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so here is a description of what and why i got these, cause some may seem weird lol

1) PEACOCK...this is our theme thought it was perfect

2) LETTER M...this is FI initial

3) STARFISH... well its a starfish lol

4) FEATHER...my gran had one like this and, my aunt lost it, so this way shes with me at our wedding

5) LOBSTER....this one is my fav of all, FI and I have always called each other LOBSTER, (his thing) lobsters mate once in a lifetime, and no matter where they are they always come back to each other at mating season lol what does that say about us? lol

6) FEATHER....it has the peacock colors in it, hard to see

7) SNOWFLAKE...again my gran had a scarf pin like this one.

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It wasnt so much my clothes and shoes but the welcome kits....With Transat and the options plus package we were allowed 88lbs each and we still went over LMAO We were over by 16 or 17 lbs i think :( and it cost us $230 (ish) we tried EVERYTHING to lose some of the weight from our bags, I even cut down on shoes BOOOO i had planned outfits and everything but i wasnt really willing to sacrifice any of the wedding stuff or welcome kits!!! So we sucked it up and paid. On the way back we put suit cases within suitcases and we didnt have to pay on the way home :) The security questionned us on the way out of the airport that it was really all our stuff LOL once we told them we were married they left us alone LOL

Originally Posted by canadiangirl View Post

oh yeah, i forgot to ask you hun...how did that all work out with the airline? how much extra did you have to pay? or did the upgrade cover it all? i think im going to be in the same boat as you .... dammm shoes lol lol



YAY! thats great. glad it worked out!

Originally Posted by J and G 2012 View Post

I just wanted to share my sigh of relief.

We have 30 days until we leave and I just worked out the last booking issue! One of my BMs split from her husband after booking their trip, we had until today to find a replacement for his trip, and we did it! Now, she can relax and get excited for Jamaica again! Which means I can relax, somewhat!



Originally Posted by canadiangirl View Post

yeayyyyy so i went to the mail box, and well ran downstairs right away had to tell you ladies that all my brooches for my wedding flowers came in!!!!! 7 in total i couldnt be happier. oh i should tell the FI lmao


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HAHAHAH you posted this while i was replying and telling you to post pics...too funny! They look awesome and your Lobster story is just too cute :P

Originally Posted by canadiangirl View Post



so here is a description of what and why i got these, cause some may seem weird lol

1) PEACOCK...this is our theme thought it was perfect

2) LETTER M...this is FI initial

3) STARFISH... well its a starfish lol

4) FEATHER...my gran had one like this and, my aunt lost it, so this way shes with me at our wedding

5) LOBSTER....this one is my fav of all, FI and I have always called each other LOBSTER, (his thing) lobsters mate once in a lifetime, and no matter where they are they always come back to each other at mating season lol what does that say about us? lol

6) FEATHER....it has the peacock colors in it, hard to see

7) SNOWFLAKE...again my gran had a scarf pin like this one.


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hehehehehe that happends to me all the time ...i got his wedding ring engraved as well "Forever Your LOBSTER XOXO" he has no idea, but has questioned me as to what i got at peoples for 60.00 lol lol


im putting them all together this weekend, with there stems, ill post more pics

Originally Posted by Janet1480 View Post

HAHAHAH you posted this while i was replying and telling you to post pics...too funny! They look awesome and your Lobster story is just too cute :P



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Hey JandG - wow I feel so bad for your BM, that must be so stressful for her but I am glad that you guys have managed to figure everything out!

Originally Posted by J and G 2012 View Post

I just wanted to share my sigh of relief.

We have 30 days until we leave and I just worked out the last booking issue! One of my BMs split from her husband after booking their trip, we had until today to find a replacement for his trip, and we did it! Now, she can relax and get excited for Jamaica again! Which means I can relax, somewhat!

Torilynn - I use crest white strips all the time. My teeth are a little sensitive, but my gums are SUPER sensitive. So when I put them on I just make sure that they are not too high up on the gums, and I have no issues with them. They honestly work so well, so I would highly recommend them :)


I am in Collingwood so the closest People's is in Barrie and we are actually going to check out wedding rings tonight! I can't wait to see what they have because until now I have never even thought about what I may do for a ring(s). My e-ring was custom made in London, ON but we don't plan to go that route for the wedding ring, so hopefully I can find something that kind of matches!

Originally Posted by torilynnsmith View Post

WOW! I miss a few days and I am nearly 100 posts behind, you ladies have been busy!!!!!!!!


Cecilia - Welcome to the forum, I am an MC bride, I would be happy to give you my opinion so far in dealing with everything.  Not sure if you have received all the wedding pkg info yet from them but a lot of price changes have been happening.  The facebook group "majestic colonial brideS" is an amazing source of information so if you havent checked it out I would suggest taking a look!

Kat, since you seem to have a really great jewelery bakground, I was wondering what you know about Blue nile?  I have checked it out a few times and have been tempted to order my bands from them but dont know enough about them!

I feel your pain, I am in exams too right now (until the 16th) and wedding planning has taken a BACK SEAT actually since september I have had little interest.  With jsut 2 months to go I am finally starting to get excited again! Your mojo will come back!!!!


Anyone with sensitive teeth use the white strips?  I want to try them but am nervous to have too much tooth pain!

Allie where are you located?  Our peoples is having a jewelery design show this weekend that I am going to!! Its a nice opportunity to see some "different" stuff!





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Oh I forgot to comment that I love all your brooches! Love how they are all different :)

Originally Posted by canadiangirl View Post



so here is a description of what and why i got these, cause some may seem weird lol

1) PEACOCK...this is our theme thought it was perfect

2) LETTER M...this is FI initial

3) STARFISH... well its a starfish lol

4) FEATHER...my gran had one like this and, my aunt lost it, so this way shes with me at our wedding

5) LOBSTER....this one is my fav of all, FI and I have always called each other LOBSTER, (his thing) lobsters mate once in a lifetime, and no matter where they are they always come back to each other at mating season lol what does that say about us? lol

6) FEATHER....it has the peacock colors in it, hard to see

7) SNOWFLAKE...again my gran had a scarf pin like this one.


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Hey all new brides/brides to be. Seems like you guys have some great ideas and it's nice to get advice from other Canadians!
I'm getting married in Mexico next summer and am now starting to think about details. We're having a smaller wedding as people are traveling from Australia to attend. There are only 13 people plus my fiance and I and was wondering if anyone else has had a similar sized wedding and could offer me some tips.
We're planning on doing the cocktail hour and dinner reception, but it seems silly to get a dj for just 15 people. Any advice on balancing a small group, but still having it feel like a wedding would be appreciated!

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