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Atlantis wedding photos


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It's me again - can't seem to get away from the wedding.  Most post wedding stuff is done - thank yous are mailed, left over supplies and mementos are boxed up so now it's just the photos.  I'm working on putting together a photo album for us but first made a short montage to share with all our friends.  Most pictures are the professional ones taken by Tim Aylen with some of my own mixed in.  The nice thing about Tim's packages, is that it includes printing and usage rights so I was able to make this without infringing on any copyrights or anything.  I narrowed down the over 500 pictures he sent to make a short video (fits to one song).  I may make a second one for us that includes more pictures, but figured about 3 minutes is about the attention span of anyone else.




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Loved it Steph!!!


We have so many of the same vendors (like jose and matthew) and also have similar extras (like the junkanoo band and cigar roller).  Looking through your photos gave me such good ideas- personalized matches for the cigars, brilliant!!!


If you think of anything that you wish you had done, please please please feel free to let me know :)


and congrats, you looked radiant!


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As far as the wedding, the only thing I wish I had done was to have a video of the ceremony.  I kept thinking I would never watch it but about a month before the wedding I saw some samples where the videographers create something like my photo montage.  I like mine, but it would be cool to have some true audio of us saying I do or other parts.  Other than that I would do it all the same.


The other thing is I wish I assigned someone to take photos of the non-wedding events like the welcome party, the days at the cabana, etc.  They weren't the type of things that you'd hire a professional for, but I would like some pictures.  Only about 5 of our guests have posted photos to our Snapfish group room.  I know there are more, but people forget to share and of course I feel funny hounding them.  So my suggestion would be to ask friends ahead of time to be responsible for a specific event - maybe different people for each one so no one is constantly taking pics.


No matter what, your wedding will be amazing! 

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we're toying with a videographer as well.  We went to a wedding where the couple had a same-day edit and they showed "the getting ready" at the end of the ceremony and it was beautiful...  


And great idea about asking an individual to take photos at the different events.  We actually hired our photographer to take pictures at the rehearsal dinner.  But it would be fun to have the casino night and brunch photographed.  I also really like your idea about having a group snapfish/shutterfly.  how did you set it up??


And one thing that we are doing that my guest love is having our photographer offer 30-minute and 1-hour photo sessions during our weekend (just friday and sunday actually, since we have her all day saturday).  The guests can pay her a fee and she'll send them all the photos edited on a CD in the mail.  Lots of our guests are taking advantage of the gorgeous backdrop and signing up.  I'm also thinking of giving this as a gift to our siblings and wedding party.  :)


I love wedding planning!  Are you kinda sad it's over??

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That is a really cool idea about the individual photography sessions - I think our guests would have liked that.  Careful taking pictures on casino night - they aren't allowed in the casino.  the last night my husband's niece was showing me pictures on her camera and she was told to put it away.  It wasn't even on other than the screen.


I'd suggest using Shutterfly for the group photos.  I've used Snapfish for years and a lot of my friends do too so that's why I did mine there, but they changed there format in the last few months and it doesn't seem so user friendly.  Most BDW brides rave about Shutterfly and they have some cool wedding options.  If you log on it will walk you through how to set up a group room and then you just pass along the login info to your guests.  Shutterfly actually lets you put text in there too so you can write stuff about the photos or about the wedding in general.


Yes, I definitely have the post wedding blues.  I thought I'd be relieved that all the planning was over, but it was fun.  Plus I'm usually sad after a vacation when all the fun ends and its back to reality but this one was so much fun its even harder.  Oh well - I need to look into anther trip so I have something to plan and look forward to :)

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I couldn't see spending $500 - $600 on a video. I knew I wanted some kind of wedding video though. Most of my family and friends told me they watched their wedding video once and never watched it again...it is nice to have though in case you ever want to watch it.


Here was my solution. I went out and bought a High End HD video camera for about $600.00, luckily someone at work was selling it. He bought it new for $1500.00. I asked a friend to video tape the wedding for us. It is far from professional video taping but it is "something" to have and watch. He taped the ceremony all the important moments and some of the reception. I gave the camera to anyone who wanted it and everyone walked around and did some video taping.


At the end. I did have a video but the money I spent went to a camera that I would have forever and could use whenever I wanted. As I said the video was great but not professional. Just a thought. It made more sense to video tape myself and have a camera and video to show for my money.


On a side note. I got married about 18 months ago and have only watched the video once :)

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  • 1 month later...

The cake was made by the on-site Atlantis bakers.  I provided a picture of a cake I found on The Knot and they were able to duplicate it.  The flowers came from Wildflowers - I fell in love the blue orchids the moment I saw them on their website.

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