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I received a beautiful album for a wedding gift so I plan on putting the all of my proofs in there. (and I ordered another 100 pics to add to the album that Juan didn't include in the prints he sent me)


So right now, I have a scrapbook of all our non-pro pictures, a photobook (aka coffee table book) of our cabo vacation picture, and a photo album with all the proofs +100 extra. What I'm trying to figure out is if I should still make a coffee table book of our wedding pictures. I was thinking of maybe just the ones of just Cain and I, but I'm not sure if it's really needed Ya know. SO I wanted your thoughts & suggestions.

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Well would the second coffee table book pictures be different from the proof album?


I went a little photo album crazy and have three different photo albums of wedding/vacation stuff. I actually had a couple more lined up, but then I thought about it and realized I didn't need a zillion different wedding/honeymoon photo albums.


Is it needed? No. Is it fun to do? Yes. You just have to decide if it's worth it to you. Honestly, I have shown everyone I know the albums and unless we make new friends, they are just going to collect dust for awhile. But on the other hand, if you plan on having a couple of kids, it'll be nice because one day you can pass the photo albums on to each of them.

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Why not wait a little while. Do not rush and decide now, you have the rest of your lives to decide if you need it or not. Think on it and maybe in a year from now you will decide you want to do it. I say don't spend the money doing it now if you are not positive you want it and will look at it. Does that make sense? If in a few months you decide you really want it, then do it then.

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What's really hard is that I knew I always wanted one.. Well after I seen the first one posted on here. But then I got that album for a wedding gift, which I love and knew I wanted to use it. BUT I already have a scrapbook album & then a proof album.. So I do agree what's the point of 2, ok 3 wedding books.. Ugh it's just so hard, the coffee table books are so impressive and beautiful..

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