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Sky Lanterns!

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That is sad.  Wonder if you could do it off the beach somewhere nearby though?  Perhaps the night before your wedding as "pre-wedding wishes"?!

Originally Posted by kellykanester View Post

Its sad, we cant have these at dreams cancun :(


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Moon Palace won't do it because the resort is so close to the airport, it could interfere with them. It's disappointing, but at least I understand their reasoning.

Originally Posted by JessiTaylor View Post


The places that say no - is it fire concerns, trash concerns or eco-concerns? did they give you a reason?


i think some are biodegradable but i know some arent...so maybe thats the reason?


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Hi ladies!

Can someone tell me if the lanterns from www.skylantern.com are wire-free? I know they claim to be biodegradable but i'm concerned about the wire pieces going into the ocean or floating elsewhere and animals/fish getting caught in them. Not worth it for me if I'm going to kill these poor creatures for some nice pics.  In the pics/video it looks like there is wire. 

If anyone knows where i can find the true biodegradable and safe lanterns, please let me know! 



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Sorry - correction: i meant, www.theyskylantern.com




Originally Posted by beachbum21 View Post

Hi ladies!

Can someone tell me if the lanterns from www.skylantern.com are wire-free? I know they claim to be biodegradable but i'm concerned about the wire pieces going into the ocean or floating elsewhere and animals/fish getting caught in them. Not worth it for me if I'm going to kill these poor creatures for some nice pics.  In the pics/video it looks like there is wire. 

If anyone knows where i can find the true biodegradable and safe lanterns, please let me know! 




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i agree htat skylanterns are beautiful but im not allowed to have anything fire related in my venue except candles - sky lanterns, firedancers, fireworks etc

i just read this article in an english newspaper   http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/ethicallivingblog/2009/jul/31/sky-lanterns


so the ones with wire approx 9 months to break down. which is a long time for them to be on the ground/in the ocean =S but there seem to be some wire free options available if you search online


for some reason i cant open your sky lantern webpage, im having real issues with my internet and browser. but i would say unless it actually says wire free then it probably has wires -its still technically biodegradable, it just doesnt biodegrade very fast. the wire free ones are more expensive on the websites ive looked at


oh and leenancy - i never even considered the airport issue. gosh!


Originally Posted by beachbum21 View Post

Hi ladies!

Can someone tell me if the lanterns from www.skylantern.com are wire-free? I know they claim to be biodegradable but i'm concerned about the wire pieces going into the ocean or floating elsewhere and animals/fish getting caught in them. Not worth it for me if I'm going to kill these poor creatures for some nice pics.  In the pics/video it looks like there is wire. 

If anyone knows where i can find the true biodegradable and safe lanterns, please let me know! 




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Hi ladies!

Thought I would let anyone who's interested know I found 100% bio-degradable, eco-friendly sky lanterns. These are completely wire-free ( no harming creatures )!


I decided I would just pick up the phone and ask, so I talked to a few places:


www.weddinglantern.com - These have a wire frame (BAD)


www.wishlantern.com - This company has eco-friendly lanterns however they are out of stock until May. As I'm getting married in April, this won't work.


www.theskylantern.com - This company sells eco-friendly lanterns, $3/piece, also available by the case for less/piece I think and will ship very quickly. For all you Canadians, shipping was comparable to all of the other places I checked, plus if you call them they will give you a direct number for a Canadian distributor who can sell by the case (out of London, ON) which means you'll likely save on shipping. I didn't need a whole case so just ordered by phone (today). Shipping was $28 and i'll have them here in three days. The person I spoke to was also very friendly and helpful. Highly recommend!!!


While eco-friendly lanterns may be slightly more expensive, a few extra dollars is worth it knowing i'm not sending wire into the ocean to get stuck and torture poor, unsuspecting ocean wildlife.  Choose the eco-friendly options!! :)



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I am glad to get some information as I like a few brides on here would never want to release something that would harm the environment or the animals. I am going to order mine off sky lanterns unless I can find somewhere local to Toronto to buy them.

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