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Beautiful Wedding Location - Beach Club Cafe


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<<40 people won't fit because of the size of the rooms? >>


Yes, at least to stay there.  You could probably max out at 25 for accommodations.  You could definitely do a 40 person reception there though, as long as the weather cooperates!  Here are a few pics of their restaurant/deck space:



(This is taken from directly above; there is more restaurant space under where we are standing to take the photo)



(We are sitting in lounge space directly under where the above photo was taken; there is restaurant space behind us and indoor breakfast space directly to our left)


<<What did you think of the place?>>

Loved it.  Classic.  Very intimate atmosphere.


<< All I really need is dinner,>>

This might be a good choice for you.  The food is absolutely excellent.  It is a little pricey though.


<< I also liked that there rooms were less than $200 a night.>>

Well, that's sort of true.  SOME are less than $200.  The room we stayed in, for example, is $235.  The owners may be willing to cut you some kind of break if you book the whole place though!


<<I read your review - that's crazy - I'm so sorry that happened to you.>>

Thanks, I appreciate that :)


I can't wait to hear what you decide!



Originally Posted by dominiqueamber View Post

I read your review - that's crazy - I'm so sorry that happened to you. 40 people won't fit because of the size of the rooms? What did you think of the place? I'm anxious for details.I don't know about the a la carte. All I really need is dinner, I have most all of the vendors packages provide because my guy is Bahamian and has talented friends and family.  I was just wondering about the layout and atmosphere of there restaurant because we could just have everyone meet there for dinner. I'd actually prefer to bring in my own silverware because I wanted bamboo for my eco-friendly wedding. I also liked that there rooms were less than $200 a night.


My guy said Compass Point is more expensive than Beach Club. I read some bad reviews on trip advisor. I do love the way the buildings look though.


Thanks for chiming in - it's awesome to have an experienced voice!



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And for my "duh" moment of the day, you could absolutely, easily get 40 people into their garden space too.  It's not ocean view, but it's very pretty. Here is the view from one side of the pool, but there is more space to the left and back of where I am sitting, including a sort of gazebo-ish deck/stage/pergola area:



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Thanks! Your so sweet to post pictures, they have me so excited I can't wait to see it in a few weeks!! So what's the max you think I can fit there? I'm not sure what area I like best, I think the pool area is prettier. I can imagine pretty floating lights in the pool. But I like the seating on the deck. I love the colors they used. I know for sure ceremony at poop deck, the fee is - $250 and I have to rent chairs and chuppah. I want to have apps and cake for everyone and an intimate dinner later for the family so I think moving the party is fine. I want to find out if I can have a dj set up - and if so which spot is better. So when you stayed you were happy with the service? Thanks so so much for answering my questions!!!


Originally Posted by iGotsGills View Post

And for my "duh" moment of the day, you could absolutely, easily get 40 people into their garden space too.  It's not ocean view, but it's very pretty. Here is the view from one side of the pool, but there is more space to the left and back of where I am sitting, including a sort of gazebo-ish deck/stage/pergola area:




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<<So what's the max you think I can fit there?>>

I think you could easily accommodate 120ish there, so there is absolutely no worries at approximately 40.


<< I'm not sure what area I like best, I think the pool area is prettier. I can imagine pretty floating lights in the pool. But I like the seating on the deck.>>

Maybe you could do your dinner on the deck and your party by the pool?  Just a thought.


<<I want to find out if I can have a dj set up - and if so which spot is better.>>

You could definitely have a DJ (at least the space allows for it, and I am sure they will let you do it).  The pool space, I think, would be the better area for it.  The deck/pergola space that I referred to earlier would be a really good spot for a DJ.


<<So when you stayed you were happy with the service?>>

Yes we were happy with the service, it was verrrry laid back and that's what we needed.  The dinner service was pretty slow though, but we were there at a down time of season and they weren't booked to the gills.  I would ask the owners (Chris and Lisa; we dealt with Chris as it appeared Lisa was away) how many staff they would have handling your event, including kitchen/chef staff and waitstaff.  That would make a big difference.


<<Thanks so so much for answering my questions!!!>>

My pleasure!  I'm enjoying it quite a bit... I totally wish I would have done it this way now!


Originally Posted by dominiqueamber View Post

Thanks! Your so sweet to post pictures, they have me so excited I can't wait to see it in a few weeks!! So what's the max you think I can fit there? I'm not sure what area I like best, I think the pool area is prettier. I can imagine pretty floating lights in the pool. But I like the seating on the deck. I love the colors they used. I know for sure ceremony at poop deck, the fee is - $250 and I have to rent chairs and chuppah. I want to have apps and cake for everyone and an intimate dinner later for the family so I think moving the party is fine. I want to find out if I can have a dj set up - and if so which spot is better. So when you stayed you were happy with the service? Thanks so so much for answering my questions!!!




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 My aunt said just have a BBQ on the beach at Sandyport and let everyone play in the beach. My guy loved this idea but I was envisioning something a bit more elegant.


Your a freakin genius with the party in two places thing! I found out talking to DJ Jose last night that unless we book all the rooms guests will complain about the noise. I'm just waiting on the travel agents to get back to me so I can move forward. I'm getting anxious. I'm sad we didn't get a chance to "internet meet" before your wedding.


Originally Posted by iGotsGills View Post

<<So what's the max you think I can fit there?>>

I think you could easily accommodate 120ish there, so there is absolutely no worries at approximately 40.


<< I'm not sure what area I like best, I think the pool area is prettier. I can imagine pretty floating lights in the pool. But I like the seating on the deck.>>

Maybe you could do your dinner on the deck and your party by the pool?  Just a thought.


<<I want to find out if I can have a dj set up - and if so which spot is better.>>

You could definitely have a DJ (at least the space allows for it, and I am sure they will let you do it).  The pool space, I think, would be the better area for it.  The deck/pergola space that I referred to earlier would be a really good spot for a DJ.


<<So when you stayed you were happy with the service?>>

Yes we were happy with the service, it was verrrry laid back and that's what we needed.  The dinner service was pretty slow though, but we were there at a down time of season and they weren't booked to the gills.  I would ask the owners (Chris and Lisa; we dealt with Chris as it appeared Lisa was away) how many staff they would have handling your event, including kitchen/chef staff and waitstaff.  That would make a big difference.


<<Thanks so so much for answering my questions!!!>>

My pleasure!  I'm enjoying it quite a bit... I totally wish I would have done it this way now!




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<< I found out talking to DJ Jose last night that unless we book all the rooms guests will complain about the noise.>>

Yeah, that's probably a true statement since most people go to B&Bs for R&R.  But the good news is: it's not that many rooms, so it's less of a hassle to do that :)


<<I'm sad we didn't get a chance to "internet meet" before your wedding.>>

I know, me too!  I feel like mine would have turned out completely differently, in a good way :)  I seriously can't wait to see what happens with yours :)


Originally Posted by dominiqueamber View Post

 My aunt said just have a BBQ on the beach at Sandyport and let everyone play in the beach. My guy loved this idea but I was envisioning something a bit more elegant.


Your a freakin genius with the party in two places thing! I found out talking to DJ Jose last night that unless we book all the rooms guests will complain about the noise. I'm just waiting on the travel agents to get back to me so I can move forward. I'm getting anxious. I'm sad we didn't get a chance to "internet meet" before your wedding.




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Thanks - I'm sure your wedding was great (despite the hiccups) and could have only been a teensy better :) I emailed Stone's Throw again and I also emailed Compass Point today see what their options are.


Did you use a travel agent? I was against them till I felt I had too much on my plate and I read really great things about Beach Bum Vacations..I contacted them last week and Monday and I'm getting anxious because they havn't started working on my wedding yet. They keep asking for an interview after I emailed all the necessary information to two ladies. Were supposed to talk on the phone tommorow afternoon so I'm remaining positive it will all work out. I'm antsy because I want to start working on a passport with travel information and if I order from VistaPrint I don't want to pay for rush shipping.


Originally Posted by iGotsGills View Post

<< I found out talking to DJ Jose last night that unless we book all the rooms guests will complain about the noise.>>

Yeah, that's probably a true statement since most people go to B&Bs for R&R.  But the good news is: it's not that many rooms, so it's less of a hassle to do that :)


<<I'm sad we didn't get a chance to "internet meet" before your wedding.>>

I know, me too!  I feel like mine would have turned out completely differently, in a good way :)  I seriously can't wait to see what happens with yours :)




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<<Did you use a travel agent?>>

I did not.  I think this would have been a good idea; it was a real hassle to deal with the hotel in making sure that my guests were getting the best rates, as there was always some new deal coming out that eventually dipped BELOW the rates they promised us.  I think a travel agent would have been really helpful.  That may have also been a good way to get a handle on airfare; I just kind of left everyone to their own devices as we had people coming in from all over the world.  Maybe that was rude of me :)



<< if I order from VistaPrint I don't want to pay for rush shipping>>

Haha!  I did all of my invites and announcements from VistaPrint too!  They came out awesome.




<<I'm sure your wedding was great (despite the hiccups) and could have only been a teensy better :)>>

It had its moments.  I have a lot of great memories from my wedding, but it was definitely not the best day of my life.  I'm coming to peace with that, a little more every day.  :)

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I had a skype meeting yesterday and it went well. She was very nice but I felt she wanted me to change my mind about everything! She had good points but I feel she's going to let me have my way which is good. She said the cruise sheip is a bad idea because if the weather is bad they will reroute and I get that but it's not hurricane season. She said she wasn't comfortable with the resorts I selected because she hasn't used them before but was glad i'm going to visit everything one more time in a couple weeks. She didn't like the idea I was giving guests two hotel choices, but I want them to decide if they want a budget hotel or a nicer one. She had other concerns which were all valid but when I make up my mind it's set :)  She told me not to worry about the std's because they send you a pdf one with all the informationa bout the resort, the island, and everything they need to know. Which sucks cause I spent a lot of time pulling this research together but I told her I plan to copy and paste it on to my passport style info booklet. She said they don't do flights if everyone is comming from different places but if guests want to book with her they can - but the prices won't really be cheaper than what they could book online. She promised I would have information by the end of next week so all I can do is wait. Patiently :)


Did you post your stationary on here? I wanna see!


No day is perfect! You married your love so it was amazing! My mom got married friday and a few things went wrong (like despite my strong efforts she didn't inform everyone they couldn't park at the hotel and had to park a block down and pay $5 so when they announced cars were being towed most people left and didn't come back- before we got through dinner) and I told everyone if something like that happens on my day I will be pissed and I will not get over it! So I understand how you feel :)



Originally Posted by iGotsGills View Post

<<Did you use a travel agent?>>

I did not.  I think this would have been a good idea; it was a real hassle to deal with the hotel in making sure that my guests were getting the best rates, as there was always some new deal coming out that eventually dipped BELOW the rates they promised us.  I think a travel agent would have been really helpful.  That may have also been a good way to get a handle on airfare; I just kind of left everyone to their own devices as we had people coming in from all over the world.  Maybe that was rude of me :)



<< if I order from VistaPrint I don't want to pay for rush shipping>>

Haha!  I did all of my invites and announcements from VistaPrint too!  They came out awesome.




<<I'm sure your wedding was great (despite the hiccups) and could have only been a teensy better :)>>

It had its moments.  I have a lot of great memories from my wedding, but it was definitely not the best day of my life.  I'm coming to peace with that, a little more every day.  :)


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