one coffe 2 lmao is this your e-ring? all three ???? or the middle ring is e-ring and the 2 are wedding bands??? wow feel so dumb right now lmao


but yeah they are alot alike, i love it


NO worries :D Sometimes it takes time to figure all the lingo :D


Originally Posted by Krysta lee ann View Post

bahahah i am a loser!! lol



Hey torilynnsmith,

I have a good experience with Blue Nile. I ordered a stone for my friend like 4-5 years ago from them, when they just were starting. Prices were way better than they are now. 

We ordered a stone, it come with the certificate, all specs matched to what they said it should be. Fast, very convenient shipping and service. Also they have great return policy.

Also you should check out novori.com They are same thing and their prices are slightly better. I would recommend ordering from them and getting your rings appraised right away by someone in your town. That way you can make sure you got, what you ordered and your certificate is true. It is extra 50 for appraisal, but I think it is worth it and can put you at ease. So if you get it appraised and it will turn out not what you ordered, just return it within 30 days and you are good to go. :D

Also sometimes you can find better deal at any jewellery store, specially chains cause they are more flexible to give you discounts. 

GIRLS, when you buy your rings, BARGAIN. The worst can happen you will get no as an answer (which is very unlikely), the best can happen you will save 15-20% if not more, off your purchase. My wedding band was 899.00 i got 20% off on that. Also compare between stores and tell them that their competitor will give better deal for the same ring :D Most jewellery stores carry pretty much the same merchandise. Such situation motivates them to give discount and make a sale. Also ask for managers, they can give you better deals, if manager is not in the store at the moment, ask sales associate to call manager and ask for a deal!! Don't be shy, it is normal to bargain this business!

I hope it will help someone who will shop for rings or jewellery :D

Originally Posted by torilynnsmith View Post

WOW! I miss a few days and I am nearly 100 posts behind, you ladies have been busy!!!!!!!!


Cecilia - Welcome to the forum, I am an MC bride, I would be happy to give you my opinion so far in dealing with everything.  Not sure if you have received all the wedding pkg info yet from them but a lot of price changes have been happening.  The facebook group "majestic colonial brideS" is an amazing source of information so if you havent checked it out I would suggest taking a look!

Kat, since you seem to have a really great jewelery bakground, I was wondering what you know about Blue nile?  I have checked it out a few times and have been tempted to order my bands from them but dont know enough about them!

I feel your pain, I am in exams too right now (until the 16th) and wedding planning has taken a BACK SEAT actually since september I have had little interest.  With jsut 2 months to go I am finally starting to get excited again! Your mojo will come back!!!!


Anyone with sensitive teeth use the white strips?  I want to try them but am nervous to have too much tooth pain!

Allie where are you located?  Our peoples is having a jewelery design show this weekend that I am going to!! Its a nice opportunity to see some "different" stuff!





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We have very small group going with us. 7 in total, we will have cocktail hour and private dinner and then we will go dancing later at night.

I opted to go with iPod and build my playlists. I did that because we plan to dance after the dinner, but in one of the bars at the resort. I did not see any need to spend extra money on it. Also as Leigh said you should do what you want, so you won't have regrets later!

Originally Posted by kristinalilly View Post

Hey all new brides/brides to be. Seems like you guys have some great ideas and it's nice to get advice from other Canadians!
I'm getting married in Mexico next summer and am now starting to think about details. We're having a smaller wedding as people are traveling from Australia to attend. There are only 13 people plus my fiance and I and was wondering if anyone else has had a similar sized wedding and could offer me some tips.
We're planning on doing the cocktail hour and dinner reception, but it seems silly to get a dj for just 15 people. Any advice on balancing a small group, but still having it feel like a wedding would be appreciated!


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Those are so beautiful and elegant, the more bling the better is what I say! I can not wait to see the finished product .. your bouquet will be to die for!!! Congrats

Originally Posted by canadiangirl View Post



so here is a description of what and why i got these, cause some may seem weird lol

1) PEACOCK...this is our theme thought it was perfect

2) LETTER M...this is FI initial

3) STARFISH... well its a starfish lol

4) FEATHER...my gran had one like this and, my aunt lost it, so this way shes with me at our wedding

5) LOBSTER....this one is my fav of all, FI and I have always called each other LOBSTER, (his thing) lobsters mate once in a lifetime, and no matter where they are they always come back to each other at mating season lol what does that say about us? lol

6) FEATHER....it has the peacock colors in it, hard to see

7) SNOWFLAKE...again my gran had a scarf pin like this one.

Hi kristinalilly, welcome to the Canadian brides thread, we are also a small group of 15. I am not having a reception , just a nice a la carte dinner at one of the restaurants, I think that will be alright for our small group. No dj or anything like that, people can go to the disco after or to our room to continue the festivities, however 3/4 of the people are over 60 in age, so I think it will be pretty quiet on their part after supper! hehe ... Each wedding is different, depending on your budget and the guests, it's up to you to judge what people would like and what you absolutely can't go without!

Originally Posted by kristinalilly View Post

Hey all new brides/brides to be. Seems like you guys have some great ideas and it's nice to get advice from other Canadians!
I'm getting married in Mexico next summer and am now starting to think about details. We're having a smaller wedding as people are traveling from Australia to attend. There are only 13 people plus my fiance and I and was wondering if anyone else has had a similar sized wedding and could offer me some tips.
We're planning on doing the cocktail hour and dinner reception, but it seems silly to get a dj for just 15 people. Any advice on balancing a small group, but still having it feel like a wedding would be appreciated!


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So here is my last post before I head off tomorrow morning to Punta Cana, thank you for those that took the time to help me out, and those that took the time to respond to my many different questions. You've been very helpful and I will be sure to post when I get back from the honeymoon. Think good thoughts for good weather on the 7th of December, I would really love for it to be a sunny beautiful day! I'm so excited!!!

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thats what i thought but just wanted to clarify lol lol im better now though after 4 coffees

Originally Posted by kat2012 View Post


Middle will be your e-ring and others will be just wedding bands, Some brides find it useful to have it all soldered together, when they know they won't wear it separately. I would solder mine if I had curved band and I knew I would not wear it is on it is own without engagement ring, cause it would like funny. U know what I mean :D So yeah. Once it is soldered it will look like 3 separate rings, but they will be attached and wont spin and misalign... :D

NO worries :D Sometimes it takes time to figure all the lingo :D



Hey torilynnsmith,

I have a good experience with Blue Nile. I ordered a stone for my friend like 4-5 years ago from them, when they just were starting. Prices were way better than they are now. 

We ordered a stone, it come with the certificate, all specs matched to what they said it should be. Fast, very convenient shipping and service. Also they have great return policy.

Also you should check out novori.com They are same thing and their prices are slightly better. I would recommend ordering from them and getting your rings appraised right away by someone in your town. That way you can make sure you got, what you ordered and your certificate is true. It is extra 50 for appraisal, but I think it is worth it and can put you at ease. So if you get it appraised and it will turn out not what you ordered, just return it within 30 days and you are good to go. :D

Also sometimes you can find better deal at any jewellery store, specially chains cause they are more flexible to give you discounts. 

GIRLS, when you buy your rings, BARGAIN. The worst can happen you will get no as an answer (which is very unlikely), the best can happen you will save 15-20% if not more, off your purchase. My wedding band was 899.00 i got 20% off on that. Also compare between stores and tell them that their competitor will give better deal for the same ring :D Most jewellery stores carry pretty much the same merchandise. Such situation motivates them to give discount and make a sale. Also ask for managers, they can give you better deals, if manager is not in the store at the moment, ask sales associate to call manager and ask for a deal!! Don't be shy, it is normal to bargain this business!

I hope it will help someone who will shop for rings or jewellery :D



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CONGRATS .... and I know everything will be beautiful and just the way you planned, just remember to take some time for you two and relax during the final stretch, (THINKING GOOD WEATHER GOOD WEATHER) have a blast!

Originally Posted by MichCraw View Post

So here is my last post before I head off tomorrow morning to Punta Cana, thank you for those that took the time to help me out, and those that took the time to respond to my many different questions. You've been very helpful and I will be sure to post when I get back from the honeymoon. Think good thoughts for good weather on the 7th of December, I would really love for it to be a sunny beautiful day! I'm so excited!!!


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