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Any 2013 Brides Out There?!!!!

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Hi Kim,

Its nice to hear from you.  It seems you have been really busy with your announcments and scrapbook etc.

Im mostly computer based right now and just waiting for flight availablity so i can book and send invites out. sorry i meant we hee hee!  Although im not aticipating a large number even with the notice given :(

Ive also decided on DLR.  What month are you planning?

Its great that you have been there before you must have lots of inside information. :)






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Yeah, I'm mostly doing a TON of online looking around and getting ideas for things.  We've picked out our colors and are almost finalized with a place.  Oh, and I've already purchased my dress and shoes!! LOL!! I can't believe I bought my dress over 2 years before the date and before I even knew for sure it would be a DW.  But I found a great dress that I fell in love with and it was on sale so I couldn't say no!! :)

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Hi Carla- when are you thinking of booking? and through who? I'm really scared I'm going to have to end up biding my time to the ''last minute'' to get good enough deals for my guests. I'm a teacher too, so we're quite restricted in when it can be. You made me laugh with the accidental 'I', my OH is still at the 'it's two years away" point, so it's hard to get much out of him, though apparently he had a go at his vows at work the other day! :o. We're thinking July at the moment but generally just whenever in the school holidays that we can get the cheapest deal!! Yeah, if you have any questions please ask and I'll try and help you out! Or if you want photos of anywhere I can send you them :D

Bruuning- Wow, I can't believe you've already got your dress!! Very jealous! I'm having to bide my time (which is probably a good thing because the style I like has completely changed over the past year lol. I started off wanted something really simple and sleek and I've gradually wanted something ''poofier'' :P) If it's the one though you don';t want to lose it!! Can we get a sneak peek?? What colours are you going with? We've decided on shades of turquoise/teal and ivory with hints of silver in there. 

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Hey Kkimi88 - I know, I can't believe I have it already either! I live far away from my mom, aunt and second sister so I was more shopping for dresses to humor them and get the experience with them, because they happened to all be in town at once a couple months ago.  But then I found it!  I would love to show or describe it to you, but I need to keep it a secret since my FI can get on this site too and I'm not telling him anything about it!  But it is different than I originally wanted too, so I'm happy I looked at s few stores before buying because my style is nothing like I thought I wanted.  I just knew it was the one!  :)  


We are going with black and white theme with splashes of dark purple.  At first I didn't know if that would go well with the more casual beachy look, but I think we've found a way to make it look really nice!  

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Yay!  So glad to see other 2013 brides out there!  We are booked at the El Dorado Royale for February...sooo excited.  It's going to be hard to wait another year and a half!  We sent out our save the dates out already, as soon as we booked a resort.  I've been slowly working on getting stuff for the OOT bags and gifts for the parents.  Also ordered some of the free things from vistaprint (return address labels, photo sharing card, keycard/tip holder inserts, etc.)  I refuse to become a bridezilla and I really don't want to stress about stuff so I'm definitely trying to get a headstart.  Also financially if I can purchase things gradually throughout the next year and a half that will help!  Best of luck to all you ladies and welcome!!

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@ Bruuning:  Awww,  how lovely that you got to have the full experience with your family and how great that you found it so quickly! My family, bridesmaids and best man (yeah, I'm being a bit untraditional and having a best man too!) are scattered over the UK too so I imagine I'll have some difficulty getting us all together! Ahh right, no worries then, I don't blame you if there's a chance he'll sneak a peak!! Yeah, I get the feeling it could change again by the time I start trying them on; it's hard to know what's going to suit you best in this sort of territory! 


Wow, that sounds lovely... very classic! Sounds fantastic. I really liked the idea of purple but we've already settled on colours and it's one of the only things my OH has had an input in so probably best to encourage it! lol.



@jnadair: I've looked at holidaying at the different El Dorado resorts, they're stunning; I bet it will be gorgeous for a DW! Do you have a specific date then? I can't wait to be able to have one so I can start printing date-specific projects. When will you be saying 'I do' then?? I do love Vistaprint for its freebies, I'm not sure how they make any money with us lot just cashing in on the free stuff haha! Got myself a free 'will you be my bridesmaid' book for my sister last night. I work in an intensive job Sept-July so it's definitely my intention too to get as much done now to prevent me entering Bridezilla territory lol. I'm already stressing about the weather every now and again so could do with that being the only thing I have to worry about once it gets here! 


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Hi bruuning fantastic news on your dress my three year old badgers me evryday to go dress shoppin.  Im not sure if sooner rather than later will work in her case though ha!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Hi Kim,  Ive been told by co-optravel that the dates should be in the new brochures due out in september/october so fingers crossed. I have been trying to compare the prices from this years as a rought estimate.  I will be booking with Thomson through co-op as TA was much nicer and discounted our comparison figures from £5000 to £3800 for 2 adults and 2 children without even asking.  However i will be offering the carribean warhouse on my invites as this is so much cheaper.  It was even suggested to me to get a quote and see if co-op can beat it. Worth a try.  Because its expensive im not expecting many but at least im offering alternatives and carribean warehouse was on average 250 cheaper.    I thought want the security of the 'big' tour operator although people on trip advisor say carribean warehouse or blue bay their sister company is fine unless you have a volcano situation.                               

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@kkimi88, Thanks!  And I totally know what you are going through with mainly having the summers to plan.  My job gets super busy Sept-June and then in addition to working full time, I am going to graduate school part-time during those months as well!  I basically have no life once September hits.  So although the wedding is 2 years away, I only really have the rest of this summer and then next summer to plan since I doubt I'll get anything done during the school year.  Which, when you think about it is only like 5 months of true planning time!  Aahhh!! :)

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